GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Log Wizard
Books have so much more background and lore and shit that makes the world so much more in depth. The show can't be as good because then they'd have to have some dildo exposition talk about "Well, back in the olden days there was a Smiling Knight, right?..." In the book you got so much shit that you hope becomes part of the world or becomes important at some point. A lot of it doesn't, but it's still cool. Like fucking Barristan Selmy rescuing Aerys all Metal Gear Solid style and shit. Show watchers will never know how awesome he was.

Plus we'll never see Areo Hotah sleeping naked with his axe in the show.


Millie's Staff Member
they made areo hotah look like some kind of gangstah rapper's bodyguard in this show. all blinged out carrying around his gold plated gat. thats a sad panda. let the man fight and show what he can do.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Books have so much more background and lore and shit that makes the world so much more in depth.
I am a bit concerned about this going forward. I imagine a lot of my enjoyment of the show comes from the fact that I already know all that background from the books. When we proceed with next season, all I get is what the show can tell me, and that will inevitably be a less alive world.

Right now I watch something like Jon being voted as Lord Commander and the scenes that aren't shown (all of the politics that went into it) "still happened" in my head, despite not being on the show. If I didn't have that though, it might have seemed a bit rushed and doesn't make as much sense.


El Presidente
I am a bit concerned about this going forward. I imagine a lot of my enjoyment of the show comes from the fact that I already know all that background from the books. When we proceed with next season, all I get is what the show can tell me, and that will inevitably be a less alive world.

Right now I watch something like Jon being voted as Lord Commander and the scenes that aren't shown (all of the politics that went into it) "still happened" in my head, despite not being on the show. If I didn't have that though, it might have seemed a bit rushed and doesn't make as much sense.
Seems like things will have to be fairly fast paced to finish in 20 episodes so this could definitely be an issue.


they made areo hotah look like some kind of gangstah rapper's bodyguard in this show. all blinged out carrying around his gold plated gat. thats a sad panda. let the man fight and show what he can do.
Areo was slow as fuck in the show.

The final version they used in that terrible scene isn't even that much faster compared to the rehearsal.



<Bronze Donator>
something i just noticed in one of those actor's take on scene GoT recaps, is this exchange between Doran and Ellaria right before she poisons myrcella.

When i first watched the episode i didn't even notice the exchange. When I did notice in that clip, it seemed like he knew, and was giving her the signal to do it.

could be nothing of course, I totally could be reading too much in to it. It could of just been him signaling her, like "ok, now apologize like we talked about." But i have to admit my first impression, just the way he turned to look at her, and the way she cocked her head in return, my initial reaction was "he knows, he's telling her to do it"

idk i am totally ok with being wrong on this one, what do you guys think.

clip is here:

Game of Thrones Season 5: Episode #10 - Myrcellas Long Farewell (HBO) - YouTube


Millie's Staff Member
doran was not in on it, or if he was then thats completely stupid. doran (with areo+guards) protected myrcella from the sand snakes, he told ellaria(sp) they do not kill little girls. so for him to go. ok now you can kill her makes 0 sense. he had bigger plans for myrcella and trystane in KL. doran would not have gone to the trouble of sending myrcella off on a boat there then have her death happen in such a ridiculously obvious way that she was poisoned and bronn knowing that poison first hand. nah, ellaria was being a cunt about not getting her way and this was her way of rebelling against doran. this is one of the reasons i say myrcella's fate is iffy. she could have just poisoned her to fuck with jaime to show that he wasnt getting away scot free, but also arranged with tyene to slip bronn the antidote so it would make jaime and myrcella squirm, she would still live.
however i also think myrcella will not be the same afterwards.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I also think there's a good chance that Ellaria was acting on Doran's command, and that he has plans that involve killing Myrcella. But it could go the other way too.


Registered Hutt
Well if they want to preserve Doran's meta-game from the book, Trystane has to be free to marry Daenerys.


