GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Buzzfeed Editor
this sounds really plausible, but can all that happen next week along with the million other things going on?
That's the only thing that makes me wonder, it's a lot to pack into one episode. It could also be the Sand Snakes don't know about the Doran plot to unseat Tommen, and attack Myrcella on her way back to KL, disfiguring her. Or maybe the "big event" with the Sand Snakes is just the plan being revealed to them. (And it will play out in Season 6.)

In any case, given Jon on the wall, the Walk of Shame, Dany's scene (Which we know from the preview Mereen scenes are in), Arya becoming an official assassin and Stannis vs Winterfell? The king dying too sounds like too much to fit in. It only leaves like 10 minutes for each scene, which would be extremely rushed.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Maybe i'm in the minority here.... but I haven't read a single page of the books. I have no intention of ever reading a single page of the books. And judging by the reactions of others, I believe I am far better off for it.
First three books were amazing the first time through without the show or anything else to spoil them for me.

Second two books are pretty slow going, honestly, imo.

Like, decent, but nothing like the first three books were.

When I got to the end of Book 3, I was blown completely away by them, frankly.


privileged excrementlord
Refresh my memory please on this prophecy for Jaime.

I swear some of you either read the books every few months or have some ridiculous nerd memory.
It's one of Bran's dreams in book one. Two people against the Mountain 2.0. One has the face of a hound (big mystery there), the other was some golden knight. Most people think that's Jaime.


Buzzfeed Editor
Refresh my memory please on this prophecy for Jaime.

I swear some of you either read the books every few months or have some ridiculous nerd memory.
I mistyped that, it should be due to the prophecy and the possibility of him vs Undead Gregor. A lot of speculation, as Jait said, he will kill Cersei, as it was specifically mentioned he was born after Cersei making him the "Valonqar" (Little brother). Since the rest of the witches prophecy has come true, it seems certain a little brother will kill Cersei--Cersei thinks it's Tyrion, but most book readers think it will be Jaime.

But there was also speculation due to Jaime's "golden armor" (When he's not wearing his Kingsguard armor he has golden armor with a lion's head )and the fact that he's constantly described as golden and beautiful , that he and The Hound will be pitted against Robert Strong (Undead Gregor) in some kind of death match due to what Bran saw in his vision.

There were shadows all around them. One shadow was dark as ash, with the terrible face of a hound. Another was armored like the sun, golden and beautiful. Over them both loomed a giant in armor made of stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside but darkness and thick black blood

Of course, the alternate is this is simply describing how the Mountain looms over the Hound and the Martell's (Shining like the sun). In any case, there are some clues Jaime still has some stuff to do, but it's the choking prophecy that I believe means he'll see another season--of course, technically the "little brother" aspect could mean any little brother, so even like Loras or Trystane could kill Cersei and it would work. But somehow I think he's going to end up killing Cersei.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah it's probably jaime and most assume it's the hound, but I think that's kind of a red herring. I apologize for the astro level theory here but:

Know who else wear's dark armor, has a disfigured face (and was ugly before that, depending on your interpretation of "face of a hound"), But who also has the hound's helmet for the more literal interpretation of a face like a hound? Brienne.

So Jaime and brienne could potentially be the ones who kill ungregor. They are together and are about to meet up with lady crazy vengeance. Would she force jaime kill his own twin sister (not knowing that his personal feelings for her has changed)? Would he, or brienne, do it to save the life of 10 year old Podrick? this assumes that Jaime is the valonqar and is in king's landing to choke cersei to death, which means they survive their encounter with LSH.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You know, after watching the premiere of season 3 (yeah yeah im catching up) I think Davos is the real reason everyone liked Stannis and thought he was a good guy. You really can't help but like Davos, and he's sorta set up as a conscience for Stannis, so you think hey as long as Davos is around, Stannis is still a swell guy.

Then he sends his conscience away and bad things happen.


<Bronze Donator>
Book stannis is much closer to Davos than TV Stannis. In the books it's Stannis+Davos vs Mel+Selyse. He begrudgingly sides with Mel unless davos can give him an out, but in the TV show he's much more ambiguous, because Selyse wasn't even a character until later on.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
well myrcella can't die if she has to be crowned first, unless it's a vyserion style crown, but I think that unlikely.
Has GRRM ever elaborated on that prophecy to say specifically that the golden crowns reference was to actual crowns and not simply the color of their hair (which would essentially foretell of her future incest)?


Registered Hutt
good point, I actually made that connection once in the past, but obviously forgot about it. still, 2/3 have literal crowns. I'm leaning towards Tommen gets fucked up.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah it's probably jaime and most assume it's the hound, but I think that's kind of a red herring. I apologize for the astro level theory here but:

Know who else wear's dark armor, has a disfigured face (and was ugly before that, depending on your interpretation of "face of a hound"), But who also has the hound's helmet for the more literal interpretation of a face like a hound? Brienne.

