GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Big Mod
i'm surprised they haven't yet insinuated that the war of the five kings was George Bush's fault.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I paused on Sansa right before Joff drank and I'm pretty sure all the stones are on her necklace. Margary does take the cup and set it right in front of Olenna before he goes to cut the pie though.

EDIT: I am wrong, the stone is missing right after she talks to Olenna like Grimm's picture shows. Her braid is over the missing stone for the rest of the episode.


Registered Hodor
Apparently Gleeson says he's retiring from acting after this.
I hope not. I know everyone hates him as little faggot Joffrey but that's the point - dude is awesome at playing a villain. He's got a solid career ahead of him playing the bad guy in movies/tv shows if he wants to.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Joffrey had to die sometime as he was pretty much a one dimensional antagonist. Not quite what the shock of last season, but still satisfying. Got a good chuckle when Jaime got owned by loras.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
BTW I loved the scene with Jamie and Loras where Jamie said "You will never marry Cersei" and Loras comes back with "And neither will you".


The Big Mod
I hope not. I know everyone hates him as little faggot Joffrey but that's the point - dude is awesome at playing a villain. He's got a solid career ahead of him playing the bad guy in movies/tv shows if he wants to.
there arent many roles that call for a 13 year old tyrant.


Toe Sucker
Theon didn't look cowed enough. I was thinking he shouldn't be recognizable. As it is, he looks practically untouched. Reading about the wedding was a lot easier than watching it, very cringe worthy.
Realistically not many actors are going to go into that ridiculous of a change for a role... matthew mcconaughey went full wtf for dallas buyers club not many others will lol

Gleeson already said he just wants to go back to theatre or something, which is fine. It's not like he's remotely washed up and wants to retire because of that.. I respect pursuing your passion, so good on him.


Molten Core Raider
Assuming he really wants to act, he needs to retire for a few years no matter what. No one has owned a role like this in a long time. And it's going to take a long time to forget who he is.


I like how they set up multiple characters in the wedding with motives to kill him.

It's like the Clue version of GOT.

As good as the twists are so far. I've only really enjoyed the Hound section of last episode.
Hopefully they are setting us up for a big payoff later.

I still think the first season was by far the best.








Vyemm Raider
Seems to me it was either the Tyrells or that foreign dude that hates the Lannisters. Also, I would guess that it was the pie, not the wine, based on Douchefrey's discomfort right after taking a few bites.


Millie's Staff Member
great episode. really not much else to say, the way Olenna palmed that stone was so fucking subtle, one of my friends already called me up asking how Joffrey died because he knows i read the books. i just told him, everything he needs to know about it is right there. hah, this is going to be a fun season. im curious if Bron will be the one who sells Tyrion out or will it be Varys who had Shae taken to Cersei. she was happy as fuck. i might need to rewatch that episode to see whom she was talking to. 2 mysteries for non book readers to enjoy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, she was pretty happy with herself after her clumsy as fuck sabotaging of Margaery's charity plan.

One of the biggest changes at the feast was that Tyrion wasn't completely shitfaced. Which I guess was a decision to show that it really is just his mouth and not the booze that made him fuck up.

Also loved Bronn's line, "Drink until it feels like you did the right thing."


Ssraeszha Raider
Where can I donate to the Jack Gleeson Appreciation Fund? Name a character you hated more than Joffrey. You can't.

Dude is an incredible actor.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Ahh what an episode.

Getting rid of Joffrey it feels good. Kinda like the good feeling inside after pushing out a huge dump.

I was watching and kept feeling that the wedding scene was going on quite long. So was thinking that something was going to happen.

Hey thinking back, who was it that comforted Sansa about Rob's death and said it was so wrong to kill a man at a Wedding?? Also I'm leaning towards the pie being the 'vessel' as it looked like there was a thing (some tradition) where the bride feeds her new husband the first few bites.

p.s. Oh and shit also another thing about the episode, I'd never let a man I tortured shave me with a straight razor!! Crazy bastard indeed.

Ko Dokomo_sl

I guess GRRM confirms that Shae was willingly shacking up with Tywin in this episode. If his orders were followed and she was brought to the Tower of the Hand that night, they were going at it for a while. Do as I say, not as I do eh?


I know that the people who have read the books are giggling at our "confusion" now but I feel sorry forthem. They can only sit back and critique the show based on the interpretation in their head. Which, while overly detailed is still only catalyst for confusion astheywatch the show.

While the amount of enjoyment must be massive having completed the books I still am extremely happy I did not read them. Each episode makes me salivate at the opportunity to delve into the books once GRRM has "completed" his story.

They can never enjoy the tv show the way we can, it's called jealousy.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
p.s. Oh and shit also another thing about the episode, I'd never let a man I tortured shave me with a straight razor!! Crazy bastard indeed.
He did that to demonstrate to his dad that he had completely broken Theon. Even when Theon found out the Boltons murdered Robb, he was so completely broken that he couldn't even break past his fear to kill him in revenge.