Musty Nester
If they burned the little cripple girl alive I don't think that the pretty blonde is getting away with nothing worse than a tummy ache.

Bitch be dead. And it's especially worse because she told Jaime she always suspected that he was her daddy and she loves him.

Whether King Bashir was in on it or not... not enough context from the show to know really. What context there is would point to a simple betrayal by the greek woman. One that he can only suspect her of rather than know she did. Everything that he's said was along the lines of "we don't kill little girls". But you know... Stannis said the same thing right before he killed one.


Millie's Staff Member
If they burned the little cripple girl alive I don't think that the pretty blonde is getting away with nothing worse than a tummy ache.

Bitch be dead. And it's especially worse because she told Jaime she always suspected that he was her daddy and she loves him.

Whether King Bashir was in on it or not... not enough context from the show to know really. What context there is would point to a simple betrayal by the greek woman. One that he can only suspect her of rather than know she did. Everything that he's said was along the lines of "we don't kill little girls". But you know... Stannis said the same thing right before he killed one.
stannis had his back up against a wall and made a desperate decision. doran is chilling with his homeys. nobody is threatening him. the girl who may or may not be dead did nothing to him, why would he kill myrcella and let jaime go? to make him feel his grief? well ok thats a possibility, but you dont need to put him on a boat with his son for that to happen he could have had her killed any time she was in dorne and especially when jaime arrived. no you gotta give me a better reason why doran would fuck his own plans of setting his son up to maybe one day rule westeros for some last minute gotcha and then possibly have his own son murdered in retaliation.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wait, why the fuck would Doran kill Myrcella and send Trystane back to KL to get killed or captured? Thinking Doran was in on it makes no sense


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Its certainly possible. We know there is a greater House Martell plot. But we don't know what it is in the show or the book so its really up in the air. I am guessing that Ellaria will be brought into the fold on it next season, rather we will be shown this, and hear more of Doran's plot.

But killing Myrcella doesn't really do anything for them that I can see. Last thing that Doran did in the books was ready Dorne's Army for the next part of his plan. Whatever the fuck it was, had something to do with attacking while fAegon's Golden Company was attacking. But that may have just been to take advantage of two separate fronts. Book Doran, and show Oberyn really didn't care for anything other than revenge against the Lannisters. But doing so in a way where everyone knew it was them but couldn't retaliate in any way would complete the circle and be poetic.

Unless they're banking on King's Landing not being able to retaliate against Trystane. Which would make sense, as Dorne was able to do nothing against the Lannisters for Elia Martell and her children all the while knowing they were responsible. But this entire theory relies on them somehow knowing that Kevan is in charge and not batshit Cersei. Although I suppose Trystane would not be brought into the plot so his grief was real and then Cersei would be in the position of knowing Dorne had done it but being unable to do anything about it and Trystane's position would be more cemented.

IDK, just a thought.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I doubt Doran was in on it. Like others have said, what does he gain out of it? He was trying to avoid war and wanted to gain favor with the crown. Tommen dying and Mycella living with Tystain producing the next heir for the throne nets him a lot more than killing Mycella before the Martels have a chance to really imbed themselves into the current regime.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
You You have to be brain dead to think Doran was involved. The writers might make it that way, but there are zero indications or legit reasons for him to want that to happen.

Basically you are saying his thoughts are "I'm willing to sacrifice my son to revenge my sister, kinda, by killing the girl I just saved. And I lose the second position of succession to the iron throne in the process".


Gunnar Durden
I was just thinking about the families and succession. At this point the storm lands and baratheons are pretty much extinct, right? After black water and winter fell there can be much in the way of men in those lands.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If there is one thing this thread has taught me, it's that 99.9% of the theories posted are completely and utterly wrong(and often just fucking retarded). Knowing this, I'm going with Doran not being in on killing Myrcella.


<Bronze Donator>
Its certainly possible. We know there is a greater House Martell plot. But we don't know what it is in the show or the book so its really up in the air. I am guessing that Ellaria will be brought into the fold on it next season, rather we will be shown this, and hear more of Doran's plot.

