GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So was it 100% Rape? Or was it forcing a woman to have sex when she didn't want it?


Potato del Grande
Reading the wiki, Pycelle mentions Window's Blood being stolen.

I'd think Oberyn would have his own stocks so maybe someone else did it. Like Cersei or Varys.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah I think its been pretty well established in this show that this isn't the kind of world where women really get a choice if they get fucked or not. I saw this more as Cersei holding out sex against Jamie as a power play and Jaimie just finally having enough of it. It wasn't like Cersei wasn't ever going to fuck him again.

That part wasn't what felt awkward about it, what felt awkward was that Jaimie decided to do it right in front of his dead son. That was a weird time to get the urge to lay that pipe.
Well she basically tells him she has moved on earlier and then says "oh but if you murder our brother then who knows" and he had had enough bullshit.


Log Wizard
*shrug* it's basically a given, to me. idk maybe i'm remembering wrong but I could of sworn that grrm confirmed that oberyn had poisoned tywin and he was going to die anyway.

Of the mountain of foreshadowing, references, and coincidences that support oberyn poisoned him the clearest to me is that tyrion knew he would be on the shitter.

It's like TV. Nobody uses the bathroom in movies/TV unless it serves a purpose or furthers the plot. It can be used to show how nonchalant someone is by having them whipping it out and pissing in front of someone. It can be used to show someone is drunk pissing in their closet, etc, etc. It happens most often in comedies cus dick/fart/shit jokes are funny. But just random hero of the story taking a dump and that dump having no impact on the story? It doesn't happen. He wouldn't write paragraph after paragraph about how frequently Tywin is seen heading off to the shitter or how long he was spending in there, cus who wants to read about that. But he can insinuate that's what's going on by tyrion's thoughts, knowing he'd find his father sitting on the shitter. Some people think "oh he just had sex with Shae of course he's in the bathroom", idk about you but I usually have to piss after fucking, not sit on the shitter long enough for the girl i was with to pass out.

Also grrm mentions all these exotic poison's he's invented for a reason. He describes what they do and their effects so that the reader can recognize what poison was used to the characters he kills with it. Tears of lys on Jon Arryn, The Strangler on Joffrey, Widow's blood on Tywin.

Even with all the care that was taken with his body it still rotted and festered unnaturally, creating a gagging stench, etc. He was clearly poisoned. The evidence that Oberyn is the one who did it is pretty solid as well.
Could be poisoned by Oberyn, or could just be heavy symbolism. The fact he was on the shitter could just be a reference to everyone saying he shit's gold as even Tyrion remarks after killing him. The smell from the corpse could just be some sort of metaphor for his aura of general sourness. I mean GRRM even made the man who never smiled finally smile on his deathbed.

Personally I don't believe one more than the other.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
With fiction there's no real value in choosing one theory over another. You can just look at what the author did to suggest one possible reason or action.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Who gives a fuck since even if it is true it's doubtful someone like Doran was involved as well and it was preempted by Tyrion anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
+1 on Yara, she's very charming with an infectious laugh. Here she is talking about Theon's dick in a box from last season. No spoilers, although I'd advise you don't read the youtube comments on anything GoT related.



Blackwing Lair Raider
They never really delved into Tyrion and Tysha's backstory and how that played into the divide between Tyrion and his father, other than a few side comments. So will be interesting to see how they explain Tyron's rage during the big reveal from Jaime.

Also the show never really gets into Tywin's wife and how he adored her, and how devoted he was to her. It is implied in the books that Tywin was deeply affected by his wife's loss, which is also part of his resentment towards Tyrion. Not sure if this was ever exposed in the show