GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


tour de salt
I don't think it's canon that Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun is the last of the giants. Though he may be the largest.


FPS noob
There was the hooded man on the last boat jon took out, everyone else had their face open but this guy had his face all covered up. its probably no one, but i wonder if he could be hodor, bran, or benjen? During the scene I thought he would be a zombie that kills tormund


also ramsay taking 20 men and "going to take care of stannis" is very reminiscent of theons plan to take back winterfell, I wonder if Ramsay feels Roose is now an impediment to his happiness and is planning on betraying Roose/Winterfell and joining up with Stannis? Not sure how it'd play out with Theon and Sansa and he seriously mis-estimates what value Stannis places on traitors, but it seems a better way for Stannis to take Winterfell than anything theon and sansa will come up with.


privileged excrementlord
Bran and friends aren't in this season.

Episode was goddamned awesome. You knew shit was going to get ugly once the fog started rolling down over the cliffs. Night's King raising the dead was a badass finish.

Also, Tormund beating Rattleshirt down was hilarious.


Millie's Staff Member
I didn't see any undead giants in the battle. Which is good for the living. Half a dozen of those would have a bad day high in the running for worst day ever.

Isn't Wun Wun supposedly the last of the giants now?
when the white walker started walking out of the flames, i suspected it was going to be the night king and that jon was going to die right then and there, then i saw it was one of his upper guard i felt a little relieved, was still touch and go in that fight. its going to suck when jon makes it back safe and sound and then that little shit kills him. odds on if its part of a conspiracy as in the books or its an act of his alone?


Vyemm Raider
Zombie kids had to one up Walking Dead for hardly ever showing any.

Also, fast zombies are a lot harder to do with just prosthetics and puppets. I had to chuckle at all the Daryl Dixon headshots those archers were pulling off though. I'd have liked to have seen more of them panic and just uselessly plink arrows through their open ribcages like derp. But the payoff was the mass res at the end, showing how useless it all was.

Notice the WW fought a lot like its described in the book, "flowing" around attempts to strike it and shattering steel and so on.

Wun-Wun stomping on bitches, lol.

Was the Thenn the Weeper or just a roundabout reference to him with the eye-gouging comment?

I thought the chick was being set up to replace Val. Nope.

Do you think Tyrion dicked over ser friendzone, or did as much as he could to keep him alive? I assume instead of poisoned appetizers he'll die saving her in a more direct fashion.


privileged excrementlord
Brent, Bill, and Brann from Mastodon were in this episode as wildlings that got wrecked and rezzed. Completely missed that.


Murder Apologist
Apparently Melisandre sees "only Snow" in her visions this season. Azor Ahai's "sword of Fire" was set up that episode; the prophecy didn't literally mean "a burning sword":



Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
We all know the little twerp is going to kill him, they've been telegraphing that shit since last season. I wonder if the non-readers are seeing that as well. I mentioned it to my wife last night (who has read the books multiple times) and she didn't notice they were setting him up as the murderer.
My wife hasn't read up to Feast or Dance, but after that scene last night she just said, "well I guess he's killing Jon." It seems pretty heavy handed, especially being that we're in Season 5 now and these types of trends are easier to pick up on for people. Hell, Jon could come back, jump off the boat and be all, "Oh FUCK, men we're all fucking screwed, you'll never believe what jus---- *thwap*" and Kid just goes, "I'm Batman." and the episode ends.

I'm guessing that "the work continues" refers to Ungregor.

The end was so awesome I'm having trouble remembering most of the other scenes. Initially when they cut to Sam and Gillie I was like, 'can we please just go back to Arya or something, does every episode need 20+ minutes of shit at the wall?' Well, glad that was a wrong call by me. Cersei getting smacked with the ladle continuously was hilarious.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I guess I am in the minority but I could have gotten by without about half of the shaky-cam zombie fighting. The end was pretty awesome though. I really liked Dany and Tyrion. I've been waiting to see that for years now. Arya was great as usual.


Molten Core Raider
There was the hooded man on the last boat jon took out, everyone else had their face open but this guy had his face all covered up. its probably no one, but i wonder if he could be hodor, bran, or benjen? During the scene I thought he would be a zombie that kills tormund


also ramsay taking 20 men and "going to take care of stannis" is very reminiscent of theons plan to take back winterfell, I wonder if Ramsay feels Roose is now an impediment to his happiness and is planning on betraying Roose/Winterfell and joining up with Stannis? Not sure how it'd play out with Theon and Sansa and he seriously mis-estimates what value Stannis places on traitors, but it seems a better way for Stannis to take Winterfell than anything theon and sansa will come up with.
Hooded man was odd, I noticed it too when they were rowing away he was completely covered and facing AWAY from the walkers and the entire fuckfest of rez. Why?

And Ramsay is going Guerilla. He will capture Stannis or someone else and send the pink letter. Maybe even capture Mel. My 2cp.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My thought about Ramsay going special forces was that it opened the door for Sansa and possibly Theon to get up to some fuckery in Winterfell without him breathing down their necks.

Or he takes Theon with him, Theon gets captured by Stannis and you end up with a similar scene to where they were positioned at the end of Dance.