GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
I do love how Bronn fights to win, screw rules or honor on the field of battle- just win and survive... I need to rewatch but was Bronn really just like random guy in the audience and just was like oh ill fight for Tyrion.
Eh, I know him and Tyrion bonded during a wildmen attack when they were on the way to the Eyrie in book, I think it was the same in the show?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
My worry is that GRRM reads fan theories and, in the cases where they are too close to true, alters shit just because.

I swear that is what happened with Lost.
The fan theories about the island being purgatory were around from season 1 and thats exactly what we got, despite the shows leads saying explicitly it wouldnt be that way. Thats why Ive never watched Lost again. Not the thread for it so sorry for the derail.

If GRRM doesnt rez Jon, he will write himself into a corner with no way out, imo. Might be why he cant seem to finish the story. Hes been foreshadowing Jon as Azor Ahai so hard that to change it this late in the game could well lead to the story jumping sharks, imo.

But if he made Sam Azor Ahai that could be some grade A trolling.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The fan theories about the island being purgatory were around from season 1 and thats exactly what we got, despite the shows leads saying explicitly it wouldnt be that way. Thats why Ive never watched Lost again. Not the thread for it so sorry for the derail.
Urge to kill....rising....


The fan theories about the island being purgatory were around from season 1 and thats exactly what we got, despite the shows leads saying explicitly it wouldnt be that way. Thats why Ive never watched Lost again. Not the thread for it so sorry for the derail.
Huh? The purgatory theories were wrong. They went with the LOL its magic explanation instead.


Molten Core Raider
I was thinking this, but to do the whole episode. Really go about showing rhagar arriving with Leanna after the kidnapping, their love blooming, show Arthur Dwayne to be a great knight. Rhaegar leaving for he trident, then the episode ends with Ned and crew showing up, big fight, and he goes inside to find Lyanna and they show he truth. Flash to present day where john is laying in the snow, and go from there,
Fuck yes, I want this too.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You guys are high as shit on the lost stuff. This isnt the Lost thread though but the final episode made it clear they were in purgatory the entire time.


The Big Mod
I was thinking this, but to do the whole episode. Really go about showing rhagar arriving with Leanna after the kidnapping, their love blooming, show Arthur Dwayne to be a great knight. Rhaegar leaving for he trident, then the episode ends with Ned and crew showing up, big fight, and he goes inside to find Lyanna and they show he truth. Flash to present day where john is laying in the snow, and go from there,
That would be sick. Problem is HBO is a bunch of Jews with battle scenes so I really doubt they would put the money into that without a whole season leading up to it


<Bronze Donator>
"yeah let's waste one of 20 remaining episodes to complete the series on a tower of joy flashback."
"nah man, let's waste 10 of the 20 remaining episodes for a whole season building up to the tower of joy flash back"

If the casting call is for ToJ they're filming for a week. That'll be like 2-3 minutes of screen time, which is plenty to do the ToJ justice, since it's literally 1 paragraph in book 1.


The Big Mod
Didn't suggest they would do a season of tower of joy, I said they wouldn't put the money into showing the battle of the trident scene. Get learned.


<Bronze Donator>
If they wanna do a 10 part miniseries after GoT series finishes about Robert's rebellion i'm sure they could find the money and talent to make that happen. Hell they could squeeze out several miniseries based in the GoT Universe like dunk & egg, the dance of dragons, etc. All to squeeze whatever cash they can out of the GoT fanbase after GoT ends and they are waiting on some new series to fill the void.

Doesn't have much to do with the actual GoT series though.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
HBO wanted the series to run 10 seasons. I don't think D&D want to commit to that kind of time frame though, hence the 7 season figure.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Decade late ret cons of the actual show matter not a whit to me, lost fan boy. The show was them in purgatory, the final episode most acended to heaven, hurley and ben stayed behind to guide others to heaven. Stupid end was stupid. Stop smoking crack, stop derailing this thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I liked the first season of that show. But when it became obvious that they maintained "mysteriousness" by having shit not make sense at all. I then stopped watching it.

Idiot Army friend at the time the show ended got a tattoo with the Lost numbers on his god damn chest though. That was funny, so something good came of the series!


Musty Nester
You guys are high as shit on the lost stuff. This isnt the Lost thread though but the final episode made it clear they were in purgatory the entire time.
It really, really did.

The entire final SEASON made that pretty clear.

They did exactly what they said they weren't going to do. Because there was nothing else they could have done. That diarhhea plotline was even too nonsensical for lumie.

Holy shit that sounds dumb. I'm glad I never watched that awful show.
The final season had episodes that were actually spectacularly good. In a Rod Serling twilight zone kind of way. And the first season had some great episodes. But yeah... it was a loooooooooooong fucking walk. Ain't gonna lie.


Musty Nester
But yeah, that's a derail I guess. Lets talk about GoT.

New game: we have to guess who the daddy of mists babby is.

I'm thinking that his last name starts with a T.

Game of Thrones (who knocked up mist? edition)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah the middle seasons of Lost are some of the worst TV you can watch. I think the show was supposed to last fewer seasons but it was such a hit after season 01 they forced them to extend it.