GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah the middle seasons of Lost are some of the worst TV you can watch. I think the show was supposed to last fewer seasons but it was such a hit after season 01 they forced them to extend it.
Yeah...S3 finale, S4 The Constant...just horrible television. It's funny how LOST tried to bring back serialized TV but failed so miserably. What a bad show, thank god it has no lasting legacy.

The island was purgatory...what fucking idiocy.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Okay after catching up on season 5 I've got my first annoying hurdle of the series. After the Night's Watch know for a fact there is a giant zombie army coming why are they so fucking hung up on the "We fought Wildlings for years!" bullshit. It's just not logical or believable to me.

Anyone would come to the Zombie apocalypse > Annoying humans we don't like conclusion when it came to decision making priorities.

Annoys me even more because it was used as the vehicle for Jon's death but I was already irritated by it before that.

Also the fact there was no "Hey we should probably send everyone in the world a message regarding that whole giant zombie death army thing immediately" scene was even more baffling, wouldn't this be like top priority for everyone? Wouldn't you want people to know and prepare?


Mr. Poopybutthole
It stretches suspension of disbelief but doesn't break it imo. None of the people who were in on stabbing John had actually gone to Hardhome with him, so none of them know the true scale of what's coming. It's human nature in Westeros to prioritize petty grievances over the big picture. That same line of reasoning is why nobody is going to come to the aid of the Night's Watch until the Zombocalypse is past the Wall and moving through the North.


Vyemm Raider
It's even worse when you consider the fact that the Wall and the Night's Watch sole purpose for existence is to be the first line of defense against the undead army. "Oh, look, they're finally coming, after all this time!" "I don't care, I'm gonna go stabbity-stab our new Commander." " For the Watch!"



Blackwing Lair Raider
I never got the impression that Jon spent much time effectively communicating to Thorne and the others what he saw at hardhome, he was so consumed by all he needed to do. That may have been his fatal mistake


Trakanon Raider
It's even worse when you consider the fact that the Wall and the Night's Watch sole purpose for existence is to be the first line of defense against the undead army. "Oh, look, they're finally coming, after all this time!" "I don't care, I'm gonna go stabbity-stab our new Commander." " For the Watch!"

Sure, but you got to understand that the undead/WW haven't invaded westeros for thousands of years. Think about that in the scale of human lifespans. For the last 10 generations of NW the only enemy they have had and ever known is the wildlings, and the undead/WW are a myth and legend to most of them. The Hatred runs deep and the skepticism about the WW is very high.


Millie's Staff Member
half the crows hate jon snow because they think he is a traitor working with the wildlings. then jon brings them in the wall including a frikkin giant. these were the same people who killed a bunch of night's watch. they may or not believe in the white walker threat, but they sure as hell know the threat from the wildlings. so thats why there was a mutiny and why there was a sign marked TRAITOR hanging where they stabbed him.


Vyemm Raider
Please post more basic shit that the series has already explained. It's still ironic that they're all ignoring the one threat they were created to defend against. The Night's Watch has always strained suspension of disbelief anyway.


Millie's Staff Member
Please post more basic shit that the series has already explained. It's still ironic that they're all ignoring the one threat they were created to defend against. The Night's Watch has always strained suspension of disbelief anyway.
yes its basic info the series very obviously has explained. one is al qaeda moving in your house and the other is a rumor that nazis have resurrected adolf hitler and he wants revenge. which would worry you the most?


There is a war going on over control of your mind
just doesn't make sense that if he loved wildlings so much why he didnt just stay with them in the north, and why kill tons of them when they did attack the wall instead of just betraying then and why is the enormous wildling army suddenly so desperate to get past the wall after being satisfied with just being a tiny threat that only required like 100 dudes for as long as anyone could remember

also there is no reason to not start sending messages out like "giant zombie army bros" immediately, regardless of little petty annoying issues at the castle

i mean its not show ruining but its the only thing thats kind of made me say "alright whatever"

seems weird as well that the night's watch has been a thing for a long time considering they mutiny every 2 weeks or so with like zero loyalty


Vyemm Raider
yes its basic info the series very obviously has explained. one is al qaeda moving in your house and the other is a rumor that nazis have resurrected adolf hitler and he wants revenge. which would worry you the most?
That depends. Am I working for a company that's been around since Hitler died, that was created just in case the nazi's managed to successfully resurrect him?

hint: The question is rhetorical.


