GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Toe Sucker
I think sansa can warg, no reason to think otherwise unless there is some lame theory that she is secretly the daughter of littlefinger or somebody other than ned


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
2. What the hell was the point of the convoluted necklace murder that now implicates Sansa in the murder? It makes no sense to do that if littlefinger wants to be with Sansa.
Sansa being wanted for murder also makes her very attached to him because most people would freely give her up to the Lannisters.


Sansa being wanted for murder also makes her very attached to him because most people would freely give her up to the Lannisters.
That's the way I saw it too. It gives Littlefinger a ton of leverage, because he purposely tossed the necklace in the boat knowing it would be found.


Trump's Staff
"I don't know if I want to get into genetics - this is fantasy, not scifi. I don't think this is necessarily a 'Stark' ability,though all the children have it to one extent or another."

-George RR Martin

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
As for the "Drogon roasts the Eyrie" theory, I believe in the books that the Eyrie is abandoned for the winter since it's such high elevation and it's too hard to resupply in the ice and snow. So Littlefinger will have to be roasted at another location assuming that's how it goes down.

Hmm, how would Littlefinger bite it in the end? He might fuck up and visit Harrenhal, which is certain death for just about everyone so far. Maybe someone captures him and ships him to Varys in a box?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I want to see Littlefinger seated on the Iron Throne in a moment of triumph, just before Drogon rips the roof off, snatches him and eats him.

Possibly a little too cartoony, but the dude is pretty much a cartoon villain anyway.


<WoW Guild Officer>
As for the "Drogon roasts the Eyrie" theory, I believe in the books that the Eyrie is abandoned for the winter since it's such high elevation and it's too hard to resupply in the ice and snow. So Littlefinger will have to be roasted at another location assuming that's how it goes down.

Hmm, how would Littlefinger bite it in the end? He might fuck up and visit Harrenhal, which is certain death for just about everyone so far. Maybe someone captures him and ships him to Varys in a box?
Roose was/is fine...

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
1. In a previous episode, where tommen is being crowned there was a scene with Cersei and Margery in the corner where Margery flagrantly thought about what Cersei should be called after (Sister, mother?). Is this a way to portray that Margery gives zero fucks any more and is no longer afraid of her?
Also this stood out to me too, because the two of them had been in a very similar type of conversation just a few episodes earlier and Cersei had replied with a negative remark and implied violence.

I figured that the second time was Margery 'testing the waters' again. I can't remember any real breaking of the tension between them.


Musty Nester
Sansa being wanted for murder also makes her very attached to him because most people would freely give her up to the Lannisters.
So what you're saying is that it's the implication?

Littlefinger has perfected D.E.N.N.I.S.

Edit: Margery is still afraid of Cersi, but if you remember Nana told her before she left for back home that if Margery wanted to live she either needed to kiss Cersi's ass or get rid of her. Margery is playing the deepest of woman games.


<Bronze Donator>
From aninterviewfrom earlier this year with Alex Graves, one of the director's on Game of Thrones:

you directed the eighth episode and the tenth episode of the season, are those done or are you still putting finishing touches in?

GRAVES: The visual effects aren't done.

So basically it's just a question of dropping in the VFX, but everything else is done?

GRAVES: Yeah, and the visual effects are laid out, storyboarded. It's just the finessing that will go on probably until the week before they air.

Yeah, I saw the first three episodes before the season started and it says, "not final VFX" and I could tell that they weren't final, but it was good enough to enjoy and still get it.

GRAVES: Yeah see, I have this theory that the visual effects are finished like Saturday night before the show airs.

[Laughs] You'd think it would be done weeks in advance, but every production is the same, you work it until you have it taken away from you.

GRAVES: Yeah, there's a battle in the tenth episode that is so VFX heavy and so complex, even on a feature level, that won't be done until June right before it airs.
Obviously referring to the battle at the Wall (ep 9 was the skirmish at Castle Black) but what do you think is going to be so VFX heavy? The thing about filming mounted combat on horseback is, you can't really do it indoors or in front of a green screen because horses end up trampling your set pieces, you must film outdoors. And from the preview trailer for ep 10 we're definitely getting stannis the mannis leading 4k knights cutting a swath through and routing the wildling army.

I wonder what VFX surprises he's referring to, that's taking so long to finish? Dany chaining the dragons I wouldn't refer to as a "battle." Maybe he's talking about bran and co vs wights at the cave entrance, and the children to the rescue? that's kind of a battle, I suppose, and would be quite VFX heavy.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I doubt it. All they will have time for is resolving the Hound storyline and her getting on a boat.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"I don't know if I want to get into genetics - this is fantasy, not scifi. I don't think this is necessarily a 'Stark' ability,though all the children have it to one extent or another."

-George RR Martin
Yeah, my personal theory with Sansa was that the Hound would eventually come to serve as a replacement for her direwolf. Not sure how that would happen now though, all things considered.


Obviously referring to the battle at the Wall (ep 9 was the skirmish at Castle Black) but what do you think is going to be so VFX heavy? The thing about filming mounted combat on horseback is, you can't really do it indoors or in front of a green screen because horses end up trampling your set pieces, you must film outdoors. And from the preview trailer for ep 10 we're definitely getting stannis the mannis leading 4k knights cutting a swath through and routing the wildling army.

I wonder what VFX surprises he's referring to, that's taking so long to finish? Dany chaining the dragons I wouldn't refer to as a "battle." Maybe he's talking about bran and co vs wights at the cave entrance, and the children to the rescue? that's kind of a battle, I suppose, and would be quite VFX heavy.
I think thousands of mounted knights crashing into a hundred thousand men and giants will be what he is talking about. Probably going to be some shots from the wall showing it happen and then like someone else said its hard to green screen a horse fight so they will have to do it outside which probably makes it harder


Registered Hutt
Excellent time for a monty python reference. Mance should inform Jon that they've come in search of the holy grail.


Potato del Grande
So do we think that Brienne is going to "kill" The Hound in combat or have a nice chat with them and be totally unaware that the other sister is standing next to him?