GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
They've already told us what part died, even before Jon died: Jon Snow the Boy. My guess is the only part that might be dead is whatever child like aspects he may have still clung to before.
I think this will be the extent of any changes his physical death will have worked on Jon. I think we'll see him execute all of those who took part in his murder without the same hesitation that he showed when he took off Janos Slynt's head in spite of the fact that the Watch is hardly in any position to loose 10 men, most of it's current leadership amongst them. The old Jon would have been more inclined to make an example of a token few and pardon the rest. Not the Jon Snow that was reborn.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If you die and then come back to life are your previous Night's Watch vows null and void?
I mean thats the theory right, but there's no precedent for it, and who rules on that anyways?

The lords in the North would execute nights watch deserters, so who decides who is a deserter? Who aside from the few who actually saw him die will believe Jon was dead and resurrected? I realize I'm lawyering this way beyond what the show would do, but "NO GUYZ REALLY I DIED AND THAT FREED ME FROM MY VOWS THEN I WAS RESURRECTED BY THIS CHICK WITH AWESOME TITTIES" is not going to fly, imagine Ned listening to that from that dude in episode 1. Chop.


Ssraeszha Raider
I mean thats the theory right, but there's no precedent for it, and who rules on that anyways?

The lords in the North would execute nights watch deserters, so who decides who is a deserter? Who aside from the few who actually saw him die will believe Jon was dead and resurrected? I realize I'm lawyering this way beyond what the show would do, but "NO GUYZ REALLY I DIED AND THAT FREED ME FROM MY VOWS THEN I WAS RESURRECTED BY THIS CHICK WITH AWESOME TITTIES" is not going to fly, imagine Ned listening to that from that dude in episode 1. Chop.
I'm pretty sure the entirety of the Night's Watch would be able to confirm, as well as Davos.

Also, that guy in episode 1 wasn't the commander so I don't see how that's in any way the same thing.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm pretty sure the entirety of the Night's Watch would be able to confirm, as well as Davos.

Also, that guy in episode 1 wasn't the commander so I don't see how that's in any way the same thing.
You mean all 50...err... 47 of them, including the ones who want him dead anyways?

Wouldn't the commander deserting be even worse?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Quite a few people saw his body. The entire Watch was present when Thorne admitted to killing him. Mel will probably tell him he's Azor Ahai and he will likely replace Snow with Targaryen as well.

Plenty of ways to skin this particular cat.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Quite a few people saw his body. The entire Watch was present when Thorne admitted to killing him. Mel will probably tell him he's Azor Ahai and he will likely replace Snow with Targaryen as well.

Plenty of ways to skin this particular cat.
Sure, in the show they'll gloss over it and not care because plot. I'm just being pedantic and saying in real life (haha.. I know, I'm shutting up now) they'd just say "guess you weren't really dead, just hurt, get back to the wall asshole"


Molten Core Raider
Well he does have to go try to rouse the entire north anyway. He can't hang at the wall and just go about nights watch business as usual because he knows what's coming. Ramsay is also going to force some kind of confrontation. At the least he's got to make a play to either get a Stark propped up or lead himself as whatever mantle he decides to don.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Who is "they" in this case? The only ones who matter are the Watch, the Warden of the North, and the King/Queen.


Millie's Staff Member
it doesnt matter because the wildlings control Castle Black now. they dont give a fuck what oath jon took from their enemy and matter of fact he is more likely to leave as the new leader of the wildlings and there aint shit the NW can do about it. the next question should be where is Jon going next? Winterfell? if Ramsay has Rickon and Osha hostage and Jon receives the Bastard Letter, then he will head to Winterfell for sure. the result is the NW , whats left of it is going to die very badly once the Others finally decide to stop fucking around and take them out.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
And where are the Others anyways? In season 1 the cliffhanger was a giant undead army Sam spotted... years later they haven't approached the wall.

Slowest army ever?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
And where are the Others anyways? In season 1 the cliffhanger was a giant undead army Sam spotted... years later they haven't approached the wall.

Slowest army ever?
Last season they reached Hardhome, which judging from this map, they seem to be heading in the wrong direction? Unless they are trying to around through the ocean. Or they just aren't really using these maps to make any sense of it.



Log Wizard
I don't think the walkers are marching directly at the wall. They're meandering around picking up wildling towns to boost their numbers before they make their final attack. Hardhome had a shit ton of wildlings and obviously they netted a bunch of new wights. Think of it like Risk where you don't go directly at your opponent, you pick up all the easy pieces around you first and then come at them full force.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't think the walkers are marching directly at the wall. They're meandering around picking up wildling towns to boost their numbers before they make their final attack. Hardhome had a shit ton of wildlings and obviously they netted a bunch of new wights. Think of it like Risk where you don't go directly at your opponent, you pick up all the easy pieces around you first and then come at them full force.
True. They're grinding levels first.


Molten Core Raider
But I saw him rise from the dead! I even put fingers in the holes! He was dead for three days I tells ya.

I love this last page of discussion.


<Bronze Donator>
It's probably not worth arguing this, but you're wrong. They call her UnCat for a reason; she is undead, not living. While her being decapitated would probably kill her, if she took a bunch of swords to the body, I imagine she'd be fine. They make a big point of noting that all of her mortal wounds still exist; Thoros makes a point to say she doesn't sleep and Brienne says her eyes glow red.

There's also the issue that no one died to bring Beric back; he mentions seeing darkness, so I imagine the soul was just anchored and the body healed.

Cat's rez is closer to Drogo's with Mirri; Dany's son died to save her husband, and while he was alive, his mind was gone. Beric died to bring Cat back, but her mind remained instead of the body being healed.

I agree that LSH's craziness is partially attributed to her mental snap before her death, but I think it was also influenced by the idea that she literally has nothing to lose.

For me, undead vs living is an important distinction for where we go from here. I think Jon is gonna be a total badass, but if he's alive, there's probably less of a chance that he becomes the embodiment of full vengeance like LSH. I see him being more reckless though, or maybe giving less fucks, similar to how Beric took more chances after every resurrection.

Admittedly, Jon as a Coldhands type of monster to go against the White Walker King would be farkin amazing. I doubt that will happen though; even if he's not Azor Ahai, I think he needs to be the antithesis of death and darkness. A living, breathing Jon, resurrected by a priest of R'hllor accomplishes that nicely.
Sylas is right. Fans call her UnCat because she is described very much like a zombie, not as a way to specifically designate the type of resurrection she went though. You're over analyzing.

After being brought back time and again, Beric maintains every single mortal would he suffered while fighting with the Brotherhood. He took a dagger through the eye but somehow is "living" after another rez. Cat looks like a zombie not because of some real distinction between living and undead but because she had her neck slit and body thrown in a river for days prior to her rez. Whatever lord of light magic is going on here is the same for both of them.

Even beyond what actually happens in the books, you can't really think the show is going to put this much effort into the lore of Westeros resurrections, do you? Our context for resurrections in the show is Beric. LSH doesn't exist. Jon will be back and that's all the explanation we'll get. Super powered Zombie Jon isn't a thing.


Millie's Staff Member
i dont think we will get superman jon snow, but i definitely think we will get "gives 0 fucks" jon snow, dude is just going to get shit done and wont have time sniffling at night over ygritte.