GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck you, you evil sadistic motherfucker. Last night, I saw the most screwed up scene on TV ever. What's the point in building up characters, just to kill them off?

I hope that one day, you have a daughter that is going to be married, and that you have a Red Wedding all of your own!

I just threw my TV in the fireplace.

In, short, go fuck yourself. I'm not watching your stupid little show, I'm not going to read your books, and I'm not going to watch HBO any more.

Fuck all y'all.
My jimmies were rustled enough to the point that I emailed this post to Martin.


A Mod Real Quick
My girlfriend was crying when I turned at the end of the episode.. and she had read them. She wants to send him an email too. Moral of the story is: don't be a woman.


A Mod Real Quick
The facebook butthurt is out of control this morning.. yikes. If anyone commits suicide over this I wouldn't be surprised.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So jumping ahead to next season...

When do we think the "purple" wedding happens? Episode 3/4/5? Tywin will most likely be ep 9.


I have the purple wedding penciled in for around ep. 6, because I don't imagine that a whole season of CSI: King's Landing being run from a dungeon cell would make for compelling TV. There will probably be a lot of shit on the wall early on, Arya early and middle, with the purple wedding mid-late, and the nut shot finale.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have the purple wedding penciled in as a gay fucking name.

Joofrey's wedding will probably be mid-season, little later in it maybe. I imagine we'll get Oberyn in episodes 3/4/5, Wedding around 6 or 7 like masteen said. Duel 9, bowelshot 10.

edit: Another good reaction video, though you may want to turn your volume down. She's pretty squeaky right off the bat.

edit: You will want to kill the camera man for his shitty camera work...but her reactions and the dog are pretty great.


I'm guessing episode 1 or 2 will be the purple wedding, depending on when the Martells and the rest of the Tyrells reach kings landing to be introduced. I think Episode 9 will be reserved for the Battle of the Wall since it is the big set piece with alot of CGI, much like the Blackwater was. Tywin will die in episode 10.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Please, for the love of all that is good in the world, stop using the term purple wedding. The Red Wedding term is actually used to describe the the novels, by the characters.

Purple wedding is NOT ONE TIME used to refer to Joff's death in the novels. It is a stupid made up term from Reddit. Reddit is shit. Therefore, everything that comes from Reddit is shit, including the term purple wedding.

This is a public service announcement brought to you by "Friends Don't Let Friends Propagate Reddit Memes Like the Metastizing Cancer That They Are Coalition For The Non Internet Retarded" or the FDLFPRMLMCTTACFNIR.

Thank you.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
i'm not sure why people care about robb stark. he had very little screen time and an even smaller part in the books.
It's like somebody said earlier; people don't really care about Robb(who, admittedly, is a pretty boring character). What they care about is the he is basically the embodiment of "revenge" for Ned/Starks/The North. All that is pretty much out the window now, with him dead and his armies surely scattered.


A Mod Real Quick
Well, for one he was leading a rebellion against a false king that murdered his father. He stood for something bigger than himself and sought no glory. He only wanted revenge. People want to see the good guy win, they don't want to see the good guy have his unborn child bearing his father's name be stabbed to death in the womb, and then have himself and his mother have their throats slit. Not only that, this rebellion has gone on for 2 seasons.

Now that you mention it, I have no idea why anyone would be attached to that.. you're right.


Please, for the love of all that is good in the world, stop using the term purple wedding. The Red Wedding term is actually used to describe the the novels, by the characters.

Purple wedding is NOT ONE TIME used to refer to Joff's death in the novels. It is a stupid made up term from Reddit. Reddit is shit. Therefore, everything that comes from Reddit is shit, including the term purple wedding.

This is a public service announcement brought to you by "Friends Don't Let Friends Propagate Reddit Memes Like the Metastizing Cancer That They Are Coalition For The Non Internet Retarded" or the FDLFPRMLMCTTACFNIR.

Thank you.
The Purple Wedding has been used since long before Reddit was even created.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Last night I was shocked and speechless at first, then I was pissed off. Now it's just lulz watching people react in this thread and on Facebook. I can't wait to see more of Roose Bolton, dude is a straight gangster.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I also thought the guy who's playing Daario pulls it off well, though he's a bit more likeable and a bit less slimy than he was in the books. His fighting style is awesome too, he really does pull off the whole 'artist with a blade' schtick perfectly.
I'm still not sure of what to think about Daario, but tbh I was more impressed with Grey Worm's fighting in that episode - Looked great.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Fuck you, you evil sadistic motherfucker. Last night, I saw the most screwed up scene on TV ever. What's the point in building up characters, just to kill them off?

I hope that one day, you have a daughter that is going to be married, and that you have a Red Wedding all of your own!

I just threw my TV in the fireplace.

In, short, go fuck yourself. I'm not watching your stupid little show, I'm not going to read your books, and I'm not going to watch HBO any more.

Fuck all y'all.
Don't hate the flaya, hate the game.