GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Musty Nester
Also they've talked about how on any given day things can go one way or another. Any given day etc. Also not sure why everyone thinks Jaime is just a tourney fighter when he's actually fought and killed people in actual combat even as a squire to Selmy.
I think because in the show he's presented basically as a tourney fighter and an honor guard. Him actually being a badass and this being punishment is all backstory, you don't really see it onscreen and it's mentioned but not elaborated on. It's really just a few lines. "I stand outside and listen to the King fuck all day" and "You have chosen your opponents wisely". It's really easy to get the impression that he's a legend in his own mind entitled primarily because of his birth. Even the whole kingslayer thing... he stabbed him in the back.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
If you're interested in not getting spoiled I'd recommend not asking open ended questions like that
Well I thought there might be some spoilerish info that might have to be avoided in discussing my question, but I had faith in my fellow posters to tread lightly and everyone has come through with flying colors. It was a topic I had often considered myself so I was interested in what others thought. Considering this thread was basically on the last page behind such shit as the Big Bang Theory, Girls and Don't trust the bitch in apartment 23 I figured this whore of a thread needed a good punch to the tits to get going again.

To be honest, considering at what point in the story he makes the comment, I would have assumed we had at least heard of the folks on his list. At least the version he had at that moment. I have no doubt that the answer to who the 3 are that could challenge Jaime can change a few times as the story goes on, even in Jaimes head as heros are made on all sides. Hell even if we can only safely talk about 2 of the 3 I would still find that interesting. Hell really I would be cool with knowing if people thought that Ned might have been on that list or not.


Millie's Staff Member
Barristan's age is listed on his captain of the kings guard logbook when joffrey dismissed him. This is a very small spoiler so hope nobody minds. And noble savage, there are many great fighters this series. Jaime personal best doesnt encompass all of westeros and beyond. Just people he has met.
I am disappoint, the p0rn parody Game of Bones should have been made months ago. Bridgette the Midget as Tyrina Bannister 'paying her debts' in every brothel needs to get made.


Molten Core Raider
"Barristan and the Mountain are for sure. Third is a spoiler."

I guess it is possible that Jaime could be excluding the hound for a viper, but in the context of the show I find that very unlikely. I can say with little doubt Ned isnt one of them nor is Robert. Really if we are looking at known characters in their prime(on the show) Robert would have to be one of the three. There is one other character in the show that I would put in Jaime's class...Qhorin Halfhand. Ygrette's reaction to Jon killing him gives away just how scary he was as a fighter in the eyes of the wildlings. I have my own crazy theory who Qhorin really was, but this is definitely not the place to discuss that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Well I thought there might be some spoilerish info that might have to be avoided in discussing my question, but I had faith in my fellow posters to tread lightly and everyone has come through with flying colors. It was a topic I had often considered myself so I was interested in what others thought. Considering this thread was basically on the last page behind such shit as the Big Bang Theory, Girls and Don't trust the bitch in apartment 23 I figured this whore of a thread needed a good punch to the tits to get going again.

To be honest, considering at what point in the story he makes the comment, I would have assumed we had at least heard of the folks on his list. At least the version he had at that moment. I have no doubt that the answer to who the 3 are that could challenge Jaime can change a few times as the story goes on, even in Jaimes head as heros are made on all sides. Hell even if we can only safely talk about 2 of the 3 I would still find that interesting. Hell really I would be cool with knowing if people thought that Ned might have been on that list or not.
yeah it's a good discussion topic.


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
There is one other character in the show that I would put in Jaime's class...Qhorin Halfhand. Ygrette's reaction to Jon killing him gives away just how scary he was as a fighter in the eyes of the wildlings. I have my own crazy theory who Qhorin really was, but this is definitely not the place to discuss that.
Qhorin was definitely a badass who was legendary among the Nights Watch and the Wildlings. But almost nobody in the South gives a crap about the Nights Watch, so I doubt Jaime would consider him a worthy opponent or even know who he was.


Molten Core Raider
I agree. Its just a good example of how arrogant Jaime is. Consider what he is basing his knowledge on. There has not been a war or any noteworthy battles in 10 years, so tournaments and training with blunted weapons is all Jaime has to go on for every fighter except Barristan. Of the greyjoy rebellion we are only told about the feats of Thoros and his flaming sword. What Jaime saw or heard about during his part in the "War of the 5 Kings" is pretty limited as well. He was captured early on and kept prisioner for most of it, so his opinion has to be based on the past alone. That leaves a lot of fighters out there he has no clue about, men like Bronn, Qhorin, Mance etc.


Molten Core Raider
For the purposes of this thread I left her out of the discussion. Tho in the show she has killed more people with sword play than any other character up to this point I think.


Buzzfeed Editor
Qhorin was definitely a badass who was legendary among the Nights Watch and the Wildlings. But almost nobody in the South gives a crap about the Nights Watch, so I doubt Jaime would consider him a worthy opponent or even know who he was.
Yeah, which is why Jaime's classifications of power were meant to show how naive it is to believe in power in such a myopic way (It goes with the overall theme of the books). I'm willing to bet Qhorin wasn't half the swordsmen Jaime is--but if you were to put them both past the wall, and in a snow covered forest, I bet Qhorin would eat Jaime alive without Jaime even being able to take a swing at him. Same thing as all the big knights that mock the Reeds--but when it came time to go through their bog land and "take the north", every army was demolished by them--even the biggest, toughest bad asses were nothing to the Reeds in the bogs.

Honestly, Bronn is probably the toughest guy we've seen in the show thus far (Don't want to discuss spoilers)...Not because he's a particularly awesome swordsmen--but because Bronn is so diverse and is not tied to any philosophy, he cares about winning--if he needs to use a bow, sword, run around like a coward, doesn't matter, he will use it. I'd bet if you put Bronn on a battlefield against most of these guys he'd come out on top just because he doesn't mind running away and waiting for an advantage.


Trakanon Raider
Didn't Ned kill several famous oldschool Kingsguard? Jamie Lannister is better than them?
Ned killed 3 of the kingsguard - when they were guarding a tower on foot, and Ned and his six followers were mounted, and he still almost lost.

It's also likely that Howland Reed didn't fight 'fair' by tournament standards given his background - I'd speculate a poison dart or an arrow in Arthur Dayne was what saved Ned's life in that fight.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, with Ned dead he obviously didn't mean him. The impression that I got from the books is that yeah, Jamie is seriously skilled, he was considered a prodigy really. But at the same time he has not been involved in battles like some of the other guys. So a guy like Ned, who has seen some serious shit, including killing Jamie's idol, I wouldn't call him a chump and I wouldn't make any assumptions.
Jaime was knighted on the field of battle by Arthur Dayne himself when they were fighting the Smiling Knight when he was 16. He's seen plenty of battles.