So Jaime and brienne could potentially be the ones who kill ungregor. They are together and are about to meet up with lady crazy vengeance. Would she force jaime kill his own twin sister (not knowing that his personal feelings for her has changed)? Would he, or brienne, do it to save the life of 10 year old Podrick? this assumes that Jaime is the valonqar and is in king's landing to choke cersei to death, which means they survive their encounter with LSH.
All I want is for Brienne and Jamie to shove a sword through LSH's head and burn the body and end that dumb fucking plot ;p

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Couple of things.

The Blackfyre's weren't bastards in the normal sense. Aegon the Unworthy had legitimized them upon his death and the ones spawned from other Targaryans were considered Great Bastards such as the main one Daemon who was given the Targ Valyrian sword Blackfyre. The King at the time, Daeron, was kind of pussy while Daemon was one of the great warriors in the realm so it was easy to make a rebellion in a way. To then say that a half Baratheon could then be put on the throne using that as an example is a bit of a stretch.

As far as warging to control dragons, it's never been mention as a Targ trait. So far as has been written it's more about getting the Targ and the dragon together at a young age to bond together as they grow same as we're seeing with Daenerys now. As far as Bloodraven, his mother was a Blackwood who like the Starks are descended from the First Men. The Dunk and Egg novellas describe him like Varys in that he has eyes everywhere when he was Hand but we now know that's do to his greenseeing. More than likely the Targs have never had any Warg or Greenseeing in them.


<Bronze Donator>
Not really required to grow together. Especially considering that dragons live far longer than men and all the famous dragons had multiple riders that rode them over their long lives. Certain Valyrians have the trait to ride dragons, much like certain first men have the trait to warg. It is far more prominent in Targaryan's just like warging is very prominent in the starks. It was explained in great detail in that Dangerous Women excerpt about the Dance of Dragons, as was mentioned earlier in this thread. If you have the trait to ride and if the dragon accepts you, you are bonded and can ride that dragon (and only that dragon. and that dragon will accept no other rider as long as you live). If you don't have the trait or the dragon doesn't accept you, you are barbecue.

During the dance with dragons one side had more dragons than the other, but not enough dragon riders, so they put out the call to all the random targ bastards of dragonstone/storm lands. If the dragons would accept them and they would swear allegiance to their side they could ride the dragons into battle. Many died in the attempt but eventually all the dragons were matched with riders. iirc one of the bastards took the dragon and then switched sides in the conflict. i don't really remember it's been a while since I read it. But basically yeah, if the dragon submits to you, you become it's master. like breaking a horse I guess? horse has to accept you first.

It's similiar to the whole Blood of the dragon thing (heat/magical fire resistance), but not the same. just like green seeing and warging are both rare traits found in first men but it's extremely rare to have both gifts, which is why Bran is so unique having both. It's why Dany is unique having both, and perhaps jon will be the most unique of all if he can do all 4.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
And when Melisandre went to walk out of the room, she did use the phrase:

"You know nothing, Jon Snow"



<Bronze Donator>
pardon the potential pussy shit but has the show made mention of anything about waking dragons from stone? I can't remember. I wanna say stannis tells davos about it but I can't find the clip.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So the Dorne plot has been a bit awash in how annoying the sand snakes and Ellaria are, but I was thinking about that plot line and have a few theories/ideas that may seem obvious to everyone:

1. Doran told Ellaria that he gives people second chances, but not third chances. His little sister was killed in KL, his little brother was killed in KL. Now he is sending his son to KL. After Ellaria heard that she bent the knee.

2. I think Doran sent Myrcella's necklace to KL to get them to react so he could 'do them a favor' and acquiesce by sending Trystane and Myrcella back to KL, he cashes in on that favor immediately by getting Doran on the small council.

3. I think Doran knew someone would come try to rescue Myrcella, so he had Areo Hotah and his merry men on extra-vigilant guard duty.

4. I think he let Ellaria in on his plots after she kissed his ring, which is why she warmed up to Jaime.

5. My theory is that Doran is going to assassinate Tommen, crowning Myrcella and making Trystane Martell the prince. He's basically doing the same thing as the Tyrells.

I think this plan will ultimately fail because of Daenarys/Whitewalkers, but to achieve the prophecy for Cersei all her kids have to die after they get a crown.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Even if that is his plan, how do the Sand Snakes factor in? Are they going to KL also? Or do they go off the reservation and kill Myrcella, ignorant of Doran's scheme?