GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
That episode was one of the best yet.

I know they did it for dramatic effect, but holy shit would I be rowing as fast I could away from that shoreline at the end of that episode.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Loved the fight but the WW throwing Jon when looking for Dragon glass instead of just stabbing him was another thing that stood out to me


Mr. Poopybutthole
Jon has never had anything more than basic training with the sword. He's competent, but he'd get cut to pieces by a real swordsman. He might beat Jaime if Jaime is still having trouble using his opposite hand, but that's about it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
when the walker pushed john off the second story with the non spear side of his staff was stupid as fuck, he could of easily killed him there


Log Wizard
Jon has never had anything more than basic training with the sword. He's competent, but he'd get cut to pieces by a real swordsman. He might beat Jaime if Jaime is still having trouble using his opposite hand, but that's about it.
HE'S THE SON OF FUCKING RHAEGAR TARGARYEN! He'll fucking cut up anyone he wants all whilst pining for a harp!

But honestly, yes, Jon Snow is top tier badass at this point. He's killed white walkers, wildlings, professional murderers, etc etc. I know he hasn't quite had a duel with a knight yet, but I'm pretty confident he'd win 98/100 fights at this point.


Trakanon Raider
I wanna say Jon Snow is top tier cause Rodrick is the fucking man, AND he has been holding shit down ever since heading up north, but didn't he get his shit rocked by some pussy with knives at Crasters? I feel like someone saved him at the last minute but i'm drawing a blank...

Edit: NM just checked. Guess he technically won, albeit with an assist. Okay he can be top tier I guess.


I like Jon Snow but top tier my ass. Not even talking book wise but show wise... Bronn would wipe the floor with him. Jorah would slap him silly and take his rightful sword back. Stannis would shove lightbringer up his dunghole and call him suzy. Tormund would fuck a bear and Jon would just cry himself to sleep in fear. Jon Snow is like bottom tier


Millie's Staff Member
i dunno, top tier last season you may be right. this season where a bunch of slaves and pitfighters can defeat a squad of unsullied and the greatest warrior in westeros. just about anyone can be top tier these days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So zombies can run and use swords effectively, but water stops them cold. I am hoping that the reason that the remaining few got away was because the general/leader wanted them too.

Oh, and that was the best episode of the season by far. I mean you have that episode at about a 9/10 and then the rest of the season at a 5 or less. I even enjoyed the dwarf's witty conversation with the dragon mother. He will make an excellent advisor.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Im wondering if they are going to show Jon ever in rage mode, he picked Thorne off the ground with 1 arm which is pretty impressive


Blackwing Lair Raider
Other people have pointed this out...

Aegon is an impostor otherwise he wouldn't have been cut from the show. If that's correct then George really padded the middle of the series.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Other people have pointed this out...

Aegon is an impostor otherwise he wouldn't have been cut from the show. If that's correct then George really padded the middle of the series.
I think there was a discussion about that several weeks ago. Some are holding out hope that he'll just be written into another character, but personally stuff like that just makes me done with GRRM. The show is canon now, fuck the books. I'm not wasting my time reading hundreds of pages about a character that's so expendable that he's not even included in the show.

I had forgotten about Rattleshirt. I was a little disappointed that he died like that (although it was an awesome moment for Tormund), as I feel like his death in the books was slightly cooler in expounding other characters - mainly Mel.


Jon's been doing nothing but training and fighting since he joined the Watch. Everyone else is sitting on their asses while he's busting his leveling up, plus he'll be an unkillable zombie soon.

And Olly ain't saving shit. What happens needs to feel like a betrayal. There's only handful of notable characters left at the Wall. Sam, Ed, Olly and Alliser Thorne. Sam will be sent to Oldtown next episode and there's no way he would betray Jon anyway. Ed will be 100% team Jon after what happened at Hardhome. Thorne is an obvious choice but it would hardly be a betrayal and would lack any kind of emotional punch, if anything I think Thorne will be completely in the dark and end up trying to stop it from happening at the last second. Olly is the only one left, Sam even gave him the speech making hard decisions because you know your right.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why do you have a spoiler tag in the spoiler thread?

There is absolutely no reason for Varys to be lying about Aegon. Why would he have bothered with his little speech to Kevan as he lay dying if he wasn't telling the truth? Even Tyrion is convinced that the boy is really Aegon, and he's not fool. I can only wonder what Varys thinks is going to happen between Aegon and Daenerys though. Does he think she'll just marry Aegon and rule jointly, or that she's never actually going to make it back to Westeros, or what?

Personally I'd like to see Jon Snow wed Daenerys and sit the Iron Throne with the flayed skins of the Boltons and Freys hung as banners in the throne room. But Aegon is hardly expendable.