GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
You guys are giving Martin way too much credit. This shit happens all the fucking time with writers. They have an idea for a story, start writing it, but have no idea how to finish it. Don't believe me? Read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. The Gunslinger was written in what, 1982, and the last book was 2012? There's no fucking way you can read the first book in that series and possibly believe he had any idea where that story was going by the end of the it. It was complete and total dog shit.

Martin had a overall idea of a story, he started to write it, it got way too bloated with characters, storylines, and subplots, and he said, "fuck it, I made my money, I'm out." No way Martin ever finishes these books, and if by some miracle he does, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it ends just as horribly as the Dark Tower series did.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
There never should have been more than 5 books.

The basic structure is a 3 act story:

Act 1: Guy is warning people about the winter/white walkers (aka climate change) but petty, shortsighted people just want to play politics instead.
Act 2: People continue to play politics, white walkers show up.
Act 3: Everyone is forced to deal with the white walkers.

This typical 3 act story plot is broke up because GRRM smartly chooses to kill off all the adults who actually have the political will to solve the problem in act 1.

Now the story becomes:

Act 1: Guy is warning people about the winter but he is killed.
Act 2: His kids have to grow up while the adults are playing politics.
Act 3: Kids start coming into their own, realize THEY have to deal with the white walkers, but first they have to overthrow the adults.
Act 4: Kids are now grown, now they have to overthrow the adults.
Act 5: The kids who are now adults deal with the white walkers.

There's no point to doing this story in 7 acts, and there never was.
So what did men do to provoke the white walkers into heading south?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You guys are giving Martin way too much credit. This shit happens all the fucking time with writers. They have an idea for a story, start writing it, but have no idea how to finish it. Don't believe me? Read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. The Gunslinger was written in what, 1982, and the last book was 2012? There's no fucking way you can read the first book in that series and possibly believe he had any idea where that story was going by the end of the it. It was complete and total dog shit.

Martin had a overall idea of a story, he started to write it, it got way too bloated with characters, storylines, and subplots, and he said, "fuck it, I made my money, I'm out." No way Martin ever finishes these books, and if by some miracle he does, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it ends just as horribly as the Dark Tower series did.

He cosigned the subversive S8 partly based on that. He had an ending, but reddit and other websites and blogs delivered a gutpunch to him.

He's sensitive to anyone figuring out his stories or criticizing his characters. He posted about how he's upset at the current chapters he's writing for the book don't line up with what the twitter mob finds important. When he came under fire he claimed he was "gutpunched" and had to rewrite entire chapters.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
he wasnt having a good streak, he had a bad streak, the last 2 books he created massive amounts of story bloat. he made way too many subplots and its impossible now to tie everything up in 2 books . so he's freaked out

just let brandon sanderson finish it. He finished WOT well enough.
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Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
just let brandon sanderson finish it. He finished WOT well enough.
As much as I like Sanderson, I'd say that was because Jordan knew where the story was going and left him detailed notes. I mean the longest break in WoT books was 4 years and that's because Jordan died. You'd almost have to know where the story is going to release a book every 18 months on average.

Martin might release one more book, but he's counting on croaking before he has to finish and not living up to the expectations fans have for his series.
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El Presidente
Sanderson WoT books were kind of a mixed bag. He didn't do some of the characters very well, Mat in particular, and it felt very rushed in parts. It was a credible attempt all things considered and Jordan likely would have stretched that shit out to be 7 books instead of 3 so the happy median of like 4 or 5 would have probably been ideal. As for Martin finishing, I'd guess we'll get the next book at some point and never see another after that, at least by him.


Millie's Staff Member
there also isnt a financial motivation for him to ever finish. he's already rich as fuck, now HBO backed an even bigger money truck up to his house to make these cash grab GoT knockoff shows. i mean lets say he releases the last 2 books tomorrow. good or bad, they will sell some before word gets out how actually good they are, if they are great, he will make a little bit more money. if they suck, he still makes money but now everyone will shit on his legacy for dicking everyone around for 30 years. there wont be any TV show about the last two books. GoT is done. why bother anymore? he absolutely gives no fucks about the fans, at this point he's just trolling us. this is bordering on a scam and GRRM is laughing his ass off.
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Avatar of War Slayer
You guys are giving Martin way too much credit. This shit happens all the fucking time with writers. They have an idea for a story, start writing it, but have no idea how to finish it. Don't believe me? Read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. The Gunslinger was written in what, 1982, and the last book was 2012? There's no fucking way you can read the first book in that series and possibly believe he had any idea where that story was going by the end of the it. It was complete and total dog shit.

