GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

The Ancient_sl

It makes sense to me no matter who knows what. The Mad King was mad sure, and he needed to be done did, but it was not Jaime's place to dun do him.

So that's why he gets such shit over doing something that everyone wanted done. Something that they were actively fighting a war to DO. Everyone is just afraid for their own necks. If they are tolerant of what Jaime did it is a crack in the social order. The only surprising thing is that he was not immediately executed, no matter who his daddy is. That part feels more contrived than any of the scorn and hate he gets for the act itself. After seeing his cold blooded daddy in action you'd almost think that it would be the Tywin himself who ordered the execution.

Even if not, and Tywin wanted to save his son to continue the dominance of his clan, you would think that there would have been a much stronger campaign of propaganda at least among the aristocracy to clear Jaime. As it is it was like, "No... we can't kill Jaime cause that'll piss his daddy off and his daddy has his army parked right outside the gates." In this culture/context... it doesn't seem like temporary blackmail would be effective for that long term of a goal. There are a hundred ways to kill Jaime privately (and without trace) after his life has been spared publicly. The assassin gets assassinated. We've seen THAT in the show just plenty.

It's a pivot for a very large part of the plot... and it really doesn't hold up under scrutiny if you stop to consider motivations. At least in the show. I'm sure there's like 200 pages devoted to it in the books... explaining how it is not inconsistent.
They slaughtered anyone related to the old king and smashed to the ground anyone who supported him. The new king hated The Mad King more than anyone and partnered with the Kingslayer's family. Jaime is completely pardoned by those in power for his part in the regime change, but his honor is tarnished by those who like to pretend they hold to that, and dumb fucking Ned Stark who does.

The people who really want to kill Jaime for being an Oathbreaker are all dead or scattered to the winds.


<WoW Guild Officer>
They slaughtered anyone related to the old king and smashed to the ground anyone who supported him. The new king hated The Mad King more than anyone and partnered with the Kingslayer's family. Jaime is completely pardoned by those in power for his part in the regime change, but his honor is tarnished by those who like to pretend they hold to that, and dumb fucking Ned Stark who does.

The people who really want to kill Jaime for being an Oathbreaker are all dead or scattered to the winds.
Or Ned hates Jaime because Jaime stood there while his dad and brother were brutally executed.

The Ancient_sl

And he's a fucking Lannister. I wasn't saying that Ned hated Jaime solely because he's an Oathbreaker, I was saying Ned Stark is one of those dumb fucks who would've benefited from Jaime killing the mad king and then said "An Oath's an Oath" and chopped his head off.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have found myself mostly approving of the changes between the show and the books. Like this past week, the introduction of the Red Viper - that scene with him in the whorehouse, and stiffing Tyrion when the main Dornish contingent arrives, tells you a shitload about who he is. In a few short minutes, you learn he is a hot-headed badass who is into bisexual orgies and dealing pain to Lannisters, and doesn't give a shit about what anyone in King's Landings thinks. Immediately, you get the basic essence of Oberyn in a TV-friendly format rather than watching him and Tyrion ride horses and have a long-winded chat (which works in the books because you already have heard a few times about Oberyn from various characters, so you kind of know what to expect).

I also love the serious disconnect between what GRRM thought (his interview a few weeks back where he was talking about doing prequel shows and dragging all kinds of shit out to give him time to write) and the reality at HBO (7, maybe 7.5 seasons). It was like HBO said, 'settle down fat man, this shit is rolling on with or without you so stop fucking around and start writing'. I've always personally felt that GRRM doesn't really give a shit about ASoIaF, that he was surprised by the way it took off, and that he would rather be writing science fiction. He created a monster that he can no longer really control and that has him trapped into focusing on shit he doesn't really want to be doing.


Musty Nester
Don't cry too many buttery tears for him. He did take the money, after all.

You'd have to be a whole lot of paranoid to think that Dontos was up to something besides being a fat, sloppy, suicidal drunk in just watching the show.


Trakanon Raider
He still needs an Agent to deliver the amethyst's to the tyrell's for the wedding, and he still needs someone to bring sansa out of the red keep during the aftermath. So yeah, it was obvious they were trying to cut down on characters and dropped dontos in favor of having LF do it himself, but again, the story is coherent, he can't magically show back up in KL and do it, they may as well use Dontos. Sure, it basically ruins the surprise later when you learn that LF is basically behindeverything, but the TV show's story is still consistent with itself.
I totally forgot Littlefinger was the source of the poison. It's been too long since I read the books.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I have found myself mostly approving of the changes between the show and the books. Like this past week, the introduction of the Red Viper - that scene with him in the whorehouse, and stiffing Tyrion when the main Dornish contingent arrives, tells you a shitload about who he is. In a few short minutes, you learn he is a hot-headed badass who is into bisexual orgies and dealing pain to Lannisters, and doesn't give a shit about what anyone in King's Landings thinks. Immediately, you get the basic essence of Oberyn in a TV-friendly format rather than watching him and Tyrion ride horses and have a long-winded chat (which works in the books because you already have heard a few times about Oberyn from various characters, so you kind of know what to expect).

