GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


FPS noob
i really thought jon snow was gonna forgive him, once you refuse an order is that pretty much a death sentence? no gobacks?

i don't get whats going on with littlefinger and bolton/ramsay. dude killed cat, his one true love. shit's tense, this scene was nuts



Trakanon Raider
^^ Yeah, I really don't know what to think about LF at this point. He had me believing he was team Sansa there for awhile, but his talk with Roose (and the emphasis on Briennes miss-trust during the previous recap) seemed to say otherwise. Great testament to his character if he indeed fooled meagain, but i guess we'll see. Poor Sansa.... out of the frying pan, into the flayer.

Also surprised D&D didn't give any cinematic acknowledgment to her return to Winterfell save for a maid saying "the North remembers". Seems like a missed opportunity on a pretty big moment.

All that said, i'm so glad this show is back!


<WoW Guild Officer>
Please tell me you don't actually think anything willevercome of Sansa. Shes the biggest red herring bullshit waste of time character in the series lol
Wouldn't she be cut then by the HBO peoples if it were pointless?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LF always has a plan. I think the one thing going for Sansa is she is needed by the Boltons to make their claim of the North legitimate. Sansa is safe until she pops out a male heir or two, which gives her plenty of time to plot.


<Prior Amod>
Well, I would rather rule from The Eyrie than Kings Landing personally. If I recall, no one has ever taking The Eyrie have they?


Millie's Staff Member
Well, I would rather rule from The Eyrie than Kings Landing personally. If I recall, no one has ever taking The Eyrie have they?
try geting the chinese food guy or the pizza dude to deliver your takeout at the eyrie. yeah, you gonna be stuck eating months old food or fresh rocks. gimme king's landing, head over to flea bottom for some mystery meat buffet!


<Bronze Donator>
random musings about the season. Don't think i spoil anything from ep 4, I believe this has all been shown as of ep 3 but i could be wrong.

what really has me curious is Brienne's arc and her end game. There was that rumor that a character dies this season that hasn't died (yet) in the books and I kinda had that pegged as Brienne. I know the actress is starting to get some work in film (Star Wars 7, Hunger Games etc, not sure how large the roles are but starting to get out there) and we really don't know what's going on with her character since she got sidetracked in the books (and ended up sidetracking Jaime's redemption arc as well) by LSH and co.

So there's two possibilities.
Either A: both characters end up dying in the books to LSH and co, thus both of these arcs are creative license, irrelevant and they both end up dying this season. Jaime ends up playing the Arys Oakheart role (dying to save myrcella) and brienne, idk, dies trying to save Sansa from the boltons or something like that. If this were the case they could of killed both characters off last season and used the time they free up and cast me some Greyjoy's. Or maybe a minor FAegon arc (not as indepth as the book but something similar)

Or more likely B: LSH is irrelevant and neither character dies, and both of these stories are, to a certain extent, winds of winter spoilers.

Let's go with Option B for a moment.

Maybe it's not Jaime, maybe he's tied up for the first half of book 6 dealing with LSH but there is an event that happens in book 6 that requires a dornish reaction, the reason GRRM added Arianne as a POV character. And there is a plot brewing by the dornish to kill Myrcella, and Myrcella does die at some point before Cersei (thx prophecy) which we can assume sparks a war vs dorne and the eventual death of Tommen as well. There's also an invasion of the storm lands (which was excised entirely) but also a follow on Invasion by Dany, and maybe that's what happens in Dorne? Putting Jaime in dorne lets the tv show basically show us the cersei/lannister reaction to whatever the event ends up being.

But more importantly, back to Brienne. We have no idea what's going on with her in the books. But TV Brienne has rather heavily been foreshadowing for several season's now that her end goal is to kill Stannis Baratheon, and now she's heading to Winterfell, which we know Stannis will be attacking rather soon. These are the kinda events that have no insight from the books. Book Brienne has the same knowledge as TV Brienne and the same anger towards Stannis, but she's been too straddled with her mission and then sidetracked by LSH to really dwell on it. Also we have the whole kinslaying meta aspect which Stannis must answer for eventually.

So maybe it's Stannis? Maybe he's the character that dies this season that isn't dead yet in the books? Maybe he's the actor who was upset upon reading the script and finding out he dies since he's read the books and knows he's not dead yet?

one thing I do know is that both the major battles which kick off the first half of book 6 (really, these are just the extra chapters of book 5 which got cut because book 5 was too long) aren't going to take place in the beginning of next season of GoT. Just cost wise you get 1 major battle a year and they tend to save them for the late season (ep 9 usually). So either the battle of winterfell or the battle of Mereen, one will get downgraded to skirmish, or one of them is getting moved to the end of this season. I originally thought that the battle of mereen would just be downgraded to the insurgency of Mereen and it would just play out this season, dany vs the son's of Harpy, and that might still go down that way, but Stannis is also marching on winterfell in the next episode or two, the wall has it's own arcs to play out (jon snow/wildlings), and too many character arcs are merging at winterfell for something major not to happen there this season. And also it's kinda hard to CGI up 80 foot snow drifts and keep everyone indoors and halt all actions until spring comes, it just makes for bad TV. Also we know that the show must go on. I expect everything to be wrapped up and dany ruling the 7 kingdoms by no later than half way through next season. That leaves only 1.5 seasons to wrap up the show, with season 6 ending with the white walker invasion of westeros and season 7 concluding the entire series, with hodor alone, surrounded by zombie corpses, sitting on the iron throne.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Littlefinger loves the game too much to not play.

