GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


privileged excrementlord
Well oh shit, she asked. I guess i missed that scene, or ya know i did see that scene and realize that asking somebody about something doesnt automatically give you the skills to do that thing. You fucking nimrod, even neo had to download his jesus kungfu app before he could become The One.
You fucking nimrod, try to not to hurt yourself thinking about this too hard, but go watch the scene again. Thoros describes his prayer as "the old words", obviously a prayer that any priest of R'hllor would know. He clearly says he does not have power, but his god does. Melisandre knows the words, dipshit. All she'll have to do is say them, and if the plot calls for Jon to be brought back, then her crazy fire god will bring him back. Jesus fucking Christ.


Millie's Staff Member
Mel is a mage and thoros is a paladin, she is good at her class, but unless she has the staff of. Forbidden rites with at least 1 charge left, rezzes are something she cannot do on her own.


Millie's Staff Member
Hey im just saying that mel has established her skills. If she starts rezzing people now then why did she wait til now? Also then thoros should be able to make a shadow monster come out of his cock?


Millie's Staff Member
Who has died around her that she wanted to live and she failed to rez?
nobody yet, which is my point, if mel can rez as part of her skillset then she would have rezzed somebody by now to show that she can rez people. its like the flash showing his ability to vibrate his vocal cords for a few years before he ever decided to run fast.


Unelected Mod
nobody yet, which is my point, if mel can rez as part of her skillset then she would have rezzed somebody by now to show that she can rez people. its like the flash showing his ability to vibrate his vocal cords for a few years before he ever decided to run fast.
So your point is, that since she has never shown she can't do it, its quite clear she can't. Even though she has been shown to have far more "red priest" type powers than Thoros?

Goddamn bro.


Millie's Staff Member
So your point is, that since she has never shown she can't do it, its quite clear she can't. Even though she has been shown to have far more "red priest" type powers than Thoros?

Goddamn bro.
its basic storytelling. remember season 1 of Heroes? remember how much the ending sucked because peter's brother could fly all along, but he never did until he needed to at the last moment?


Unelected Mod
its basic storytelling. remember season 1 of Heroes? remember how much the ending sucked because peter's brother could fly all along, but he never did until he needed to at the last moment?
Your problem is that you read and watch trash all the time and try to equate crap storytelling with storytelling.

Not everyone needs shit explicitly spelled out for them. Not every show spoonfeeds things to their audience so even people as dumb as you can follow it. Sometimes, you actually need to THINK about it for 2 seconds and realize that not only is she a red priest like thoros, but she even had a conversation with him right after rezzing someone that had died. If she ressurects Jon, not a single motherfucker that has read the books or watched the show with half a brain will be surprised by it for more than 5 seconds.


Millie's Staff Member
Your problem is that you read and watch trash all the time and try to equate crap storytelling with storytelling.

Not everyone needs shit explicitly spelled out for them. Not every show spoonfeeds things to their audience so even people as dumb as you can follow it. Sometimes, you actually need to THINK about it for 2 seconds and realize that not only is she a red priest like thoros, but she even had a conversation with him right after rezzing someone that had died. If she ressurects Jon, not a single motherfucker that has read the books or watched the show with half a brain will be surprised by it for more than 5 seconds.
what you want is mel to be a deus ex machina which i gotta tell you is fucking lazy storytelling. but go on, keep insulting me, if you beat me down enough maybe i will stop proving you wrong.

(i wont stop)


Mr. Poopybutthole
what you want is mel to be a deus ex machina which i gotta tell you is fucking lazy storytelling. but go on, keep insulting me, if you beat me down enough maybe i will stop proving you wrong.

(i wont stop)
That's not a deus ex machina you fucking mongoloid. The Eagles in Hobbit/LotR are a deus ex machina. Assuming Jon Snow is actually dead, Melisandre bringing him back to life would be an incredibly important plot development, not just some 'oh i guess Jon dying didnt really matter'.

I don't even like this terrible author, but your shitty posting forces me to defend one of the few vaguely interesting elements of the garbage he writes.


Unelected Mod
So what you are saying is:

Mel rezzing someone would be a deus ex machina, even though she is the most powerful red priest in the series, in a world where these red priests are known to bring people back from the dead and who had an actual conversation with a red priest who rezzed someone else?



Millie's Staff Member
That's not a deus ex machina you fucking mongoloid. The Eagles in Hobbit/LotR are a deus ex machina. Assuming Jon Snow is actually dead, Melisandre bringing him back to life would be an incredibly important plot development, not just some 'oh i guess Jon dying didnt really matter'.

I don't even like this terrible author, but your shitty posting forces me to defend one of the few vaguely interesting elements of the garbage he writes.
this is no different than the eagles in LOTR. mel is already a sort of Deus Ex Machine when she killed renly with a vagina monster and took storm's end. then she foresaw/made happen/guessed that robb/greyjoy and joeffrey would all die leaving the path clear for stannis the mannis to have another shot at king. get the fuck out of here now you want her to bring back people with rez powers? how much more "a wizard did it" shit do you want?

So what you are saying is:

Mel rezzing someone would be a deus ex machina, even though she is the most powerful red priest in the series, in a world where these red priests are known to bring people back from the dead and who had an actual conversation with a red priest who rezzed someone else?
in the books she isnt as powerful as she claims to be, there is a scene where she has a chest full of "tricks" she uses to do the shit she does and is running out, she had her vagina monster trick, which requires a catalyst. she is limited now which is why she hasnt just wished away all the assholes in winterfell when stannis really really needs to take that place.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Benjen Stark cast in episode 5.10. Discuss.

Crew - IMDb
He went MIA when ranging north of the wall, so we know something happened. In the contest of the show, he will probably be at the wildling village, but who knows why/to what end.

As for Mel and Thoros, I am guessing there is an emotional connection. Thoros was able to do it because he cared about his friend. Mel doesn't strike me as the caring type on the friend level. However, if she was convinced someone was the "chosen one" she is seeking, she loves her religion enough that she would maybe care/have enough of an emotional connection to res them.


<Bronze Donator>
just ignore astrocreep, that imdb link is quite interesting.

obviously Night King + White Walker + Benjen stark appearing, is quite interesting. well into book 6 in the north story, spoilers.

We have Kevan/pycelle/Varys scene seems like it's in.

Balon Motherfucking Greyjoy makes his first appearance since uh, what? season 3? maybe he'll finally die or maybe they'll skip that and have him direct the ironborn to invade the reach (expect most of that to occur off camera). "yara" is there too so maybe he does die and she just assumes the throne.

sandsnakes, bleh.

of course sometimes actors are credited in episodes that they don't appear in, so there is that, but it looks hopeful.

also from IMDBepisode 9titled dance of dragons, looks like the dany/drogon scene. Hell the name alone kinda tells you. but It has "pit announcer", dany & company, tyrion, jorah. and not that many other storylines happening that episode. some dorne, some braavos, some winterfell. that's it.

and it looks like yara greyjoy actually starts making appearances episode 6 and beyond. so looks like some sort of greyjoy story is going to occur. maybe she ends up in the winterfell story after all.