I also love the serious disconnect between what GRRM thought (his interview a few weeks back where he was talking about doing prequel shows and dragging all kinds of shit out to give him time to write) and the reality at HBO (7, maybe 7.5 seasons). It was like HBO said, 'settle down fat man, this shit is rolling on with or without you so stop fucking around and start writing'. I've always personally felt that GRRM doesn't really give a shit about ASoIaF, that he was surprised by the way it took off, and that he would rather be writing science fiction. He created a monster that he can no longer really control and that has him trapped into focusing on shit he doesn't really want to be doing.
Ya, the show will roll on until whatever conclusion they decide, books caught up or no. As long as ratings stay high + contact negotiations/actors leaving aren't a worry, they'll keep the show going as long as prudent.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Don't cry too many buttery tears for him. He did take the money, after all.

You'd have to be a whole lot of paranoid to think that Dontos was up to something besides being a fat, sloppy, suicidal drunk in just watching the show.
No tears from me - I am just glad that someone put the screws to him by essentially giving his cash cow an expiration date. Now the onus is on his ass to get his shit together or risk the nerd shitstorm if he fails to deliver.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ya, the show will roll on until whatever conclusion they decide, books caught up or no. As long as ratings stay high + contact negotiations/actors leaving aren't a worry, they'll keep the show going as long as prudent.
Only issue I can see is if the show concludes before the last book is written and in a way 'spoilering' the ending it's going to piss a ton of people off (book readers). I fully believe HBO will stick to their guns about a 7 or 8 season show since they never have any show go beyond that no matter how popular it is.


Vyemm Raider
I totally forgot Littlefinger was the source of the poison. It's been too long since I read the books.
The reveal is friggin awesome in the books, but somewhat spoiled on the tv show because he's already flat out stated how he operates and from the start he's worn a giant sign around his neck that screams "I CAUSED ALL OF THIS SHIT AND LOOK HOW MUCH I PROFIT FROM IT, HA HA FUCKERS"


Molten Core Raider
The show set it up very well too. Littlefinger is the most petty little shit in the kingdom, backed by extraordinary intelligence. Getting bitchslapped by Stark and friend-zoned by Cat set up 90% of the series.

And you know the zombie is gonna get him in the end.


Trump's Staff
That was rast the sweetling or however you spell his name, in Winds, not polliver. polliver dies in the inn and arya gets needle back, it just happens much later on in the book than it did on the show.
He said thewayArya kills Polliver is taken straight from TWOW, and it is, just swap him for Raff. The injuries to Polliver were nearly identical to how she attacked Raff and the dialogue she used in the show were pretty much taken straight from Mercy verbatim, explaining why GRRM released the chapter when he did. He probably didn't want show viewers seeing Arya get revenge before she had gotten it in the books.

On one hand it was extremely gratifying to see the scene so soon after reading it. On the other hand it sucked because we didn't get to see her go nuts and stab the shit out of the Tickler, and now we for sure won't see her be Mercy in the future.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Crone read the books! Get out of this thread! You'll get shit spoiled like Aegon Targaryen wasn't actually killed and is still alive! oops
Mother in law just went back home after 4 months. I get my tablet back, since she doesn't need something to watch Plex at night on. Woooooo... going to get my read on!


Unelected Mod
but somewhat spoiled on the tv show because he's already flat out stated how he operates and from the start he's worn a giant sign around his neck that screams "I CAUSED ALL OF THIS SHIT AND LOOK HOW MUCH I PROFIT FROM IT, HA HA FUCKERS"
Not really man. TV show fans all think LF is in the Vale atm, they think he "gave up" on Sansa last season. It will be very shocking if he suddenly picks her up at the end of next episode.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Only issue I can see is if the show concludes before the last book is written and in a way 'spoilering' the ending it's going to piss a ton of people off (book readers). I fully believe HBO will stick to their guns about a 7 or 8 season show since they never have any show go beyond that no matter how popular it is.
Meh, fuck the book readers (including me). The show is better than the books anyway. THERE I SAID IT


Potato del Grande
Something the show didn't highlight is what kind of badass Dorne is. Everyone bent the knee to the Targs; all but Dorne. They guerrilla warfare'd the fuck out of the Targs until they said no more. They tried again several generations later and won, only to get kicked out with a rebellion and then later finally said let's marry instead. I realize it's still early in the Dorne introduction in the show, but I hope some character actually take the 2min it takes to spell out that going to war with the goat fuckers is bad for your life expectancy.
And they have two huge armies camped on the two montain passes into Dorne... just waiting...


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Dorne in Mount and Blade: ASOAIF just patrols around in a huge zerg all over the desert and never fights anyone. It's kind of fitting. Meanwhile they have a huge horde of desert raiders roaming in the center and don't ever fight them.