GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Episode does not bode well. Just felt lazy all over the place.

How the fuck did sand snakes get to Trystane or however you spell it? He went to kings landing with Jamie last season, were they just sitting on the boat with him for weeks or whatever the trip took?

Magical vanishing hounds that are literally on top of Sansa and one cut later don't exist anymore.

Apparently Daenerys has magical elven trinkets from lotr or some shit for it to be found immediately in the middle of nowhere.

Doran being dead is whatever, most of the entire 4th book involving Dorne sucked anyway, and they need an invading army to replace the fake targaryen from the books.

Sand snakes lead an invasion of kings landing to have a climactic battle of retarded thunder cunt female heads of state in Cersei vs Oberyns women whose name no one remembers 2016.


They raped Dorne harder than they raped Sansa but that was to be expected. I just assume they're in slash and burn mode now. They have 23 episodes to wrap everything up. They know they fucked up Dorne, no point in trying to redeem it, so kill and condense. Sandsnakes are mobile and can get naked so you just combine everything book Dorne was into them. Doran's secret plotting, Aegon's invasion, condense it all into a handful of girls that you can have teleport around the planet. Just hope everyone ignores the fact that the Sandsnakes just 'avenged' the murder of Obyern and his sister by murdering his brother and nephew and wiping his family off the face of Westeros and move on.

It's shitty especially since I liked Doran's reveal in the book but fuck it. D&D are probably going to do a lot worse by the time this is over. TV show is the show, and the books are the books. I bet we will see a lot of secondary characters die off this season. It does make including the Euron more interesting though, he must play a major role if they bothered to add him.


Millie's Staff Member
what i dont get is waiting til jaime was safely away when they attempted the coup. they would be in a stronger position by killing him and everyone else. letting him escape just warns KL that shenanigans are afoot in dorne.


Toe Sucker
Haha i didn't even notice that about his hounds just magically disappearing.
Continuity HBO, continuity.

Carice van houten has the best titties though, gad daaamn.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
He would have made an even better hostage. But can't expect the Sand Snakes to actually think and plan. No just write them murdering their uncle and cousin. It's cool.


<Gold Donor>
Felt really lazy actually. Ghost growling/howling was lol, but more importantly - has there been a single Dorne scene in the show not written by a faggot intern? Whole thing has been shit from jump street, yo.

Decent episode, Interested to see when Mel gives Jon her Rez-necklace and dying of old age


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yes which is why they were allowed to keep Prince as a title rather than Lord. It is also why they married into the Martells occasionally.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
FFS people, take the sand out of your sand snakes. There are some legitimate gripes (Vanishing dogs, Ninja Sandsnakes on the boat...I hope it is a cutting room floor type deal, although if it is, shit editing), but the Dany trinket being found made sense. They ran thousands of horses in a circle around her. It was a giant fucking bullseye, of course they would have found it if they looked in the bullseye spot. And of course women are going to rule in the show, that is how it is going in the books as well if you actually paid attention.

Other things

The Mel reveal I think will be the case in the book as well. In the book, they already revealed that her amulet had pretty powerful shapeshift/illusion powers when she made Mance look like Rattleshirt and vice versa, but it didn't require they wear the amulet for it to work, just for Mel to activate it. The book also made the point that the spell did take some effort. My guess is in the show, she has to stop the illusion to regain strength. So I don't think she needs to wear it, just activate it.

They cut most of the Dorne stuff in the show, which lends credence to the idea that most of the Dorne stuff won't matter in the books, either. Tristan getting face stabbed seems dumb, but it kind of proved their point: He would have been a shit leader if he put that much faith in the fact they would have allowed for honorable 1 on 1 combat.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It was a pretty popular theory that she was old and hiding it with a glamour. I was not surprised bye that at all.


Trakanon Raider
according to some 2012 interview she is 400 years old.

"In between takes, I said to her, 'I'm not quite up to speed on this, why don't you die?' And she said, "I'm 400 years old." And I thought, oh, well, fair enough, that's a lesson learned. If you're trying to poison somebody, check first that they're not 400 years old."

In addition to that, showrunner David Benioff revealed in this week's "Inside the Episode" segment that, as per an early conversation with George RR Martin, Melisandre is "several centuries old."

As to whether that impressive display of magic will allow her to resurrect Jon Snow, though - we'll have to wait until next week to find that out.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My take on that: In the books, Stannis looks drained a lot. We assume it was because of the shadow baby, but I'm thinking it is because she is stealing life force in order to bolster/renew her own. There were some cultures (especially in the East, like Ancient China), who thought that the act of orgasm would sap the life energy from whoever did it and deliver it into the other partner. So my guess is she is a "sex vampire", for all intents and purposes. The hot witch appearance would be beneficial to that end.

Now in the book, we learn that Thoros -gives- energy and this can even be transferred by the recipient of the energy into another person. Thoros didn't even know he could do it, he just really didn't want to lose his friend. It could just be that Mel has never really given anything, she just takes and doesn't really love anything except the idea of finding Azor Ahai. I think that eventually she will realize that Jon is Azor Ahai and she will finally be willing to give life energy to res him.


It wasn't bad, just a slow episode.

They really made a point of her vision of Jon alive so I wonder if we will see him again.


Log Wizard
so wait, she is 400 years old and was surprised that Thoros can cast rez?
There haven't been dragons for hundreds of years. Their return is strengthening magic or magic is returning and that's why dragons are back. Either or. Point is, a bunch of shit is going down that no people have read about but never actually seen done for centuries. All this old school magic is suddenly available to people.