GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I guess they're going to skip the whole Kingsmoot thing and just have Euron conveniently show up and take over right after Balon dies.
That's notthatfar off from the book I guess, depending how it's handled.

On the boat with Yarasha, was the dude they focused on for a second supposed to be Victarion? Either way curious to see how they'll handle her running off to save Theon(Kunta Kinte!).


privileged excrementlord
Oh, I didn't mean it necessarily in a bad way, but I did want to see the hellhorn. They could easily still work that in if people argue with his claim, or fuck, maybe they'll just have the Kingsmoot without Asha/Yara. I doubt Victarion has been cast, and he'll likely be used as our sole point of view for the Ironborn shit, whenever that shows up.


privileged excrementlord
Seemed more like a teaser for the next season than a season finale. Things happened, which set up ensuing events, but it was a bit anticlimactic.
At this point, just assume episode 9 is your finale each season, and episode 10 is your aftermath/epilogue episode.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
mad as fuck bros, instead of an epic battle or confrontation it ended with more Dany bullshit which I haven't even found somewhat palatable this entire season

fuuuuck man should have shown the greyjoy sister storm the castle or something, more happy go lucky dany shit is the last thing i wanted to see more of


Karazhan Raider
would've been nice to have catelyn thrown into the river during the first half, and lady stoneheart at the end. oh well.

edit: yeah..... shit! i posted in the wrong one. fuck!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Wasn't a big fan of the changes to the Greyjoy storyline they pulled tonight

Wasn't super happy with the not showing Coldhands either. Pretty sure that Sam/Gilly/Coldhands met up with Bran/Hodor/etc in the books unless I misremember the scene.

I know things gotta change but the complete rewrite of the Greyjoy storyline regarding Theon and Asha is just so far off from what the books have that I didn't like it.

Not mad or anything, just thought it could have been handled better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
would've been nice to have catelyn thrown into the river during the first half, and lady stoneheart at the end. oh well.

edit: yeah..... shit! i posted in the wrong one. fuck!
All good, I think. Got caught fast.

Wasn't super happy with the not showing Coldhands either. Pretty sure that Sam/Gilly/Coldhands met up with Bran/Hodor/etc in the books unless I misremember the scene.
Sam led them down through the door and Coldhands was on the other side since the magic of the Wall won't let him pass beyond it.

I remember before AFFC came out, most people were convinced Coldhands wasBrandonBenjen Stark. Turns out he's not super important to the story directly, but I'm still pretty sure he'll show up and lead them to Ravenblood whatever the fuck guy. Timeline is gonna be weird though, is Bran and the Gang just not gonna be around season 4 at all?


Unelected Mod
Wasn't a big fan of the changes to the Greyjoy storyline they pulled tonight
Are you a big fan of the Greyjoys and the Kingsmoot storyline in the books? They always felt to me padding that was added to make FFC long enough without adding Essos stuff. I am hoping they are cut so we can spend more time with new Dorne and Essos people at the end of s4 and s5.


<WoW Guild Officer>
bran will be in the caves, they'll have him going through the wierwood dreams to do reveals for season 4 (would be my guess), and more delving into his greenseer powers.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I liked the episode but the last scene was a shitty way to end the season. Dany wins again, what a shocker. How many wins for her can we finish seasons with before it actually means anything.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i thought the theory was that coldhands was benjen stark. brandon is dead and roasted at KL.
Yeah, said wrong brother. I seriously need to re-read the books. Keep mixing up names.

Have about 100 books to read on my damn nook, don't want to re-read until the next book is imminent, but my brain is apparently pushing shit out to make room.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Lame ending to the season. At the very least, the final scene should have been Bran et al walking through the tunnel instead of that stupid Dany scene we got.

Looking back, the biggest let down of season 3 was that we didn't get no Missandei titties. For shame, HBO, for shame.