But killing Myrcella doesn't really do anything for them that I can see. Last thing that Doran did in the books was ready Dorne's Army for the next part of his plan. Whatever the fuck it was, had something to do with attacking while fAegon's Golden Company was attacking. But that may have just been to take advantage of two separate fronts. Book Doran, and show Oberyn really didn't care for anything other than revenge against the Lannisters. But doing so in a way where everyone knew it was them but couldn't retaliate in any way would complete the circle and be poetic.

Unless they're banking on King's Landing not being able to retaliate against Trystane. Which would make sense, as Dorne was able to do nothing against the Lannisters for Elia Martell and her children all the while knowing they were responsible. But this entire theory relies on them somehow knowing that Kevan is in charge and not batshit Cersei. Although I suppose Trystane would not be brought into the plot so his grief was real and then Cersei would be in the position of knowing Dorne had done it but being unable to do anything about it and Trystane's position would be more cemented.

IDK, just a thought.
Actually we know exactly what Doran's "greater House Martell plot" is, and it's equally as stupid as killing myrcella right after putting his son on a boat with jaime and bronn. There is nothing about his plot that is "up in the air" it's just a retarded because he is retarded. or more likely grrm got tired and just phoned it in.

1. Send autistic son to Dany with letter in hand re: Viserys & Arianne arranged marriage and hope she honors the spirit of the arrangement.
2. Send sand snakes/arianne to infiltrate KL.
3. Wait for austistic son to woo dany and have her bring her dragons and army to invade westeros
4. ???
5. Profit

Little does he know that his "master" plan has already failed and his daughter, even after being brought in on the secret, is already calling an audible and hot routing to Faegon's camp.

Doran's grand scheme is only slightly less retarded than Arianne's initial plot to Crown myrcella to rally Dorne to declare war, because she confuses sparsely populated easily defensible desert with military strategy and thinks the smallest and weakest of the 7 kingdoms can some how siege KL. Cersei is certainly not going to invade dorne to murder her own daughter even if her plan had worked and all of dorne declared Myrcella queen of the 7 kingdoms. Oh look, only dorne agrees, so really it makes Myrcella Queen of Dorne. the moment she marries Trystane she becomes Princess of Dorne anyway, so literally nothing happens, other than Dorne loses their seat on the small council and any say in the running of the 7 kingdoms until they stop calling her queen.

I never said that I thought Doran being "in" on the killing was a smart plan or made sense, only that my initial reaction to the way the TV series showed it made me think that. It's entirely possible that they are making TV Doran as retarded as Book Doran. But you guys are right it's probably more likely that Ellaria was just being a cunt.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Seems like things will have to be fairly fast paced to finish in 20 episodes so this could definitely be an issue.
This is one of my main concerns going forward. Dany said she was going to "break the wheel" in the Seven Kingdoms. We've spent 5 seasons watching assorted parties merely trying to control the wheel. When I look at what these writers have produced when they've gone off totally on their own (Dorne) I don't have high confidence in their ability to wrap up Dany playing fairy godmother across the Narrow Sea, learn how to fully utilize her dragons, deal with the major houses, then react to the Walkers all in two seasons in a way that is well executed. And that's just one of the major storylines.

One thing I've wondered about now that Tyrion is with Dany. He knows about the reports of the undead from The Wall. He got a message from Mormont about them when he was Hand. I wonder if he thinks to mention it to Dany at all.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
He probably ignored it just like everyone else in the Seven Kingdoms did other than Stannis. While he was at the wall Aemon told him that they were hearing stories about Cold Mists/White Walkers in the Haunted Forest, and Wildlings all running away from their camps. Ignored it as Merling tales then too!

But when the time comes Tyrion will be Tyrion and have remembered all the books on the Others to educate Dany about it.

I do agree that there is no way to make these final 20 episodes wrap up the story nicely. Its going to be a rollercoaster of tropes.