GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It's not impossible for the gift to be Rickon, although that would be out of left field. Rickon was in the care of House Umber, and House Frey holds Greatjon hostage, so it's conceivable that they would have exchanged Rickon for their lord. On the other hand, Greatjon's heir was murdered at the red wedding so they also have plenty of reason to tell Roose to get fucked.

That being said, I'll do a week long avatar bet that the gift is Theon, who gets caught before he can get off the mainland.
My money is on it being a fake Stark to try and make up for the loss of Sansa. That's a relatively big thing from the books in a couple of places and it hasn't come up in the show at all yet.


Tranny Chaser
That was the most boring possible way to bring Jon back.
Having him get resurrected in a funeral pyre would telegraph any Targ heritage to the audience and maybe it's too early in the series to reveal that, especially with TOJ next week


Sparkletot Monger
i watched the show, those guys were fine until they locked the door and wouldnt let thorne and his men in to retrieve jon's corpse. i admit it didnt make sense for thorne to just leave jon's body out in the snow and then get all bitchy when it was taken away. none of these guys know jon could be rezzed, including davos, why are they guarding his body? why does davos give a good fuck? why is davos not fucking stabbing melisandre for killing shireen?
Davos has spent his entire life giving a fuck. There is a reason he doesn't have all his fingers. He found the body and told Jon's friends. Thorne was going to kill those guys in the room as soon as possible. And did you really think he was going to let Davos go? Thorne committed treason, he wasn't going to leave any witnesses behind. "Oh Hey guys, yea.. just got back from the Wall, did you know they murdered Ned Starks last remaining son, who was also their sworn Commander? Yeah, things are hunky dory up there. You really should send them help vs the dead guys and the wildlings."

Its fucking Westeros, you REALLY think Thorne would have let Davos walk? lol. And Melisandre didn't kill Shireen, his king did.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mel lit the fire, didn't she? They're both equally guilty: Mel wanted to burn her as a sacrifice, and Stannis went along with it.

But ya, Davos knew he was fucked. Mutiny/murdering of Ned Stark's son (bastard or not) wouldn't sit well with the North. Ed had the fortune of sneaking out before people woke up. I laughed pretty hard one Wun Wun owned that crossbow dude and everyone pretty much surrendered at that point lol.


Unelected Mod
I wonder if Melisandre killed herself after leaving the room and thinking she failed in yet another task. Death pays for life and all that.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ramsay needs some Valyrian daggers if he is going to fight Jon. That maybe the gift.


I firmly believe that the Gift is Rikkon. I suspect that Ramsey sends the pink letter to John Snow at the wall saying "Give me Sansa or Rikkon is dead". Ramsey may or may not kill Rikkon outright, though it may amuse him to keep him hostage. Rikkon alive and being held hostage is the thing that brings John Snow to ally with the Wildings against the Boltons. I can't think of many things that would drive John Snow to war... Rikkon in the hands of Roose Bolton, especially if Sansa is there to tell him who Ramsey is, is definitely one of them.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
So, about the flashback to Ned's childhood. Lyanna is Ned's younger sister... why was she older than both Ned and Brandon?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
That was Ned and Benjen (the youngest).

Lyanna didn't look like she was 20 in that to me but whatever. I thought it kind of weird that Lord Karstark was totally cool with Ramsay killing his father to take his place (kinslaying is something even Roose wouldn't do outright). I would think that killing Walda would lose them all the Frey soldiers he gained after the Red Wedding.

Ramsay and Lord Karstark seem to believe that there is no force that can equal their combined number so they can do what they please? Then why worry about killing Jon Snow at all? They'll need to shape up The North Remembers plot somehow and quickly.

Roose in the books is so alarmingly cautious he had a body double around just to avoid possible crannogmen attacks in Moat Cailin. Ramsay didn't even realize why he was doing this and is a dumb mad dog. I truly hope that however this comes about in the book... if the books even come about at all. That it is better. I understand the need for fast tracking and all. But it does make some of this stuff hamfisted.

If they do get Rickon, I am guessing that he will be the leverage goad Jon Snow into fighting. But Ramsay will be completely unaware that there is a Wildling Army south of the wall at this point. The Northern Houses will rally around the Wildling Army and Jon Snow which will then fuck over the Karstark/Bolton alliance going on. The same thing that is presumed to happen in the books.

I am curious why the Umbers would even give over Rickon at all considering how long he has been there.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Have I blacked out or something. What the fucking fuck is tower of Joy.
The location where Rhaegar Targaryen - the father of Daenerys and her long-gone "crowned" brother - brought Ned Stark's sister and had his ways with her. Which is the last straw that started the revolt.

Eddard Stark's revolt meant that every potential Targaryen heir should have to die. But he couldn't make himself kill his bastard nephew, and so brought him back. And let everyone think he was his bastard, rather than a Targaryen bastard, which Robert would have had executed if he knew.

*fix from better memories than mine*
And yes, Jon is Dany's nephew. She's going to be very confused when she has to face a hated Stark who is also her relative.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The location where Rhaegar Targaryen - the father of Daenerys and her long-gone "crowned" brother - brought Ned Stark's sister and had his ways with her. Which is the last straw that started the revolt.

Eddard Stark's revolt meant that every potential Targaryen heir should have to die. But he couldn't make himself kill his bastard nephew, and so brought him back. And let everyone think he was his bastard, rather than a Targaryen bastard, which Robert would have had executed if he knew.

And yes, Jon is the half-brother of Dany. She's going to be very confused when she has to face a hated Stark who is also her relative.
Rhaegar was Dany's eldest brother.


El Presidente
The location where Rhaegar Targaryen - the father of Daenerys and her long-gone "crowned" brother - brought Ned Stark's sister and had his ways with her. Which is the last straw that started the revolt.

Eddard Stark's revolt meant that every potential Targaryen heir should have to die. But he couldn't make himself kill his bastard nephew, and so brought him back. And let everyone think he was his bastard, rather than a Targaryen bastard, which Robert would have had executed if he knew.

And yes, Jon is the half-brother of Dany. She's going to be very confused when she has to face a hated Stark who is also her relative.
Rhaegar was their brother not their father. This makes Jon Dany's nephew not half brother.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I didn't watch the preview. Is ToJ coming from the Three Eyed Raven's flashback perspective? Even if it confirms Jon is half Targ I'm not sure what that really means. Like it isn't once you tell Jon this Ghost turns into a dragon and he reclaims the North.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I didn't watch the preview. Is ToJ coming from the Three Eyed Raven's flashback perspective? Even if it confirms Jon is half Targ I'm not sure what that really means. Like it isn't once you tell Jon this Ghost turns into a dragon and he reclaims the North.
The preview didn't really show much other than a quick shot, but based on Bran's flashback this week's episode, I would assume it's through the crow's power. As for what Jon being Targaryan means, I'm not sure either. Maybe it means he can ride a dragon.