GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I still like the thought of John Zombie. If he isnt more badass after being rezzed thats dumb.

But well see. I think he still has a more no nonsense approach though. The whole over cautious, duty oriented persona is going to be marginalized at the very least.

and LOL at that Hodor theory. Ohh man wtf.


Life's a Dream
What happens if an animal is killed while inhabited by the mind of a worg? Does the animal's mind swap over to the person? Or is that just from being worged way too long. Hmm.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If an animal is killed while a worg is active i believe the tree of life disposes 50 ravenbone tokens which are redeemable for a dragon shaped pencil eraser at the dread fort's concession stand


Vyemm Raider
Lyanna was definitely fuckable as advertised.

Jon turned Coldhands is a WAY cooler (heh) idea than a res from Mel. GRRM trolled D&D I think.

Jon Targaryan and Viserion, the immortal guardians of the lands north of the wall...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That Hodor theory could be legit. So if Bran worgs into a dragon, and the dragon dies, then Bran would basically be a murderous psycho who can only say "Drakarys".


Still not shown this season: Bronn, Littlefinger, the illegitimate son of King Robert (lol), Osha and Rickon (not shown in season 5 though?), White Walkers, Olenna Tyrell (and her husband), Sam and Gilly...


Life's a Dream
Illegitimate son of Robert was absolutely shown. In both episodes. He was playing with the camp fire last episode when Grayjoy decided he wanted to leave Sansa because she would be safer with the others.


You are thinking of Podrick (who is not one of Robert's illegitimate son as far as I know?). I am talking about the guy that got leeched by Melissandre at Stanis' home and that Davos the Onion Knight helped escape on a rowboat never to be seen again. Gendry is the name (not seen since season 3).

PS: Gendry did not know how to swim and never used a rowboat, so it is pretty likely that he is dead, but also possible that he will pop back in the story from nowhere.


Vyemm Raider
My mom called me during the Bran flashback and... well... I must have gotten dad's genes.

Probably took two hours to explain the episode. I wish they'd give up.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
He sentences them to death by snu snu. Wun Wun to carry out the sentences.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wun Wun, John Zombie and Tormund will dominate the realm. Wun wun riding dragon would b pretty epic. Bran could probably warg him.


Millie's Staff Member
What's the odds that along with toj we get the tourney at harrenhall and find out who is the knight of the Laughing Tree


<Bronze Donator>
Did you quote the wrong person? I'm not the one arguing that Jon is going to change; I'm just curious if Jon is going to be the living dead, (Like LSH) or alive, like Beric was.

And as an FYI, they were fundamentally different. Beric was resurrected - I suspect that he was "brought back" and thus had his memory fucked up from doing so. Catelyn wasn't resurrected; her corpse was just given Beric's "spark of life" as they referred to it. She's locked in the state she was in at her death; mental breakdown and extreme lust for vengeance.

It's Lazarus compared to Frankenstein, basically.

As we were left just seeing Jon wake up, we won't know till next Sunday. It's possible he was brought back ala Mel, and thus is alive. (Possibly confused and/or with parts of his memory missing, like Beric, but otherwise still the same) But it's also possible that his life was simply exchanged, perhaps with someone who had just died at the wall and/or Mel giving her life instead.

I don't think Jon will be that different, with the sole exception that his current situation could twist things a bit. IE, what will his reaction be? LSH gives no fucks whatsoever, and I think part of that is because her family is dead and scattered and she's...well. Like, what else are you going to do to her?

If he's alive, you could kill him again, essentially.

My money is just on a pure resurrection. He'll be alive, he'll heal, and he'll be extremely pissed.
No i quoted you.

I don't think Cat is any different than Beric. She's not some living dead thing. She can die again just as easily as she did the first time. She was resurrected by Beric with the same magic that resurrected Beric. There's nothing to indicate whatsoever that she is fundamentally different than Beric.

Beric was a knight who was tasked to lead a group and bring justice for the small folk of the riverlands from brigands believed to be the Mountain and his men. As a knight he was duty bound to this goal. When he was killed and brought back he continued to do this. He feels "compelled" if you want to phrase it that way. Each time he dies he remembers less and less, he's less of himself and more of this one thing, justice.

Cat went insane and ripped her own face off as her entire world burned around her and she was consumed by the need for vengeance. Then she died and brought back and she is compelled by this overarching need for vengeance. She spent more time dead (3 days) so less of her came back when she was finally resurrected, she's more of this one thing, vengeance. What part of her did come back is fucking insane though, so her concept of "Vengeance" is just fucked, not recognizing friend from foe, etc.

She's not some frankenstein thing, they're both lazarus. But Beric was only dead minutes or hours at a time, she was in the river 3 days before Arya while warging as Nymeria pulled her body from the river.

Its likely that Rhaegar and Lyanna ran off and got married because we know that Lyanna didn't want to marry Robert Baratheon. As she knew he was a whoremonger, and Rhaegar was just a romantic harp playing prince.

Why Rhaegar, who supposedly was gathering people to depose his crazy ass dad, would run off and marry someone already betrothed while at the same time he was already married is the real question. By all accounts Rhaegar was no fool. He must have known something would happen because of his rash actions.

I guess he just didn't expect his crazy ass dad to burn the Warden of the North and his heir alive in the Red Keep then call for the heads of all the Starks and Arryns as well? Thus causing the war that ended his line.
This is explained in the books. Rhaegar was a book worm with no interest in fighting until he read about the Azor Ahai reborn prophecy, that the dragon has 3 heads, and that they would be born from his blood line. His dornish wife was frail and had almost died both times she delivered and couldn't have any more children, but he needed a 3rd child for the 3rd head of the dragon. That's why he decided that he would become a great swordsman and just showed up one day at the master at arms and was like, yo bitch teach me how to fight. It's also why he had to take a 2nd wife.

Lyanna was most likely the Knight of the Laughing Tree. It explains why the Reed's have such high regard for the Starks and also explains why Rhaegar chose her. He was tasked to track down the mystery knight, left and was gone for hours, claiming he could only find the armor and shield the knight used, then the next day he wins the tourney and crowned Lyanna instead of his wife