GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Musty Nester
I don't know if an Englishman would write something like this. I thought he'd be midwestern just looking at him, he really does look cornfed, but GRRM being American is not exactly a shock.

It would be sort of like an American writing an allegorical fantasy about George Washington. When this stuff is taught in your third grade history class it becomes completely mundane. And when Shakespeare already did it better than you ever will trying to do it again is just professionally embarrassing.


Potato del Grande
Yeah as an Englishman I've been taught nothing about George Washington but they did hammer the shit out of the Tudors and Shakespeare in schools. I say did because they don't teach History in many british schools now but that's another topic

It is made mundane because they mostly cover boring shit like women's rights and how peasants lived, not pirates stealing treasure ships and burning armadas.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The books borrow from the war of the Roses. That said the opening episode was great and I am looking forward to the rest of this season.

Kubla Kas_sl

Not to Malazan up this thread, but I am 80% through the second one and they just aren't super entertaining to me. First one was definitely better than second, and I think I heard they eventually get back to the majority of the first book characters later in the series. But I don't know if its his writing style or how chapters just go through like 6 different viewpoints at a certain period of time, then the chapter finishes and new one starts. Or how a lot of his characters seem to just randomly have stuff help them out, things that just come out of left field...or introduce this character who is travelling and she just happens to get an all-powerful being to accompany her and its hard to decipher the reason why this thing is even helping her. Its like he materializes his plot armor for characters into actual book elements but they just end up seeming completely random and arbitrary.


It's supposed to be a clever way of saying the writer had to pull something less than ideal out of their ass to get something to work for a character.
More or less.

Generally it is when a writer gets lazy or is bad and writes a scenario a character can't really get out of (based on their up to now known capabilities), but the writer realizes too late he can't kill or fuck over this character in the way he should be. So the writer has something readers find unsatisfying happen to pull the character out of harms way or otherwise survive using a trick you never seen before or again. The character was saved because the plot needed him alive a while longer, not because it made sense or was even good storytelling, hence: Plot Armor.

It comes up a lot in comics where writers change a lot and characters show up in different comics all the time. TV it will happen as well. Writer A will set up an arc to kill Character X, only to find out at the last minute after 80% of the story has been released, Writer B needs Character X for season 2, so now Character X needs some stupid plot armor to save him.


Molten Core Raider
How about he just fucking died and that's it?

I probably don't want to get involved in this conversation.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No one wants to get involved in it. It's apparently the word for the week and every retard who disagrees with something written is gonna throw it out like they know what the fuck they are talking about. I should have never pointed it out. Give Adam negs for this injustice, because I have my plot chastity belt on I'm safe.


Buzzfeed Editor
How about he just fucking died and that's it?

I probably don't want to get involved in this conversation.
You don't have to preach to me, I've never used that phrase in my life before today. I'm just showing you an example that's related to the thread. Most of the "Tropes" are like that though, they are devices we've all seen for years, like immunity from storm trooper shots (Which supposedly is a form of plot, and some douche gave it a name on that site. (Though, I admit, much like Wookepedia, I get caught reading all the shit on there.)


Musty Nester
Only the Vorpal Masterstroke is capable of piercing the densest Plot Armor, and then only by virtue of an Objective Critical Analysis.

Kubla Kas_sl

Its ok, needing plot armor separates good writers from bad writers and we know you don't have the mental capabilities to tell the difference so you can ignore the term.

Also, I wouldn't have continued the Malazan thing but I can't go into the Malazan thread without getting the fuck spoilered out of my jimmies and since someone mentioned it here in passing, I thought maybe they might be able to lessen my worries about the rest of the series sucking and being a waste of my time (they can use PMs if they want, don't want to fuck up a thread about spoilers that for the last week has been talking about how people are trick spoilering the no spoilers thread. That was fucking epic conversation compared to plot armor, amirite bro?)