Martin had a overall idea of a story, he started to write it, it got way too bloated with characters, storylines, and subplots, and he said, "fuck it, I made my money, I'm out." No way Martin ever finishes these books, and if by some miracle he does, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it ends just as horribly as the Dark Tower series did.
yeah, that is really true. Very. VERY few authors can really tie down an ending. even within a single book... but, over a decades long story, branching every which way? lol. probably could count that on one hand.
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A nice asshole.
You guys are giving Martin way too much credit. This shit happens all the fucking time with writers. They have an idea for a story, start writing it, but have no idea how to finish it. Don't believe me? Read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. The Gunslinger was written in what, 1982, and the last book was 2012? There's no fucking way you can read the first book in that series and possibly believe he had any idea where that story was going by the end of the it. It was complete and total dog shit.

Martin had a overall idea of a story, he started to write it, it got way too bloated with characters, storylines, and subplots, and he said, "fuck it, I made my money, I'm out." No way Martin ever finishes these books, and if by some miracle he does, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it ends just as horribly as the Dark Tower series did.
Ehhh I think there is like 3 Stephen King books that have a satisfying ending, the man can never finish a book. So par for the course as far as SK goes.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Ehhh I think there is like 3 Stephen King books that have a satisfying ending, the man can never finish a book. So par for the course as far as SK goes.
anyone read or watch Cell (with SLJ/Cusack)? remember him saying due to fans not liking the novel ending, so wrote a new one for the film and it was god awful


<Gold Donor>
in the books, didnt the boats at Hardhome get stuck and possibly taken over by the white walkers?
Pretty sure Everything in hardhome was written in 3rd person accounts. Last part I remember was someone reading a letter from there about how it was all going to shit. Wildlings eating each other, dead things in the forests and bay and what not, ships all fucked up, need help by land. Been a while since I read it, so maybe there was something after that.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
there also isnt a financial motivation for him to ever finish. he's already rich as fuck, now HBO backed an even bigger money truck up to his house to make these cash grab GoT knockoff shows. i mean lets say he releases the last 2 books tomorrow. good or bad, they will sell some before word gets out how actually good they are, if they are great, he will make a little bit more money. if they suck, he still makes money but now everyone will shit on his legacy for dicking everyone around for 30 years. there wont be any TV show about the last two books. GoT is done. why bother anymore? he absolutely gives no fucks about the fans, at this point he's just trolling us. this is bordering on a scam and GRRM is laughing his ass off.
IMO if GRRM didn't care he would just get someone else to finish for him. I figure he does care, he's just delusional and thinks he can finish it himself or his ego is so big he refuses to let anyone else help.


<Gold Donor>
This motherfucker is never finishing another book.



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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Not every story can have an on-screen ending like The Mist

The movie had a better ending than the story, IMO. In the book they keep driving until they run out of gas somewhere in Massachusetts, claim to have heard a radio broadcast that Connecticut doesn’t have the mist, but have to figure out how to refuel the car without dying and it ends there on an open ended note.

Movie just went for a hardcore grim ending. Even SK admitted the movie ending was better and he didn’t have the nerve at the time to end the story like that.


Millie's Staff Member
IMO if GRRM didn't care he would just get someone else to finish for him. I figure he does care, he's just delusional and thinks he can finish it himself or his ego is so big he refuses to let anyone else help.
nah, if he cared he would collaberate with another author on finishing the series. Stephen King has done this several times with Peter Straub. GRRM doesnt care, he thinks its funnier to string everyone along. he probably jacks off immediately after one of his blog posts about getting something done.
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Tranny Chaser
Movie just went for a hardcore grim ending. Even SK admitted the movie ending was better and he didn’t have the nerve at the time to end the story like that.

Homeboy wrote all kinds of hardcore shit including a story about a school shooter (Rage) that he would later pull from stores after Columbine and another about kids that walk until they die (The Long Walk) each published before The Mist. Cocaine King wasn't lacking nerve but I guess that's a better thing for him to say than "I'm pretty bad at wrapping things up a lot of the time."

There's really something to be said for reading authors that have been dead for so fucking long that just none of the extra bullshit ever makes it to you. White Walkers = Climate Change is some really surface level English 101 bullshit. Getting updates from GRRM about all that OTHER shit he's doing sucks the root. Excluding that starting a series that has not finished is just asking for disappointment.


Millie's Staff Member
Homeboy wrote all kinds of hardcore shit including a story about a school shooter (Rage) that he would later pull from stores after Columbine and another about kids that walk until they die (The Long Walk) each published before The Mist. Cocaine King wasn't lacking nerve but I guess that's a better thing for him to say than "I'm pretty bad at wrapping things up a lot of the time."

There's really something to be said for reading authors that have been dead for so fucking long that just none of the extra bullshit ever makes it to you. White Walkers = Climate Change is some really surface level English 101 bullshit. Getting updates from GRRM about all that OTHER shit he's doing sucks the root. Excluding that starting a series that has not finished is just asking for disappointment.
Roadwork is pretty ballsy too. you notice that that story and those that you mentioned were all written by his psuedonum Richard Bachman? King literally didnt have the balls to publish those works under his own name.

Running Man and Thinner included
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