Millie's Staff Member
ha, nice edit, you just ruined a corny (but hilarious to me only) response.


Mr. Poopybutthole
just doesn't make sense that if he loved wildlings so much why he didnt just stay with them in the north, and why kill tons of them when they did attack the wall instead of just betraying then and why is the enormous wildling army suddenly so desperate to get past the wall after being satisfied with just being a tiny threat that only required like 100 dudes for as long as anyone could remember

also there is no reason to not start sending messages out like "giant zombie army bros" immediately, regardless of little petty annoying issues at the castle

i mean its not show ruining but its the only thing thats kind of made me say "alright whatever"

seems weird as well that the night's watch has been a thing for a long time considering they mutiny every 2 weeks or so with like zero loyalty
Again, it just requires suspension of disbelief. There are always things in fantasy settings that don't make sense, and I would say the GoT world has more than its fair share.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
yeah this is my only hangup so far, although this faceless shit is starting to tickle that point as well with that last part of what the fuck is going on and why do I care with the 100 faces peeling

guess writing is hard because some of the more interesting plotlines have overly simple conclusions while some of the ones that barely seem relevant are confusingly complex

in the books is there more to the whole tyrionn and danarys thing? from the show it just seemed like he showed up and she was like "sure be my council even though I have no fucking clue who you are or why I should immediately give you a super important position"


also there is no reason to not start sending messages out like "giant zombie army bros" immediately, regardless of little petty annoying issues at the castle

seems weird as well that the night's watch has been a thing for a long time considering they mutiny every 2 weeks or so with like zero loyalty
First part they did send out stuff a season or two ago and everyone went ROFLS white walkers. Those fairytales don't exist!

Second part again it has been like 1000 years since it was originally founded for its purpose and it used to be an honored position things like second sons etc would go to do. Now it has devolved into we send shit ppl we dont want to deal with there to keep the rabble at bay.


Potato del Grande
So, it doesn't make sense that people wouldn't put aside their petty issues to respond to the undead army that is approaching... but Snow should do exactly that and stay in the north because he allegedly suddenly loves the entire wildling culture because he's fucking one and will be murdered if he doesn't fit in with the others.

And the Wildings are attacking, and he shouldn't attack back, because, uhhh, he apparently loves them and should have just married them like omg!!! Forget the fact if they don't rebuff the wildlings their defenses will be even more weakened, and there's an undead army approaching.

Why is that Wildling army suddenly so desperate to get south of the wall, I mean, it's just a huge undead army no big deal..... errr, they're right behind me, aren't they? Totes awks! To the boats!

One of the reoccurring themes in the show is people acting on selfish, near-sighted issues to the detriment of the big picture. So, yeah, last episode of season 5. Great time to start saying it makes no sense!


There is a war going on over control of your mind
being selfish douchebags has been a theme all along, but the night's watch skepticism/not giving a fuck about the giant undead army took it to the next level for me personally at least


Potato del Grande
from the show it just seemed like he showed up and she was like "sure be my council even though I have no fucking clue who you are or why I should immediately give you a super important position"
Are you sure you actually even watched the show? There were several scenes that some would even describe as drawn out where they discussed this. In fact, he very plainly explained exactly who he is and why she should keep him around and in what capacity. Like it was even a little heavy handed in it's directness.

Serious question: you do know that despite it only being a week between episodes in our world, the time passage in the show may be in its own time, and the scenes we see showing 'checking in' progress are indicative of the things occurring in the world of the show.

So, shit, how do I explain how tv works.... Tyrion shows up in one scene, explains himself in another scene, is shown gaining trust in another scene, fights for her in another scene, and is given a position of relative power in another scene (kinda, by default, though). This is because the actual world of the show was going even between scenes we were seeing. Its just that showing months in 24 style real-time showing Tyrion's progression would be really fucking long and tedious.

I know it's just easier to not really pay attention, understand TV, and post dumb shit to a message forum so Gavintard can misuse literary terms and agree with you, though, so no harm done, friend.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
First part they did send out stuff a season or two ago and everyone went ROFLS white walkers. Those fairytales don't exist!
i dont really remember that part but before it was probably more of a "we think there and/or suspect white walkers might be a thing" to the current point of "there is like 100,000 zombies killing everyone pushing toward the wall"

you would think they would at least try to get the message out again