GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
To non book readers, ned's death was pretty big. I think it was what showed viewers that it was a different kind of show. So not a ton of action but it really solidified the tone.

But yeah, if they blow this one, it will have a souring effect on me.


Molten Core Raider
Except that is kind of what Varys and Illyrio originally had in mind. They expected Dany to die amongst the horse lords and intended to keep Viserys in Pentos. Close enough for Robert to know he exists and feel a certain level of threat, but far enough removed that Varys can keep him alive.
I just re-read the entire Daenerys storyline, skipping the rest. It was an interesting storyline on it's own, I don't understand why some people didn't like it. But the show butchered it and then pissed on it. Ser Barristan dying ? Drogon coming to save Danny after being telepathically called ? I could go on and on... But about the plans of Varys and Illyrio...

Which plan?? said Tristan Rivers. ?The fat man?s plan? The one that changes every time the moon turns? First Viserys Targaryen was to join us with fifty thousand Dothraki screamers at his back. Then the Beggar King was dead, and it was to be the sister, a pliable young child queen who was on her way to Pentos with three new-hatched dragons. Instead the girl turns up on Slaver?s Bay and leaves a string of burning cities in her wake, and the fat man decides we should meet her by Volantis. Now that plan is in ruins as well.

?I have had enough of Illyrio?s plans. Robert Baratheon won the Iron Throne without the benefit of dragons. We can do the same. And if I am wrong and the realm does not rise for us, we can always retreat back across the narrow sea, as Bittersteel once did, and others after him.?

But they never expected Dany to die amongst the horse lord... what the fuck ?


<Bronze Donator>
GRRM added these random fucks for a reason.
yeah, as filler for the 5 years of downtime corner he painted himself into. they are ultimately meaningless
Aegon will show up in the show, otherwise if he doesn't then it will just confirm he's a non factor in the books. They are set on putting major plot lines from the books, more than the holding back and cutting major stuff out. Ya I know Stoneheart isn't in the show, but that's just filler in the book.
no way in hell aegon shows up in the show. There's only going to be 15 more episodes of the series. Not only has the show confirmed that he's a non-factor by not including him, the books confirmed that he was a last minute retcon by grrm to fill space while we waited on peoples training montages to complete.

Go back and read chapter 32 from A Game of Thrones, the one where Arya's chasing cats through the red keep and ends up in the hidden tunnels underground. She overhears the people talking, but as an 8 year old girl she doesn't understand it nor can she explain it to her father, but you as the reader know that Ilyrio and Varys' entire grand scheme is laid out. It was always Viserys takes the throne by way of dany's marriage to khal drogo. The speech varys gives at the end of book 5 is a continuity error on GRRMs part when he retconned the character in to fill pages and pass the time.

The only thing that matters is the realm is proper fucked so dany's conquest is easy, easy enough that she's got enough forces left to rally the survivors and fight the ww.

edit: The above quote further illustrates my point. They've been training "aegon" since birth to rule, clearly he would be their ideal candidate for the throne. but 'originally' post book 5 filler retcon, the plan was for Viserys (unquestionably the rightful heir of the last targ king) + 50k dothraki to somehow team up with Aegon (allegedly the true heir) + 10k golden company, and together they would conquer westeros? And then what? Get gay married? Oh but then he died, so then you have Dany + baby dragons and no support, who can then marry aegon + golden company, and together reclaim westeros, but she said fuck it and built a massive army and started sacking cities and doesn't even need the golden company any now just wait on her and her massive army and dragons to come along, and you can hitch a ride with her. Oh and then try to woo her and if you are lucky she will let you marry her and become king, otherwise if you try any shit you'll just get eaten by her dragons or else get kicked to the curb.

as much shit we give the show writers, grrm's last few books on which they are somewhat based are equally just as shit. Just like the dorne storyline that also tried to retcon some secret master plan, which was 100% full retard.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
as much shit we give the show writers, grrm's last few books on which they are somewhat based are equally just as shit. Just like the dorne storyline that also tried to retcon some secret master plan, which was 100% full retard.
The writers themselves said the only reason they wanted to do the show was for the Red Wedding. A lot of people consider the series to have ended with ASOS, and everything after that is just GRRM floundering about, waste deep in fetid garbage.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
GRRM added these random fucks for a reason. Aegon will show up in the show, otherwise if he doesn't then it will just confirm he's a non factor in the books. They are set on putting major plot lines from the books, more than the holding back and cutting major stuff out. Ya I know Stoneheart isn't in the show, but that's just filler in the book.
Not sure what you mean. In the books sure you're right. But in the show they've clearly began going down plotlines only to completely abandon them later. On multiple occassions.


Avatar of War Slayer
To non book readers, ned's death was pretty big. I think it was what showed viewers that it was a different kind of show. So not a ton of action but it really solidified the tone.

But yeah, if they blow this one, it will have a souring effect on me.
episode 1 did that right off the bat.
Bran out the window.

Bran also... did not die. haha.


Molten Core Raider
It's been a minute since I read dance, isn't Aegon heavily implied to actually be Illyrio's son?


Avatar of War Slayer
So when Cersi wildfires kings landing, this dude gonna roll up and claim the crown? Or does he make a 5 second quick shot in the final episode for the season?

they are setting up the 5 queens.
Danny, Sansa, Cersei, Dorne lady, yara. After all the bad men(euron, night king, frey) are dead or eunuchs, , Sex god Genry is going to roll up.


Molten Core Raider

they are setting up the 5 queens.
Danny, Sansa, Cersei, Dorne lady, yara. After all the bad men(euron, night king, frey) are dead or eunuchs, , Sex god Genry is going to roll up.
He'll have arms the size of redwood trees after all that god damn rowing


Millie's Staff Member

they are setting up the 5 queens.
Danny, Sansa, Cersei, Dorne lady, yara. After all the bad men(euron, night king, frey) are dead or eunuchs, , Sex god Genry is going to roll up.
Only dany is a queen, but yeah they are setting up a heavy grrrl power message. Even lyanna mormont


Millie's Staff Member
The lead men in this show usually have no cocks or have a physical or mental disability. The badass men die suddenly. The women prey on the men for power. :p


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I've decided GRRM has the book done and is trolling HBO as this point.(and us)


privileged excrementlord
Just about every twist or surprise was hinted at somehow earlier in the series. Aegon, not so much. He was an afterthought. Sure, he'll have a major role to play in the books, but it clearly won't be anything someone else couldn't do.


Got something right about marriage
I don't think there was any foreshadowing to Benjen coming back. Was there any foreshadowing in regards to Euron? I feel like there's a lot of shit that has just happened out of nowhere for people who strictly watch the show and have never read the books.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Plenty of foreshadowing on Benjen returning. I mean he was lost beyond the wall in the wilderness, I'm sure its a named trope for a "mentor" archetype to get lost and be presumed dead or worse, and then later for them to return with new knowledge or special powers that assist the main character(s) in their quest.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
They also made mention of Benjen several times after his disappearance. I don't recall Euron ever being mentioned on the show(was he?), but as a bookreader it didn't seem all that jarring when he showed up.