GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Joffrey has been working towards that. Remember how the first "sexualized" thing he experiences is making Ros beat the shit out of the other whore? Or getting Sansa stripped naked and beaten? He is basically taking what he already liked (pain, murder, cruelty) and combining that with ye olde teenage hormones. The risk to Marg is pretty great once the "honeymoon" period is over.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That reminds me that I was disappointed at that final scene. It made the wall look about 20-30 feet wide at the most. If I were just a show watcher, I'd wonder why they didn't just burrow through the thing. But in the book that thing was fucking massively wide. I wonder if maybe it's just going to be a thing where the bottom is wide, but the top significantly less so. That's the only way to makes sense where a gigantic chunk of the wall falls off and it doesn't collapse the whole thing. And unless they scrap the whole wildling battle inside the wall, it won't make sense unless that's the case.

I also feel like Ros was a LOST type "mistake." It looked like they decided to dramatically enhance a character who wasn't really anything but a background character in the books. So you think, hey, maybe they've got something special planned for her. But she basically gets tossed aside in a rather boring way. Granted, that's not really out of character for GRRM, but it still makes me wonder what the whole point of making her so much more important was.
Of course it would have to be wider at the bottom and thinner at the top. That almost goes without saying. It's a big pile of ice and snow.


Trakanon Raider
You know, we haven't actually seen Tommen in a long time. I hope they bring him back around soon so we know he's still there. I imagine early next season we'll see him again.

Oh, and today I read an article about people getting Game of Thrones themed wedding photos done. I laughed my fucking ass off at the irony.


Trump's Staff
I absolutely hate hate hate when people post something like "Sad to see when I looked this up that it wasn't actually in the book." I thought we were modding against that? Some of us plan on reading and don't need that.
It's a spoiler to say that something is in the book but not the show, but I'm not exactly sure if it's a spoiler to say the reverse, especially when it has no affect on the plot. It was just a cool quote.


Buzzfeed Editor
He's not the king. He can't just order things to happen, he just nudges things in one direction and then reacts to what happens next. We have no evidence that he's done anything out of desire for personal gain or cruelty. We've only seen him do what he thinks is best for everyone in the long run. In your mind what would he be doing if he wasn't "bad"?
He wouldn't have killed Kevan or Tywin for one. Or he could have exposed the murder of John Arryn or Littlefinger's machinations and financial bullshit. Or he could have not supported the Targaryens, hey look more common people dying and suffering for the game of thrones. Any of a thousand things he could be doing if he wasn't purely selfish, just like every other character in this book except maybe one or two. Take it more basic, we know the war was his goal, he talked about it with Illyrio in the first book. His goalsarepersonal gain. Just because he says "for the good of the realm" doesn't make it true, just his view. I'm sure Tywin sees the shit he does as justified for the realm too, he just doesn't have a line where he directly says it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
didnt olenna take the poison from sansa's tiara and put it in joff's wine?
Yep, or at least that's what Littlefinger tells Sansa. Not like we can take him at his word. One of the Amethysts was crystallized Tears of Lys(?) and when she adjusted the hair net thing she took it.


Trakanon Raider
We haven't seen the Tyrell's have evidence that Margaery doesn't have Jeoffrey in hand.
I think we'll see that very soon though. Now that he's killed, the next one is going to be easier. Margaery isn't going to be able to keep placating him forever; that's just not how crazy works.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Marg already had to step lightly when Joffrey basically challenged her during the scene where he was trying out his new crossbow on the boar head. She will probably do the same if she finds out about Ros, but she will try to get a feel for how she fits in with Joffrey's new hobby.
There's no way this thing makes 10-12 seasons, not at 1 season per year. 6-7 at most, and even that might be stretching it. This isn't the books.
I don't feel this is a spoiler, but there areseven books planned. So roughly a book-per-season should work and man I hope they do all seven. But ... JRR Martin is gonna have to pick up the pace on releasing the last two:

A Game of Thrones - Book:1996 - Show:2011
A Clash of Kings - Book:1999 - Show:2012
A Storm of Swords - Book:2000 - Show:2013
A Feast for Crows - Book:2005 - Show:2014
A Dance with Dragons - Book:2011 - Show:2015
The Winds of Winter - Book:??? - Show:2016
A Dream of Spring - Book:??? - Show:2017


Trump's Staff
Book three will take through Season 4 to finish. Book four might only be one season, but book five is as long as three, so that's probably seasons 6-7 by itself. Book six and seven are both rumored to be 1,500+ pages each (his Storm of Swords manuscript was 1521 pages), so they'll likely take two seasons each as well. That puts us at 11 seasons.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Book 4 and 5 are supposedly going to be jumbled together for the seasons that cover them, which makes sense. But that only gives them 3 more seasons before they hit a wall (pun lol). Assuming the next book is out by then and depending on the content, then you maybe have 1 or 2 seasons there. This is assuming the show is still being bankrolled by then.


<Bronze Donator>
As far as the Varys discussion goes, I really just don't think we have enough information yet. Like what if he's got some sort of understanding of what's coming up north with the white walkers and as such knows a Targ with dragons is essential to everyone's survival. Now the hole in that theory is it seems like he was pushing for a Targ before knowing the dragons had hatched but who knows how far his knowledge goes. You could probably explain that away too if you wanted.

Personally I'm with the "hes selfish" group in that I think he wants a Targ in power for his own reasons, which we don't know yet. He can throw all the "for the realm" phrases into his every day speech he wants. If he really cared about the lives of the people of Westeros he would have just left Kevan in charge. There's obviously something else going on and none of us know what. Impossible to label him as good or bad.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
What does he get out of the Targaryans being in power? He had exactly the same position under all 3 kings he worked for. You could be right but to this point there is zero evidence that you are.


I think Varys sees a bigger picture than we are able to, delusionally or not, because I think he has a few pieces of information we don't. We may not find out until the end when he steps out and says "hah ha ha just as planned...' how good or evil he was. I don't think Robert dying or Jeoffrey being a sick fuck was in there, so he's just doing what he can for now. Yes, he could just leave Keven in there, but it is clear he is working towards something. It will just be a matter of what that something is I think.