GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Irenicus did nothing wrong
She wasn't that bad when she was just exploring, it was cool to have a window into what's going on in the rest of the world, the same way Sansa's chapters give a lot of insight into the drama at court, despite being a shitty character herself. But once she settles down and tries to rule the city full of scumbags and assholes, she just gets annoying. You spend the entire time wishing she'd just take the gold and the army then burn the rest of the place into ground and hurry up moving onto Westeros.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I honestly couldn't get into Malazan. Got half way into the first book and it felt boring and incoherent the entire time. But given how highly people speak of it here I'm thinking about giving it a second chance once I catch up on WOT.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Sounds like you guys have a problem with how fast her story is progressing more than the character.


Millie's Staff Member
how fast her character is progressing? her character is fucking tedious. wah wah wah. my children are starving. wah wah wah. who will be the betrayer??? wah wah wah my children have diseases. wah wah wah. i want daario but i have to marry reznak zo fucksack to keep the peace. wah wah wah oh these tokars are so uncomfortable, but i will wear the floppy ears because my children expect me to. wahwahwah. oh my children want blood and pitfighting. its so cruel. please pass the unborn puppy kabobs please???? and now they moved the other charcters over to her. jesus christ. they should have had her city get owned by the golden company and her nephew aegon bogart those fucking dragons so they could be trained properly and be brought over to westeros to assrape the fucking freys. i hope i never have to read about anything happening in slaver's bay after this book is fnished.


Golden Squire
Never had a problem with Dany until book 5. She was really being built up nicely and starting to make some nice moves by book 3, and then...complete regression.


Golden Squire
Erikson and Martin aren't alike at all. They're basically on opposite ends of the Fantasy spectrum. Unless you want Ned to fight his way back from the Afterlife, gain the ability to morph into a dragon after merging his soul with Aegon the Conqueror and then get into a duel with Cersei, who became R'hllor's avatar on Earth after a complex ritual that saw King's Landing burnt to the ground...then Erikson's your guy.
Erikson and Martin aren't alike at all. They're basically on opposite ends of the Fantasy spectrum. Unless you want Ned to fight his way back from the Afterlife, gain the ability to morph into a dragon after merging his soul with Aegon the Conqueror and then get into a duel with Cersei, who became R'hllor's avatar on Earth after a complex ritual that saw King's Landing burnt to the ground...then Erikson's your guy.
I don't know anything about Erikson's story. Although, I do think most authors are capable of writing more than one type of narrative.

If Erikson already has experience with complex intrigue and general fantasy it would seem to fit somewhat.

Are there any other potential authors who could take over for GRRM?


Golden Squire
Joe Abercrombie could easily do it...

However, Daniel Abraham is probably the guy. He's a Martin apprentice, part of same Santa Fe writer's group, co-wrote Hunter's Run with Martin, and is responsible for scripting the Game of Thrones Comic Book. He also co-writes with Martin's current assistant Ty Franck as James S.A. Corey. If Martin is going to trust his baby to anyone it would be Abraham.
Yeah. I always found her part of the story boring compared to everything else that was going on. She better come back and be the queen of the entire goddamn everything to make up for how slow and tedious her journey has been.


<Bronze Donator>
Dany going through puberty and sitting around is definitely the worst part of the books. More Strong Belwas probably would have saved things for me. The only plus to her whole arc in adwd is that the Barristan chapters are killer.

The Ancient_sl

Malazan thread on FoH was pretty huge, hard to miss it. Erikson's books are very, very good, but you must be prepared to spend a lot of time confused. He writes in a very different way than most people.

Could he handle ASoIaF? Definitely.


Silver Knight of the Realm
She believes that she owes the people something if she's going to rule them, so she wants to learn how to rule before she actually takes her kingdom back. Not a bad plan actually, and a hell of a lot better plan than the current Monarchy of the 7K.

She's probably getting quite a bit of hands on experience here. I mean yea she's fucking it all up and it's boring as shit, but she won't be making the same mistakes when she burns down Casterly Rock and sits on the iron throne, namean?


El Presidente
She believes that she owes the people something if she's going to rule them, so she wants to learn how to rule before she actually takes her kingdom back. Not a bad plan actually, and a hell of a lot better plan than the current Monarchy of the 7K.

She's probably getting quite a bit of hands on experience here. I mean yea she's fucking it all up and it's boring as shit, but she won't be making the same mistakes when she burns down Casterly Rock and sits on the iron throne, namean?
I'm not sure that's the issue people are having so much as half the chapters being about who's cock she wants.


Millie's Staff Member
Dany going through puberty and sitting around is definitely the worst part of the books. More Strong Belwas probably would have saved things for me. The only plus to her whole arc in adwd is that the Barristan chapters are killer.
barristan is a badass. no problems with his POV. in fact if everything related to daenerys was barristan's pov only i wouldnt even be complaining. or at least not as much. barristan is a lot like davos.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Barristan's POV was some of the better chapters in the ADWD. Dany has pretty much always sucked, in my opinion. Getting through her chapters, especially in my re-read, was laborious reading.


The Big Mod
I really feel like the success of Spartacus caused GoT to be a little more raunchy than it would have been otherwise. The over the top Renly/Loras stuff is there because its controversial.
no, it's there because HBO is extremely liberal and has a raging hard on for all that homosexual type shit.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The opposite, I think most people want her to hurry the fuck up and move on to something interesting.
That's what I meant. I guess I should have said "the pace at which her story is progressing" instead of "how fast".

I can understand being impatient, but if she is going to credibly invade Westeros and have a chance at taking over she has to get some experience at some point. A 15 year old riding in on a dragon and becoming a great leader just isn't credible.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, Dany chapters have always been boring--people just didn't realize it because every once in a while, one of her chapters will have an "holy shit that was fucking awesome" moment and will make you think it was worthwhile reading it. Like when her dragons were born and ended GoT with an epic final line, after feeling like shit when Ned died, it was really memorable. Or anything Drogo did. Or when Strong Belwas took a shit on that guy? You know, really fucking awesome moments that made up for the teenage angst and general uselessness of the chapters.

The problem is, the moment she stopped and stabilized in one place, the epic culminations of her character were replaced with dry, political machinations. I know the whole book is full of thesebutwhen you have political maneuvering in the 7 kingdoms, even if the dialogue/movement is just as dry, you actually fucking care--because it strikes you that what the Lannisters are doing will Kill some Starks or just how many people Little-finger has betrayed--and youknowall these characters intimately, so the consequence of all this matters. However, When Cocksos tosses on a goat's mask, and teams up with 2 people in bird masks to go kill fuckingguywe'veneverheardof it's justboring. There is absolutely no consequence for the reader EXCEPT the consequence Martin explains in a bit of exposition.

And that's the trap he's falling into, the classic "Telling, not *showing*". When Tywin's plot to kill Rob is revealed, he doesn't NEED to explain why that's huge. We KNOW because we've seen all the happenings around those characters. But when Camel-Mask guy killed some Slave-Leader idiot, Martin needs to stop and say "And with him dead, X,Y,Z,will happen! And that will be good or bad!" A good story doesn't evenneedto tell you consequence, it's should be a pretty visceral, organic thing that just happens. Now a story can EXPLAIN the whole arcane plan, like Martin did with Tywin's Red Wedding, but we already knew the whole of the effects of Tywin's plan before we saw the detail of it, Martin didn't need to stop and explain why it was important for Tywin to do what he did, or how it impacted everyone.

And that's why Dany's chapters blow. Because no one she kills matters. It's just some fucking name, that was said to be important by another person who we don't care about. The sooner she gets back to the 7 kingdoms and starts killing people there, the better.