GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Zignor 3_sl

Thanks! I guess you have to be far more emotionally invested in this show than I am to be able to understand why everyone seems to be shitting themselves over this. :/
Now that's a profound realization to make after considering you've missed out on over 5 seasons of buildup. I shall wait eagerly and somewhat impatiently for your next moment of brilliant contemplation.


<Bronze Donator>
I wonder what happened with all the snatched babies from the first seasons. Is these some white walker kids army going to surprise us anytime soon?
you mean the babies that the night king turns into the white walkers? Well craster's been at it for like 30-40 something years and he's had 99 sons. No idea if they age differently than humans or what. We haven't seen a large number of white walkers together at one time though we've seen at least 13 in 1 shot, and we've seen 3 of them die over the seasons.

If they age at normal human rate and you assume an average spread of 2-3 males born to craster per year over 40 years converted into white walkers, then you're at 40-50 adult white walkers available, and another 40-50 between 0-20 years old, probably chilling in the lands of always winter with some wight baby sitters or some shit.

If they age faster than normal human rate then you can have like 100 of them, assuming that they don't die of old age or anything.

Another option is they age slower than humans, and the few that we see are all the children from wildlings before craster, perhaps long, long before Craster. Crasters' sons won't come of age to threaten the world of men for decades? Centuries? Millennia? Maybe they don't rise until the next long night, the one after this upcoming one.

That was probably the first major "show is now spoiling the books" and it was in season 4.


Gunnar Durden
I'm just guessing because they're back in the Riverlands where all that shit happens and those people are, Pod getting kidnapped like in the book, resurrection precedent, etc.

Maybe they won't actually reveal her until next season, just have Brienne and Pod taken to her lair in the finale this season? But you're right about them probably ditching that storyline, and with how few episodes are left it might be too late to throw that in.
What I think is more likely given the direction of the show, is that they take him away when he arrives since he is a Lannister squire, and the nephew of the man who killed Ned stark.

This will all be an arc where brienne has to prove her loyalty to the Starks/tullys.

Blackfish isn't a moron, and when the daughter of a lord in house Tyrell, who declared for a Baratheon, and escorted the kings layer home, shows up with pod(whose sins I mentioned above) he won't welcome them with open arms

Edit - I'm dumb, Brienne is from the storm lands I thought for some odd reason she was from the reach.

Anywho, logic still applies.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
With regard to Varys trying to put a Targaryan in charge I'm late to the party and there are people who know more than me about this but my impression was that historically the Targaryans were either great leaders or totally insane. The Mad King was obviously one of the insane ones but a lot of people felt that Rhaegar would have likely been a great king if Robert hadn't caved his chest in. The Targs were the only ones in recent memory who were actually able to keep peace in Westeros and hence Varys sees putting one of the "good" Targaryans on the throne as what would be best for the realm.

I'm sure someone will probably correct me on some of this stuff but that is my impression of what Varys is doing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Really, that's all it takes for the Iron Islands to become powerful? Build a thousand ships? Why didn't they think of it any sooner.


Got something right about marriage
Really, that's all it takes for the Iron Islands to become powerful? Build a thousand ships? Why didn't they think of it any sooner.
Because the previous leaders didn't have a Targaryen with dragons to sail to and pledge allegiance to? Because they didn't have a leader who cared about being anything more than they already were? Is this a serious question?


Molten Core Raider
Makes as much sense as anything, Varys also knows what pieces of shit the last few leaders have been too.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thanks! I guess you have to be far more emotionally invested in this show than I am to be able to understand why everyone seems to be shitting themselves over this. :/
I just can't get wrapped up in emotions for works of fiction. I gave zero fucks when Hodor died.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tenks is the kind of dude who smiled and ate popcorn when his girlfriend/wife made him watch If I Stay.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No I just don't get upset over fake shit
Have you ever been diagnosed as a sociopath? That's such a great part about art(writing, movies, games) that I can't imagine not experiencing any emotional response to it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the whole notion of them being able to just whip out a thousand ships, provision them and sail them across the entire 7 kingdoms coastline on a whim is a little absurd. They are on the northwestern edge of the continent, and they have to get east of it.


Molten Core Raider
Boy, I'm the least emotional person I know and I would never say something like this.
You did. We all did. We were all children once being that cool guy saying I don't care. I'm above it all.

Then we grew up and had empathy. The rest became Hipsters.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
How the fuck can you even be entertained by a work of fiction if you have no emotional attachment to the characters?