GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Tranny Chaser
That was my exact thought as well. The lighting and placement of the bars in that scene definitely accentuated the curvature of her tits, but I've seen a lot of tits in my life and I would never imagine that girl in that picture having any noteworthy tits at all.
Being dudes, we can agree:Rosabell sellers NSFW(but oh so fiiiiiine).


Potato del Grande
This is not how primogeniture works. Even in salic primogeniture, a woman can only inherit if there is not a single living male in the line of succession. If Westeros was an absolute primogeniture, Myrcella would have inherited before Tommen and Sansa would be the legal heir of House Stark. In traditional primogeniture, at this particular moment the line of succession after Tommen would definitely be Stannis, then I think it would actually jump off to some random male scion of House Baratheon before it ever came back to Myrcella and Shireen. Myrcella and then Shireen would be the first two women in line if there were no more males in House Baratheon though.
The version used changed a few times in England, it's basically whatever was politically convenient. We had several female rules and kings from a female line. So under English rules Myrcella is good to go.


Vyemm Raider
If we get a Bronn four way with the sand snakes the showrunners should get some sort of Presidential award.


Unelected Mod
If we get a Bronn four way with the sand snakes the showrunners should get some sort of Presidential award.
The sad thing is, even though this would be the greatest thing ever on the tv tubes, someone would still complain about it because it wasn't in the books.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Well I don't think Stannis will ever go along with that idea,
Stannis might lose at Winterfell. "The great battle in the snow" where Mel sees Azor Ahai may not be Stannis at Winterfell but Jon somewhere at some point later.


Potato del Grande
while I dont think it's that bad, it is rather dull compared to previous seasons.
I agree overall it has been very dull. They killed off Geoffrey, Tywin, Oberyn, the Hound, and Ygritte last season which were some of their main interesting characters.

Arya's story has been boring. No Hound sucks, and Faceless dude has been lame as fuck so far this time around.
Sansa's story has been lame.
Tired of shock-value Ramsay Snow. He does way worse things than Geoffrey ever did, but Geoffrey was a much better "bad guy". Shows the quality of the actor.
Littlefinger's story has been boring.
Margaery's story has sucked.
Brienne's story has sucked.
Really no sir Davos this season.
Stennis has done nothing really but sit at the Wall and make one funny joke.
Cersei is boring and annoying and just overdone at this point.
Jamie's story has been boring and he just seems worthless now.
Tommen is retarded.
Samwell's story is just meh. How many ways can he save that northern chick? It's like all he does every week.
John Snow's story could show potential but has been super fucking slow.
Daenerys story has been so slow as well and she just seems dumb now compared to herself from 3 seasons ago.

Only interesting characters for me this season have been Bronn which we haven't got much of at all, and Tyrion and Jorah which I could literally watch 50 minutes of each episode. They are 3 of my favorite remaining characters though which is probably why I like their arcs so much. Still pissed as fuck about Jorah having Greyscale, hope they don't kill him off. Wouldn't mind seeing an arc with Bronn teaming up with the 3 viper chicks. Might make them be able to become more interesting characters.

I am assuming the season will pay off though in the last 4 or 5 episodes as GoT usually does. Lot's of buildup, for hopefully a very climatic last few episodes.


FPS noob
I am assuming the season will pay off though in the last 4 or 5 episodes as GoT usually does. Lot's of buildup, for hopefully a very climatic last few episodes.
theres only 3 episodes left, also grrm usually writes episode 8 but he didn't this year


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This is classic Act 2 of a long story arc. All of our main characters are getting further and further into trouble. Only once Act 3 of this story begins will they actually start climbing out of it.

EDIT: Tyrion is the exception. He's likely beginning his Act 3 arc right now, having gotten himself out of a whole bunch of deep shit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This season has been slower then prior seasons with allot more character development instead of action. But remember show only has 23 episodes left. My guess is about halfway through next season they drop the action pedal to the floor and move away from character development into full scale action.

There are simply trying to cram about nine seasons worth of show into seven season.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well I just don't see Stannis sacrificing his daughter. Now his wife doing it for him behind his back is another question all together.
I think this is the most likely thing to happen. Stannis wants power, but I don't think he is willing to cross that line. I can totally see Stannis going into battle and his wife basically tell Mel to light up the BBQ while Stannis is occupied.


Here's how it's going to go down.

Jon gets betrayed and dies by the nights watch. Stannis also dies in the battle of winterfel and Melisandre freaks out and burns Shireen alive to try and resurrect Azor Ahai(Stannis) queue cut to Castle Black focusing on Jons corpse with a voice over of Melisandres spell. Focus on Jons face, eyes open but are bright blue and cut to black end season.


Millie's Staff Member
brienne kills stannis, mel with nothing to do says fuck it and runs up to the wall. finds the staff of forbidden rites and rezzes jon snow. did anyone ever think the snow she is thinking of could be ramsay snow?
the bastard is in a much better position of power than stannis or jon snow. maybe mel runs to him?


Mr. Poopybutthole
She'd have to be as retarded as you to think having anything to do with Ramsay would be a good idea. Not to mention he's a Bolton, not a Snow.


Mr. Poopybutthole
She'd have to be as retarded as you to think having anything to do with Ramsay would be a good idea. Not to mention he's a Bolton, not a Snow.
He's a Bolton about as much as Jon is a Stark. Well, I guess technically slightly more since he's been legitimized.


Millie's Staff Member
She'd have to be as retarded as you to think having anything to do with Ramsay would be a good idea. Not to mention he's a Bolton, not a Snow.
for one i was joking and for another you are wrong. ramsay snow has juice and is a ruthless leader. jon snow is a likable guy, but he sucks as a leader. you dont see ramsay's men rebel against him.