GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Is there any way now that Stannis gives Jon the 'Jon Stark' proposal since Jon knows that Bran is alive? (he didn't in the book)
Jon is older than Bran (bastard or not) and as far as anyone knows, while Bran was seen alive, heading deep into the north makes it pretty suspect to all them as to whether or not he would survive. Stannis would still make the offer regardless.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They could of cut out the little funeral that Jon had for Ygritte or even the conversation he had with Tormund (since it set that scene up).
I don't understand all the QQ about decisions on what was in/what could be cut. The way I saw it, virtually every scene advanced the characters in some fashion or setup some possible character arcs for the next season. Ygritte was pretty important to Jon and he was important to her (although she had a fucked up way of showing it). It shows some possible mending between Tormund and Jon (Tormund was pissed at him for the betrayal, let us not forget). These seasons aren't have to carry from one season to the next and the best narrative structure for that is to always leave some idea as to where the next season may be going in terms of individual characters or possible plotlines.


Murder Apologist
Kinda wanna marry her now:



A Mod Real Quick
I find it pretty righteous that Lena would wear that shirt. She has always talked about how people give her a ton of shit for her character's actions, to the point where it is scary (much like Skyler in BB). Nice little payback.


Trakanon Raider
so, i'm confused, last season finale had this huge white walker army marching towards the wall... and what's his face tubby McBlack cloak killed one with dragon glass or something while protecting his "woman"
it all ended last year with "Winter is coming" and the white walkers marching....
where the hell did they all go this season? We had the wildlings, we had the giants, we even got some Mario firing at skeletons fireball action, but with all of the walkers marching and there were TONS of them, did they decide to wait it out a bit??
season 2 finale...


A Mod Real Quick
Entertainment Weekly is really going to ruin shit for a lot of people. Not sure who's in charge but should probably watch the links to those articles in the no spoiler thread


FPS noob
that was the season 2 finale, they were marching towards the Fist of the First Men (that big cliff there) which is where Lord Commander Mormont was chilling out with the rest of his little crow expedition, waiting for Halfhand and Jon Snow to return from scouting the Wildling army.

The first episode of season 3 dealt with that, the White Walkers slaughtered the Crows who fled with the survivors to Crasters Keep (the guy who fucks his daughters), where they fought each other, killed Mormont, and Gilly fled with Sam.

After that we don't know what happened with the White Walkers or the zombies, except to see one of them take a baby from Craster and turn it into a White Walker (or something) way up north.

The season 3 finale ended with Dany doing her "I'm White Jesus and The Virgin Mary to these slaves" crowd surfing and Jon Snow reaching Castle Black filled with Ygritte love arrows


Millie's Staff Member
i know you guys love to hate on me, so i wont stop yas, but cersei even said that you play the game of thrones or you die, she uses people as pawns in her game, thats including her own children. look at it this way, with tywin dead, she can tell stannis he can be king if he wants then grab tommen and myrcella and a shitload of gold and run off to braavos to live a quiet life of luxury with her kids, they would be well educated and happier. she doesnt do that, she lost a husband as king, then a son and now she is forcing tommen to take up the role, all because she will not let go of the power. now she is plotting against the woman he is to marry someday just because it may diminish her role. a loving mother would never do these things.


Molten Core Raider
I can only assume that the White Walkers haven't reached the wall yet because maybe their movement is limited by temperature/winter or something? Thus the double meaning of the whole "Winter is Coming" saying. The while walkers must travel like the changing of a season or something, slowly moving with the encroaching cold as it comes down out of the North. I'm assuming they can't just willy-nilly rush down as an army whenever they want, or it would have happened long ago already, but they are slowly getting closer, just like Winter.


Toe Sucker
i know you guys love to hate on me, so i wont stop yas, but cersei even said that you play the game of thrones or you die, she uses people as pawns in her game, thats including her own children. look at it this way, with tywin dead, she can tell stannis he can be king if he wants then grab tommen and myrcella and a shitload of gold and run off to braavos to live a quiet life of luxury with her kids, they would be well educated and happier. she doesnt do that, she lost a husband as king, then a son and now she is forcing tommen to take up the role, all because she will not let go of the power. now she is plotting against the woman he is to marry someday just because it may diminish her role. a loving mother would never do these things.


Trump's Staff
Winter hasn't come yet so the white walkers can't really travel much. Not much else to it. They are waiting for the long night.


Millie's Staff Member
i explained it 3 times if you gentlemen cant see it by now then you never will. and dont throw that maggie the frog shit at me either, cersei just used that in her own mind as an excuse to justify all the selfish shit she is pulling.