GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"Probably not" unless I can't write fast enough.
I wouldn't be shocked if in the actual books Drogon was the one that would burn the leaders to a crisp. Possibly they just did it with Dany because she's been such a weak character for a long time now and its cheaper than doing all the dragon CG.

I think most show watchers have been lead to think Dany is for the most part immune to fire. Hell her hair doesn't even burn in the show but it does in the source.


Avatar of War Slayer
IF, and its a big IF GRMM manages to spew out the books to finish - I bet he is going to screw over HBO by totally going different directions just because - regardless of the fact that HE game them major points / major character happenings and the end destinations of all those characters and the completed story... and hell maybe even all his notes on things to come. But I think he will do it "as a gift to the dedicated book crowd" if he can manage to get something out anytime...


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I wouldn't be shocked if in the actual books Drogon was the one that would burn the leaders to a crisp. Possibly they just did it with Dany because she's been such a weak character for a long time now and its cheaper than doing all the dragon CG.

I think most show watchers have been lead to think Dany is for the most part immune to fire. Hell her hair doesn't even burn in the show but it does in the source.
Drogon burning them all would have a been a lot cooler than the retarded scene we got.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
IF, and its a big IF GRMM manages to spew out the books to finish - I bet he is going to screw over HBO by totally going different directions just because - regardless of the fact that HE game them major points / major character happenings and the end destinations of all those characters and the completed story... and hell maybe even all his notes on things to come. But I think he will do it "as a gift to the dedicated book crowd" if he can manage to get something out anytime...
I would hope he writes the story true to how he wants, regardless of the differences in the show. That said, how many more books are there supposed to be? Only 2? 3? I'm not holding my breath.


Avatar of War Slayer
Drogon burning them all would have a been a lot cooler than the retarded scene we got.
In the show its a rehash of the end of S1 and gets her the followers who are in awe of her and worship her, the dragon burning route would get her the same followers most likely, but in a fear and oppression kind of following.


Molten Core Raider
On the After the Thrones show they did bring up a good point that Dany is good at speeches and riling up a crowd but rarely can she execute her ambition quite as cleanly. Just because the Dothraki are now bowing to her doesn't mean she'll have an easy time juggling management of the Dothraki, management of Mareen and laying siege to Westeros.
Of course it won't be an easy endeavor. She's not going to ultimately fail though as far as human conflict. Who knows what wrenches the white walkers throw into any theory but putting that aside she is the most powerful person in control of the most powerful army plus 3 dragons. She's also apparently very hungry to rule everyone.


Buzzfeed Editor
And not so much that whole "your a wizard now, dany" explanation that Lithose gave. great fan fic but not actual basis from the books.
Except it clearly is based on the books, numerous times its been shown people who know a great deal about magic can not cast it (Maesters). In addition, even people that can cast magic, not all can do all spells. (For example) You have an entire religious order who are clearly comfortable with burning people alive attempting to complete the spell, and were never able to execute it.

Dany does accident.In the books it serves as a reinforcement that she is adept at controlling the magic needed for these spells. It's been implied numerous times some Targs are very adept spell users, and as we've seen, some component of spell use is genetic/random based on the person. (As well as, as said, some kind of global component.)


Drogon burning them all would have a been a lot cooler than the retarded scene we got.
Can she call on him when she needs help? It was kinda implied that there's a link between the two with how he came during the Sons of the Harpy attack, but I was never clear on whether she called him or he just happened to show up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In the books didn't she have dreams from Drogon's POV almost like the Starks with their dire wolves? I always just kind of thought of the Dragons as Dany's dire wolves. She can't control them directly (I know, I know) but they do have a deep bond and can sense danger.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Can she call on him when she needs help? It was kinda implied that there's a link between the two with how he came during the Sons of the Harpy attack, but I was never clear on whether she called him or he just happened to show up.
In the books, there is a bit more detail; he was drawn by the blood in the arena. A boar I think was the catalyst, he came down for a snack.


tour de salt
Did it seem to anyone else that Dany was controlling the fire there at the end? After re-watching it seems she made it race across the walls, and when she knocks over the last brazier it seems she forces it up at Khal Brogo's face.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Drogon burning... or... eating them would have been a lot better than napalm-filled braziers.


Ssraeszha Raider
IF, and its a big IF GRMM manages to spew out the books to finish - I bet he is going to screw over HBO by totally going different directions just because - regardless of the fact that HE game them major points / major character happenings and the end destinations of all those characters and the completed story... and hell maybe even all his notes on things to come. But I think he will do it "as a gift to the dedicated book crowd" if he can manage to get something out anytime...
I don't see how that screws over HBO. Most show watchers don't really give a shit about the books.

The book readers are the only ones who hold themselves in such high esteem


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
IF, and its a big IF GRMM manages to spew out the books to finish - I bet he is going to screw over HBO by totally going different directions just because - regardless of the fact that HE game them major points / major character happenings and the end destinations of all those characters and the completed story... and hell maybe even all his notes on things to come. But I think he will do it "as a gift to the dedicated book crowd" if he can manage to get something out anytime...
We can discuss that in 2050 when the last book is released if we are still alive.
IF, and its a big IF GRMM manages to spew out the books to finish - I bet he is going to screw over HBO by totally going different directions just because - regardless of the fact that HE game them major points / major character happenings and the end destinations of all those characters and the completed story... and hell maybe even all his notes on things to come. But I think he will do it "as a gift to the dedicated book crowd" if he can manage to get something out anytime...
he could also wait to see what kind of audience reactions this season will garner and alter some unfavorable plot lines after