So will darth sansa's training with littlefinger be enough to fight off ramsays evil mistresses and ramsay himself? What fate will befall the boltons? Will sansa flay them before arya gets to them?


<Prior Amod>
try geting the chinese food guy or the pizza dude to deliver your takeout at the eyrie. yeah, you gonna be stuck eating months old food or fresh rocks. gimme king's landing, head over to flea bottom for some mystery meat buffet!
Yeah because in the middle ages (best thing to compare this to) they didn't have stores that would last them years in case of siege. They also have livestock. They would be fine. Sieges cost attackers a lot of money as well, they have to maintain supply lines the whole time and hold out through winters. There's a reason sieges break without the attackers winning.


Millie's Staff Member
Yeah because in the middle ages (best thing to compare this to) they didn't have stores that would last them years in case of siege. They also have livestock. They would be fine. Sieges cost attackers a lot of money as well, they have to maintain supply lines the whole time and hold out through winters. There's a reason sieges break without the attackers winning.
not sure if serious. who the fuck would want to siege the eyrie? let buggers stay up there while the land around it is taken over. and as for sieges in general, there is no such castle that can outlast any determined or intelligent army. there was a BBC documentary a few years back called Battle Castles, each episode was about a certain castle that was deemed impregnable that was wtfpwned in the long run.

one such castle (in syria)Krak des Chevaliers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
did the correct thing and and bolted everything up with tons of food in stock and had triple layers of walls so in case one army broke through they would have another to run to. the besiegers sent all the townspeople to the castle and were allowed in at first, then when they realized that all the citizens were eating the siege food at an alarming rate, the castle kicked them the fuck out. the besiegers had cut off any exit so all the peasants were stuck between and died horrible horrible deaths. they resorted to cannibalism. newborn babies were eaten as soon as they were born. it was all for nothing because they starved eventually.

the castle captain sent for help but none came. the besiegers undermined their walls so they had to keep fleeing to the next level of armament, finally when they went to the last and most well made structure. the besiegers sent a message saying that no help was coming and if they would give up they would get safe passage. the captain having little food left and his soldiers growing mutinous, decided he had no choice but to give up. all the soldiers walked out. dropped their arms and were slaughtered soon afterward. the eyrie may protect the nobles for a bit, but it wont save the land or people living upon it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just tossing this out there, but they're not killing Jaime or Brienne. They have been alluded to being required to down some magic headless evil monster (Holy shit could he have painted Robert Strong any more specifically?) and it is basically the culmination of both of their story arcs to do that. Whether it has end-game status or not attached to it doesn't matter; it's just the endgame for those two specific characters at this point.

My guess for someone in the books who isn't dead yet dies is Ser Friendzone. His entire story is basically one of heroic sacrifice to redeem, and odds are he gets his chance this season. He slaved away his introduction, shat around with Khaleesi, and then he gets a shot with Tyrion and instead f's it up by probably enslaving him. His final act will be saving Daenarys or jogging in front of a spear point before Drogon takes her away.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Probably it! Even though I really liked the idea of him just slowly assassinating people under the bastard's watch. Sad times indeed.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't even really count mance since he had only 2-3 scenes total and was barely present in the series.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
One thing about the eyrie is that the entire land is built like a fortress. Their kingdom is protecred by thr bloody gate and they have many holdings beyond that. So its not just a lone castle, but rather a series of well fortified positions.

However like chuk says, you cam starve them oit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
i really thought jon snow was gonna forgive him, once you refuse an order is that pretty much a death sentence? no gobacks?

i don't get whats going on with littlefinger and bolton/ramsay. dude killed cat, his one true love. shit's tense, this scene was nuts

Well I take it that ether Littlefinger is a fool are he is planing a hideous death for the whole Ramsey clan.

Sense he has never given any indication that he is fool my money is on him planning murder.

He killed the king to avenge Kats death so I see no chance of him not seeking vengeance of those who did the actual crime.

Also saying he had not heard anything from his information networks about the Ramsey bastard running around the north skinning people alive is simply not credible.

I also think he banged Sansa right after he pushed his wife through that well hole in Eyrie.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Littlefinger loves the game too much to not play.

So will darth sansa's training with littlefinger be enough to fight off ramsays evil mistresses and ramsay himself? What fate will befall the boltons? Will sansa flay them before arya gets to them?
Those two or three women the camera seemed to focus on in the courtyard, are those his mistresses?