GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Bronze Donator>
Look at these two arguing this dumb fan theory shit.

Just 10 more months of this until season 7 Guys

Edit: ghost is with Jon, just not shown all the time due to CGI budget, plus it would have been dumb to use him during the battle for winterfell. Last we saw ghost was with John at castle black during his resurrection, south of the wall


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't get why people have an issue with those saying that Varys suddenly appearing was jarring.
The could have at least changed his clothes.

They did something similar last season with Varys as well. They forgot about him for half the season, but in the final episode they had him sidle up to Tyrion towards the end with no explanation. He's just there because the writers needed him to be there -- used as a gratuitous plot device.


Golden Knight of the Realm
lame that they didn't show that john was in fact a tarrygarry / stark. I read a couple of days ago someone said that Cersei was not evil, she was just motivated. I wonder if he feels the same way now


Musty Nester
I'm disappointed I haven't seen more bitching about long term storage of wildfire in a publicly accessible place under your most important building
At this point it's kinda all equally stupid.

The only thing I'm curious about anymore, really, is remember way back in season one gurrm promised there was an explanation for why the season on this world were so fucked that wasn't "it's magic"

I'm curious if they ever a dress that at all, or if it's lost smoke monster bullshit. Now I'm leaning 95% in favor of grrm is a lucky hack who NEVER had a cohesive story in mind... But I'm even willing to accept something pernlike with eccentric orbit in a pixiedust nebulae.


Molten Core Raider
The could have at least changed his clothes.

They did something similar last season with Varys as well. They forgot about him for half the season, but in the final episode they had him sidle up to Tyrion towards the end with no explanation. He's just there because the writers needed him to be there -- used as a gratuitous plot device.
Whats important is that he is there, not how he got there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm curious if they ever a dress that at all, or if it's lost smoke monster bullshit. Now I'm leaning 95% in favor of grrm is a lucky hack who NEVER had a cohesive story in mind... But I'm even willing to accept something pernlike with eccentric orbit in a pixiedust nebulae.
A- reference good sir.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
So even if it comes out that Jon Snow is actually Aeg/mon Targaryen and the North believes it, instead of being Ned Stark's bastard with some random tavern wench, he's now the rape-bred bastard son of the House that caused the whole goddamn mess in the first place, which might change how the lords of the North feel about him.
Sam's going to find the marriage contract in that nerd library archives of the Maesters...


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ned's sister wasn't raped by Rhaegar, they were in love.

Robert promoted the "he kidnapped her and raped her" story because he was too arrogant and self righteous to accept that the woman he loved loved someone else.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ned's sister wasn't raped by Rhaegar, they were in love.

Robert promoted the "he kidnapped her and raped her" story because he was too arrogant and self righteous to accept that the woman he loved loved someone else.
We don't actually know one way or the other. I support the elopement theory, and it's circumstantially supported by Lyanna telling Ned 'protect this baby from Robert' instead of 'throw this thing out of the nearest window'. Just saying, without evidence, nobody has any reason to doubt the kidnapping story.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
It wouldn't even matter. Lyanna was pledged by her Lord father to Robert Baratheon. She didn't get a say in the matter. Rhaegar was already married to Elia Martel of Dorne. So in doing this he insulted House Baratheon, House Stark, House Martel. His father had already pushed away House Lannister with his crazy.

Had Rhaegar just kept it a fling or something and avoided the situation of his father murdering Lord Stark and his heir. Calling for the death of Jon Arryn and other key bannermen. He MIGHT have been able to salvage the situation. But he still fucked up bad with the whole thing.

Pushing away all of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms is exactly the opposite of how you stay in power. Which is what Cersei has done with her insanity.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It wouldn't even matter. Lyanna was pledged by her Lord father to Robert Baratheon. She didn't get a say in the matter. Rhaegar was already married to Elia Martel of Dorne. So in doing this he insulted House Baratheon, House Stark, House Martel. His father had already pushed away House Lannister with his crazy.

Had Rhaegar just kept it a fling or something and avoided the situation of his father murdering Lord Stark and his heir. Calling for the death of Jon Arryn and other key bannermen. He MIGHT have been able to salvage the situation. But he still fucked up bad with the whole thing.

Pushing away all of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms is exactly the opposite of how you stay in power. Which is what Cersei has done with her insanity.
House Targaryen practiced polygamy.


Unelected Mod
She is clearly proud of her Targaryen name. Thinking that Dany has some blood vendetta to kill the remaining Targs other than her is just... well, its Astro level.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I liked the season overall. I think we're officially completely out of book possible spoilers at this point, now that Sam has finally reached Oldtown and Jaime finished his siege at Riverrun. Aside from plotlines that probably go nowhere in the books (considering they didn't even appear and/or go nowhere in the show) it's now all open water.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
House Targaryen practiced polygamy.
Not relevant. Marrying your multiple sisters does not allow you to marry whomever you want if they are already pledged. Especially if they are your key bannermen. You can argue that killing off Lord Stark and his heir. Then calling for the heads of Ned and Robert AND Lord Arryn is what started the whole thing. But regardless Rhaegar was the spark to the fire.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What is your point? All I'm saying is that it would be a big difference if he's not a bastard because of harsh the social stigma is against bastards in Westeros.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
They'll probably do something silly like ignore it entirely on the basis of him "living as a Stark." Or some shit. I mean, they already ignored that he deserted the Night's Watch, despite Ramsay and Littlefinger bringing it up.