GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah show Tommen has like 10 years on book Tommen. Book Tommen never even married Marge did he? Just had late night encounters to play with her cats and not the fun type of cat.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, show Margaery also has a few years on book Margaery. They are 7 and 14 respectively at the beginning of the series. I believe they are only betrothed in the books, since Tommen is too young to consummate the marriage.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well in the books, before Varys kills him Kevan Lannister (the new regent and Lancel's father) visits Cersei in her cell and basically tells her she's through in King's Landing even if she weasels her way out of the charges.
Yeah, Varys needs Cersei in control because she is absolutely terrible at it and it destabilizes the country. Unless there's a rather big change, I don't see Tommen doing anything against her in the show, and Varys will probably help her stay in charge just enough to piss off everyone in the 7 kingdoms and weaken as many of the houses as possible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The weird thing is that Varys apparently wants to put Aegon on the throne, not Daenerys. So what the fuck is he expecting, Daenerys is gonna show up with her dragons, retake the Iron Throne for House Targaryen, and then step aside for Aegon?


Millie's Staff Member
isnt there a deal with house martell that backs aegon if he marries that sand chick?
so basically we have the golden company + dorne's men against a shitload of dothraki+dany's unsulllied and 3 humongous dragons. pretty sure westeros will get fucked in the ass


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think Dorne will do whatever is best for Dorne, which means if Dany shows up with dragons they are gonna follow Dany. I think Varys just wants a Targ on the throne, and Aegon is physically much closer than Daenerys and not missing, which I'm sure Varys heard of at some point shortly after she flew off with Drogon. Plus, even the guys working with Aegon think it would be best for the well known "last" Targ to marry him then it settles any doubts.


A Man Chooses....
Like, I cannot describe how good that action set piece was for a TV show. For a fucking movie. What the fucking fuck.

If that had been the season finale it would have been glorious.