GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
I don't see where you get that at all.

I mean, she's still a psycho bitch but the rest of it I don't agree with.
really? when robert barratheon was alive and kicking did cersei have more power than she does now? with joffrey king, she had more power even though joffrey was a psychopath, she still had more influence. now that tommen is king she is basically the ruler and she wont let anyone get in between that, not tywin or maergery. i also think she fucked with jaime because she did not want him inheriting casterly rock, she ruined him, she probably did her best to make everyone including tywin to hate tyrion as well.


Tranny Chaser
Well she posted pictures gouging out Pedro's eyeballs with her thumbs long before that happened too. It was a reasonable suspicion.
Completely irrelevant.

That's how he dies in the books, it's not like the showrunners would decide to change how he dies e.g Gregor decapitating him or decide to keep him alive. He was always going to die in that fashion, and a picture of Headey with her fingers in his eyes is hardly a spoiler

There was no mention of the actress being around for this season, no mention of LSH from any official sources - if you really think they would allow a cast member to confirm it, then you're morons. I also presume that the cast have confidentiality clauses in their contracts to prevent any spoilers being leaked. Headey could easily have downplayed it as a reference to her own emotional state if questioned. As it stands, it was just one big troll on the gullible

Lena Headey with a not so subtle message about her LSH picture on Kimmel (No Spoilers) : asoiaf


Mods you are letting a lot of shit go in this thread again. If someone reads an article on the show it should not be posted here, and you should not be discussing it,

We have 2 other fucking threads for that...

That should be a rule with no exceptions.


Musty Nester
Cersi is just cray-cray. She genuinely does love her children, but it's so twisted and fucked up and it's all wrapped up in her brother, her father, her spite, and her proto-feminism. Her love is twisted and fucked up because she is twisted and fucked up.

Incest: Not even once.


Musty Nester
Cersi is just cray-cray. She genuinely does love her children, but it's so twisted and fucked up and it's all wrapped up in her brother, her father, her spite, and her proto-feminism. Her love is twisted and fucked up because she is twisted and fucked up.

Incest: Not even once.


<Silver Donator>
Was disappointed about the Tysha/Shae think, but then I realized probably 10 percent of the non book reading audience remembers wtf Tysha is since her last mention was what ...season 1?


My 7-8 (Foh feast of crows release)year old prediction that the Hound comes back to be the savior of the 7 and whack zombie mountain in kings landing still stands true. I had to hold my breath in case he was finished off.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Since I'm not convinced Brienne goes to the quiet isle anymore in the show, then it makes sense when the director says he thinks the Hound is done, at least for now. I don't think they would bring Rory back in S5 only for a few scenes (where to the audience he's probably not supposed to be recognizable) digging dirt on quiet isle. I would be pretty shocked if they didn't introduce LSH at all though, I would think that would be a major story change.

I now also question if we're going to get White Harbor with Davos (frey pies) since Davos is now with Stannis in the North.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ah yes I remember fire lady giving Jon that look across the fire, yeah my bad that shouldn't have been cut, surely something will come of that.
They could of cut out the little funeral that Jon had for Ygritte or even the conversation he had with Tormund (since it set that scene up).


<Prior Amod>
Mods you are letting a lot of shit go in this thread again. If someone reads an article on the show it should not be posted here, and you should not be discussing it,

We have 2 other fucking threads for that...

That should be a rule with no exceptions.
Sorry for all the pussy shit being allowed, talk to Tuco about it.


FPS noob
Cersi is just cray-cray. She genuinely does love her children, but it's so twisted and fucked up and it's all wrapped up in her brother, her father, her spite, and her proto-feminism. Her love is twisted and fucked up because she is twisted and fucked up.
don't forget that whole seer thing with cersei too, where some witch said a valonkar (?) will kill her and everyone she loves, and her best friend or something who went with her like ... died the next day? I forget what exactly happened, but thats gotta fuck you up.

i love cersei the character and lena headley. as someone said, she is a lot like walter white (wants revenge against the world) but unlike walter white she isn't very bright. Someone who thinks they are a lot smarter than they actually are is a super dangerous combination and history is replete with such people like kim jong il, pol pot, saddam hussein, idi amin, bush, and probably half the royalty in europe.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Since I'm not convinced Brienne goes to the quiet isle anymore in the show, then it makes sense when the director says he thinks the Hound is done, at least for now. I don't think they would bring Rory back in S5 only for a few scenes (where to the audience he's probably not supposed to be recognizable) digging dirt on quiet isle. I would be pretty shocked if they didn't introduce LSH at all though, I would think that would be a major story change.

I now also question if we're going to get White Harbor with Davos (frey pies) since Davos is now with Stannis in the North.
I think the Hound could be alive on the Quiet Isle but... there is nothing more to it. Martin just wrote it in as a redemption story. Everyone gets caught up in the notion that if he's alive it either must be significant or that Sandor will play some major role in the future. I think he won't play any role and it just is what it is, which is perfectly fine to me.

Running Dog_sl

I now also question if we're going to get White Harbor with Davos (frey pies) since Davos is now with Stannis in the North.
Hmm but isn't Davos supposed to go rescue Rickon after White Harbor? He wouldn't have a reason to do that, or know where he was, if he didn't go to the Harbor.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Davos is at the Wall to continue to be the anti-Melisandre. Stannis can easily send him away to White Harbor at any time. He and Sam and Maester Aemon and Gilly will probably all leave together.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Without the Hound I don't see how I can suffer any more of Arya's storyline. She is just as annoying as Sansa before getting visited by Extreme Makeover Vale Edition.

I didn't really care for the high fantasy children of the forest crap with Bran. I prefer the low fantasy setting of King's Landing and the in-fighting and political scheming. The show itself is taking more of a mid/high fantasy turn that I don't really care for in general that started with the Melly crapping out a shadow baby, went to the Walkers, then Lightning Lord getting quickcast rez cast upon him now we have full on animated skeletons battling a 9 year old kawaii Moe character who flings Mario fireballs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is there any way now that Stannis gives Jon the 'Jon Stark' proposal since Jon knows that Bran is alive? (he didn't in the book)


Toe Sucker
Without the Hound I don't see how I can suffer any more of Arya's storyline. She is just as annoying as Sansa before getting visited by Extreme Makeover Vale Edition.

I didn't really care for the high fantasy children of the forest crap with Bran. I prefer the low fantasy setting of King's Landing and the in-fighting and political scheming. The show itself is taking more of a mid/high fantasy turn that I don't really care for in general that started with the Melly crapping out a shadow baby, went to the Walkers, then Lightning Lord getting quickcast rez cast upon himnow we have full on animated skeletons battling a 9 year old kawaii Moe character who flings Mario fireballs.