GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


tour de salt
The map shows 9 regions in Westeros; The North, Iron Islands, Riverlands, Vale, The Westerlands, Crownlands, The Reach, Stormlands, Dorne - seven of which, The North, Iron Islands, the Vale, The Westerlands, The Reach, the Stormlands and Dorne were independent kingdoms when Aegon came. I'm guessing the 8th is the Crownlands - Kings Landing and Dragonstone, or what Aegon declared as his own kingdom originally.


Golden Knight of the Realm
From her twitter (@AnneGroell)

Anne Groell @AnneGroell ? Jun 4
W7K, 6: Here endeth the history lesson. And yes, I now know more about the history of Westeros than that of my own country/world. #ASOIAF

Anne Groell @AnneGroell ? Jun 4
W7K, 5: When Dorne finally entered the realm under Daeron II, there were suddenly 8 kingdoms. Everyone quietly ignored this.

Anne Groell @AnneGroell ? Jun 4
W7K, 4: This was some nice political theater on Aegon's part. He might not have Dorne, but he still had 7.

Anne Groell @AnneGroell ? Jun 4
W7K, 3: When Aegon could not conquer Dorne, he created seven kingdoms anyway by splitting the Iron Islands and the Riverlands back apart.

Anne Groell @AnneGroell ? Jun 4
W7K, 2: When Aegon conquered Westeros, there were only 7 kingdoms, as Harren the Black held both the Iron Islands and the Riverlands.

Anne Groell @AnneGroell ? Jun 4
Why 7 Kingdoms, 1: The septons and the Faith are extremely attached to that number. 7 gods + 7 kingdoms=pleasing symmetry. #ASOIAF


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Editor wants more books because money. That and GRRM's reply denoting he could wrap it up in fewer means tons o' filler. If next season skips most of the main book 4 and 5 storylines, that all but confirms they are just filler with no real impact on the "end".


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Something tells me he is writing 6 and 7 at the same time. Perfect timing would be to release the 6th book right after the season 5 finale.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If I had a fantasy/sci-fi resurrection card for every time someone said "something tells me"...


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's why I won't start the books until the last one is due to be out later that year. This way I don't have such a stupidly long wait for the goods.
This is something we've discussed in the spoiler thread recently. More than likely, we're looking at a situation where the show concludes the story before the books (if the books even get finished). The odds are that the show goes for 7 seasons, maybe 8. That's 3 or 4 years for him to pump out however many remaining books there are. And we all know that's not happening.

The big question will be does the show end up with a different storyline when they run out of book material? Or even better, is GRRM counting on the show writers to essentially finish his story for him, and then he writes the books with more detail or whatever.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wonder if HBO is lighting a fire under R.Rs ass to get these fucking books done. Wasn't the last one like 6 yrs or something to write? Totally unacceptable!
Doubt it. He already gave them spoilerz on how it ends. If anything, it's the other way around.


Buzzfeed Editor
Only a few more days to go, then we have to wait for 10 1/2 more months. Not fun. I'm looking forward to Sunday though.


Trump's Staff
The big question will be does the show end up with a different storyline when they run out of book material? Or even better, is GRRM counting on the show writers to essentially finish his story for him, and then he writes the books with more detail or whatever.
That's kind of a dumb question because GRRM has already told the show producers how the story ends.


<Bronze Donator>
LS Stark revenge???
Against who, Brienne of fucking Tarth? her loyal servant? Against Jaime Lannister, a knight who kept his word to Catelyn? ya maybe in book 1 you'd want revenge against jaime but the last thing the reader wants is for that revenge, it ruins his book arc.

The only purpose LS serves is getting her head chopped off by Brienne and Jaime when they come back, and the emotional release of seeing the good guys end the evil that had taken hold over cat's dead body and the BwoB.


Murder Apologist
That's the team baelish ending sure. I always thought that the only reason Stoneheart got written in was to set up the most narrative-consistent and rewarding ending for Littlefinger as possible. In fact, the show has done much more to telegraph Littlefinger's obsession with Cat than the book did.

It's kinda hard to top Frey Pies, so he must've been working on zombiecat eating her childhood groupie for a while.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's kind of a dumb question because GRRM has already told the show producers how the story ends.
Right, he gave them an outline. But they'll end up having to fill in the actual story. If he had more than an outline, we'd have a book by now. It's possible that the two diverge at some point if he decides not to basically just write a narrative that follows what the script writers do.