GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Back to my question. What does House Targ own any more? What rights do they have? What power?


So if Dany wins it all she is the power regardless of her blood line. Her blood line doesn't matter. At all. To the victor goes the spoils. She can decide to say he isn't my blood line because he is only 50% and they all inbreed to be 100%. Now put him to death.

The point is just being a Targ gets him nothing and hurts him in every way. He has to bring something to the table other than that. Look at the discussion about him as king of the north. They said they don't care about his bloodline and him being a bastard because he has proven himself to them. That's all that matters, his bloodline is secondary. It will be the same for his Targ aide. He will need to be worth something to Dany for more than just blood. If that's the case then blood line doesn't matter at all really.

Ser Bronn, Ramsay, LF, and quite a few others could explain to you how little bloodline matters when inheriting lands and titles. So could Robert if he was still alive.

BTW can you call it House Targaryen if there is just a single woman in the house ... a barren woman at that?
That is why I am starting to think this is going to end with Tyrion (currently 2nd in line of Baratheon succession behind Cersei and Jaime) on the throne, bringing peace to the realm with his long-ago marriage to Sansa Stark, and Dany either sacrificing herself or not taking the throne at all. I can also see the Seven Kingdoms ending up splintered again as a result of this; it isn't like the North is going to bend the knee to King' Landing ever again.

I am also starting to think that something bad is going to happen to Dany en route to Westeros or shortly after she gets there; I mean, it is too easy if she lands with an army 5x the size or more of everything else left in Westeros. She would just roflstomp everyone and it can't be that easy...though the only things I can think of that would really screw her are either a hurricane, or Euron attacks her in force and demolishes most of her fleet - she does have Theon and Yara after all and has thrown in with them to overthrow Euron. Or, maybe she takes King's Landing and while her horde of Dothraki is raping and pillaging Cersei executes the Aerys Solution and blows up the whole damn thing, thus evening out the playing field a bit.


privileged excrementlord
That and the fact that she's a Stark. You think he'd have been able to convince them to save the Northern army if she was from some other family?


Jon and Dany meet. Dany commands Drogon to roast Jon. Drogon yawns and scratches himself. Bloodlines matter.
We are assuming that will actually matter to the dragons based on ....

We are assuming that the Stark blood in him didn't dilute the Targ blood based on ....

We are assuming every Targ has a dragon affinity based on ....


That and the fact that she's a Stark. You think he'd have been able to convince them to save the Northern army if she was from some other family?
You mean convince the little boy in charge to do whatever he says? That is what happened, we saw it on screen.

LF only cares about her blood line as much as it will let him get what he wants.

The Stark line is also still in charge with lands and power. Once again what land, titles, power, money, people does the Targ "house" still control in Westeros?

Chamber maids own more than the Targs do.


right now.

We'll see next season.
Of course we will but this is the time to discuss the what ifs. Discuss the finer point of an actual plot line.

A lot of people have all their plot investments riding on this Targ blood line but why? The Stark blood line is 1000x more useful in Westeros right now and for the forseeable future. In the books Varys made a claim that there were commoners ready to take up the Targ banner but I don't remember that being discussed in the show. We know for a fact though there are several noble houses that pledged fealty to a Stark bastard. That is real and tangible and worth something.


privileged excrementlord
You mean convince the little boy in charge to do whatever he says? That is what happened, we saw it on screen.

LF only cares about her blood line as much as it will let him get what he wants.

The Stark line is also still in charge with lands and power. Once again what land, titles, power, money, people does the Targ "house" still control in Westeros?

Chamber maids own more than the Targs do.
So you agree, her bloodline mattered. Glad we settled that.

Excellent thread subtitle update.


I figured it out. Her grand plan is to break the wheel, but Dany showed her hand when talking to Daario, who's keeping the peace while Mereen elects a new leader.

Forget about naming Jon as her successor, she's bringing Democracy to Westeros, and he's already winning the popular vote.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That is why I am starting to think this is going to end with Tyrion (currently 2nd in line of Baratheon succession behind Cersei and Jaime) on the throne, bringing peace to the realm with his long-ago marriage to Sansa Stark, and Dany either sacrificing herself or not taking the throne at all. I can also see the Seven Kingdoms ending up splintered again as a result of this; it isn't like the North is going to bend the knee to King' Landing ever again.

I am also starting to think that something bad is going to happen to Dany en route to Westeros or shortly after she gets there; I mean, it is too easy if she lands with an army 5x the size or more of everything else left in Westeros. She would just roflstomp everyone and it can't be that easy...though the only things I can think of that would really screw her are either a hurricane, or Euron attacks her in force and demolishes most of her fleet - she does have Theon and Yara after all and has thrown in with them to overthrow Euron. Or, maybe she takes King's Landing and while her horde of Dothraki is raping and pillaging Cersei executes the Aerys Solution and blows up the whole damn thing, thus evening out the playing field a bit.
The fact that Tyrion and Sansa never consummated their marriage means that for all intensive porpoises, they were never married.

Also, that title is an A-. Should be like 9.5 months.


Molten Core Raider
That is why I am starting to think this is going to end with Tyrion (currently 2nd in line of Baratheon succession behind Cersei and Jaime) on the throne, bringing peace to the realm with his long-ago marriage to Sansa Stark
Can't wait for the scene of an anxious Tyrion asking the midwife if his new baby son is a dwarf like when Forest Gump asked if his aids baby was retarded


The fact that Tyrion and Sansa never consummated their marriage means that for all intensive porpoises, they were never married.

Also, that title is an A-. Should be like 9.5 months.
Who knows they never consummated but them?

You guys put too much stock into things we know as the viewers and ignore the facts that we see more than the people in the story.