GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


tour de salt
So were supposed to believe Stannis Baratheon, diminished greatly from losing entire family and witch, leads the vanguard against mounted 5 to 1 odds manages to outlive his entire army while Barristan the Bold died to a handful of untrained rich guys in an alley.


Trakanon Raider
im surprised the SJWs arent squealing with rage at cersei being humiliated like this at the orders of a man.

also when does s6 filming start? if kit harrington isnt on set then at least we know one way or the other. course he is still alive because we need a PoV at the wall and i dont think davos or mel will hang around much longer now that the night's watch mutinied

of course this is not true. they did not show shireen's death last week. or sylvio's in season one. also we got myrcella this week too unless they have the antidote handy. interesting that two of cersei's kids died by poison and in different circumstances.
Oh please, she had it coming. It's a religious thing, if anything. Not a gender issue. The entire time (beginning with last episode) I was wondering what her bush would look like. I kept thinking they'd have to make it reasonably bushy to be time accurate and to represent her rotting in a cell for a while, but I also thought they might just bypass that and make her smooth because of beauty standards or whateva. So that was all I was interested in, how big her bush was. P.S. It was still too small for what it shoulda been, they toned down dat bush.


Musty Nester
I'd have stopped watching this show halfway through season1 without spoilers. So there's that.

spoilers are the only thing I have, maaaan.

If Stannis is alive next season, that's pretty lame.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Looks like more people are deciding to starting pulling for the only side that seems to have it's shit together.



Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
And with that in mind, how many of you want to read random leaks, casting calls, botched interviews and other bullshit spoilers tell you which characters are alive and in the next season of GoT before it airs?
The answer to that question was basically rhetorical until you went mouth breather with the thread title.

WTB thread without mods


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's not a fuckup, they're attempting to commit suicide. How is this unclear to people?
Going to disagree, it looked like a desperate attempt to escape to me. If it were suicide attempt they would have jumped on the side that landed on the stone courtyard. You know where Wreak tossed the chick just moments before?


Millie's Staff Member
keep the show spoilers coming. to me this show is less about what happens and more about how it happens. the lore, tits, action and acting is all i really care about anymore. the story as it pertains to the books has taken so many left turns, nothing surprises me at this point. just disappointment.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Didn't think Sansa/Theon was a suicide either, just a desperate escape. Not sure how far they are going to to get though, having no food, no weapons and no horses, not to mention an angry Ramsay and his hounds after them. God-mode rescue by Brienne?

Think once Davos and Melisandre leave the wall (with or without Zomjon) it's set up to get overrun by the white walkers, hopefully another cool battle next season. Want to see them claw their way through or something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I never thought it was suicide considering the exact same scene happens in the books. There are only two differences between the book and the show in this scene:

1 - It's Jeyne Poole not Sansa Stark
2 - The snow is much higher in the book.


Avatar of War Slayer
I know the princess was toast once the snake chick kissed her- I was like "WTF Jamie you just stand there and let this b do that?" its the land of snakes and poison! argh... I doubt anyone was "in" on it- other than the sand snakes so it will be interesting to see what happens.

I hope Jon gets rezzed seeing how red god lady just showed up.

I am going to assume that the horse dudes that found Dany saw her fly the dragon and because they follow the best horse rider that seeing someone ride a dragon is like "you are new leader!" - or else why would they have surrounded her and run around like that.. if they just saw some random person they would have either just ran them over or taken them as a slave right off.. even if they recognized her and they didn't want her as their leader or whatever, they would have just offered her or whatever.

Tyrion thing is interesting and should maybe make that side of the world more interesting - and it was funny the dragon was like "leave me alone I am healing up and resting..." maybe once he feels better and has no holes in his back he will fly you back :)


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Ok guys, whats the probability that GRRM gets Winds out before the next season starts? Lol, jk, it's 0%. So 10 months until we can advance the story from where it's been since July 2011. The only advancements this TV season was the business with Stannis Shireen and Selsye, am I wrong? (Dorne plot seems just completely redone, hard to argue where it is relatively.)


Molten Core Raider
Ok guys, whats the probability that GRRM gets Winds out before the next season starts? Lol, jk, it's 0%. So 10 months until we can advance the story from where it's been since July 2011. The only advancements this TV season was the business with Stannis Shireen and Selsye, am I wrong? (Dorne plot seems just completely redone, hard to argue where it is relatively.)
Jorah and Tyrion back with Dany. Jaime and his daughter (possibly dead). I'm sure I'm missing a lot more.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Jorah and Tyrion back with Dany. Jaime and his daughter (possibly dead). I'm sure I'm missing a lot more.
Jorah and Tyrion I don't really see as plot advancement. Dany is still right where she was at the end of the books. They just consolidated some of that ridiculous seige of meereen and civil war nonsense and got the players to her more quickly rather than having a whole season of river traveling and water-fetching. Unless they were going to kill Tyrion at the gates of Meereen thats where that plot was going the whole time.

Although after what happened to Quentyn, killing Tyrion at the gates might not be that far fetched...


Molten Core Raider
The shit with Myrcella and Jaime isn't an advancement, it's a (partial?) departure from the books.
Fucks sake dude you nitpick everything
The fact she's possibly dead and together with Jaime sounds a lot like it might be in the next book.

edit: You all nitpick! God damn. Tyrion being with Dany is a huge plot advancement, how can it not be? Might as well say Frodo getting to Mount Doom was just a minor step along the way to destroying the ring.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I am going to assume that the horse dudes that found Dany saw her fly the dragon and because they follow the best horse rider that seeing someone ride a dragon is like "you are new leader!" - or else why would they have surrounded her and run around like that.. if they just saw some random person they would have either just ran them over or taken them as a slave right off.. even if they recognized her and they didn't want her as their leader or whatever, they would have just offered her or whatever.
Did anything think differently? Like what are the chances they happened to have a entire grip of horses and warriors all riding around randomly in fairly inhospitable territory and just hoping they'd happen upon some random girl.

I don't think she'll be their new leader, since don't they pretty much hate her guts? She'll be something, though, because it would be bad TV to just kill her or raped her to death and end of that story arc.

So, it's agreed, we all watched the same scene play out. :p