GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Golden Baronet of the Realm
They should have GRRM play the mountain in a sort of a Stan Lee type of deal. You raped her, you murdered her, you took a dozen fucking years to finally reveal that you didn't kill her children!


Molten Core Raider
It's always reminded me of this scene (20 seconds in, not the first one). But he doesn't get his head squashed.



Ssraeszha Raider
Watching the last episode again. Not sure the one guy's plan to bite the Hound to death was sufficiently thought through.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
A few maesters have valyrian steel links, none of them have entire chains.
Sorry for being lazy with my words, that's what I meant. For the uninitiated, maesters have many diffeent links in their chain based on what knowledge they've studied. It's like a boy scout's merit badges. I've always thought it was a dumb but interesting idea. Those chains would have to be heavier than Mr. T's necklace and maesters with the most are old as hell.

chain types:
Black iron (Ravenry)
Bronze (Astronomy)
Copper (History)
Yellow Gold (Economics)
Iron (Warcraft)
Pale steel (Smithing)
Red gold
Silver (Medicine and healing)
Valyrian steel (Magic and the occult) - Only one in one hundred holds a link of Valyrian steel; the study of magic is looked down upon by most Maesters.[8]



Vyemm Raider
A thinner sword would break if the force of a larger weapon were to strike it. When they're thin like that, they don't have the tensile strength to survive a huge hit They would crack in half/shatter. They would bend/deform if they were just regular metal, but hardened sword steel is closer to a diamond than standard metal.

I say this as someone that works with metal 5 days a week.
Contrary to what you see on tv and in movies, swordfighting isn't actually about striking the other guy's sword repeatedly. And if you use a lighter/weaker weapon, your training usually includes how to block/parry in ways that won't leave you with a broken weapon.


Toe Sucker
So.. this didn't click at all to me because i don't see why they changed that.. but the biter was the one that bit the hound... thus the biter now cannot eat Briennes face.
I'm pretty fucking disappointed about that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So.. this didn't click at all to me because i don't see why they changed that.. but the biter was the one that bit the hound... thus the biter now cannot eat Briennes face.
I'm pretty fucking disappointed about that.

I'm good with Biter causing the Hound to die instead of the Inn fight. Will be simple to have Brienne fight some other random goons and have Gendry show up. And they were never going to mangle her face as badly as Biter does in the book anyways.
It's really not important that Biter is the one that attacks her. And, again, they were never going to maim her as bad as in the book. Look at Tyrion's face, or Shireen's.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
I was thinking today:

I was wondering how much of Littlefinger's overall plan would be relying on Tyrion being killed for the Joffery murder. Likely through a witch-hunt style trial and quickly executed, there's other ways. A quick attack by a King's guard on the day, angry Cersei, whatever.

Just wondering if all that was a part of his plan.

Because the way I see it, is that Littlefinger wants Sansa Stark for 2 reason's 1) He'd been obsessed with Lady Stark forever and getting to bone her daugther is the next best thing. 2) He's positioned himself now to be a strong force in the North. He would now be Lord of ( is it house Tully? anyway the realm that crazy woman had would now be his, or easy for him to get control of in whatever way ). SO if he were to marry Sansa ( as she is the only known heir to Winterfell) THEN Littlefinger's influence would be over a massive amount of the North. And as he has pretty much said, he is after the main goal of the Big seat in King's landing. Having the combined strength of the North, plus being on good terms with the Lannisters, while at the same time being sneaky as all hell and able to strike at a moment of weakness. That would all be part of a pretty good plan.

But if Tyrion gets through the next few weeks and is still alive then Littlefinger can't marry Sansa.

Or if Tyrion being killed etc wasn't part of the plan and would be a happy turn of events for him.

Anyway that's what I was thinking.


Buzzfeed Editor
Lyssa was married into House Arryn, but comes from House Tully originally. Jon Arryn was her husband, the guy whose death kicked off all of this mess in the first episode.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I liked the previous Mountain better. The new guy is big and all, but lacks character. He doesn't look badguy, and the random having him squash homeless people to show us he is bad didn't work for me.

After the show revealed that Lord Baelish was the cause of the poison and entire reason Edd became Hand of the King, it makes me want to rewatch season 1's Baelish scenes. I wonder if there is a Youtube compilation already made..


Blackwing Lair Raider
After the show revealed Baelish was the poisoner of John Aryn and not the Lannisters, I've been wanting to rewatch season 1 to see Baelish's interactions with Edd Stark, whom replaced john Aryn's position as Hand of the King.


Musty Nester
Contrary to what you see on tv and in movies, swordfighting isn't actually about striking the other guy's sword repeatedly. And if you use a lighter/weaker weapon, your training usually includes how to block/parry in ways that won't leave you with a broken weapon.
It seems like the point would be to poke the other guy, not to poke his sword.

Which I've always wondered about old celtic swords. They're not taper pointed. They're slightly curved but weren't used from horseback. Vaguely sickle-ish.

I wonder if they were multi purpose tools also used in agricultural tasks. Where as the roman swords were forged for killing.

The Ancient_sl

Sorry for being lazy with my words, that's what I meant. For the uninitiated, maesters have many diffeent links in their chain based on what knowledge they've studied. It's like a boy scout's merit badges. I've always thought it was a dumb but interesting idea. Those chains would have to be heavier than Mr. T's necklace and makes ters with the most are old as hell.

chain types:
Black iron (Ravenry)
Bronze (Astronomy)
Copper (History)
Yellow Gold (Economics)
Iron (Warcraft)
Pale steel (Smithing)
Red gold
Silver (Medicine and healing)
Valyrian steel (Magic and the occult) - Only one in one hundred holds a link of Valyrian steel; the study of magic is looked down upon by most Maesters.[8]

Reported for book spoilers