GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


So, the Tyrell hag killed her crazy son in law, Joffrey. How does that help the Tyrells get the throne if Margaery is not getting the throne after Joffrey? What was the name of the sibling Tyrion got shipped off earlier? But that was a girl, right?
You are the 2nd person to say Olenna is Maergery's mother, She is her grandmother, I dont think they explained what happened to her mother as all we see is her father.

Was she married off or how did that go?
I think she was just sent there. Oberyn said she was being well cared for and that she is better off in Dorne than is Kings Landing where rape and infanticide occur


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
jon snow got elected because sam did some pope-style shenanigans, convincing the two main opposing camps that their guy couldn't win so they should vote for jon snow to thwart their hated enemy. which ultimately led to his downfall, not having a really strong support base.
Plus taking battle command after Donal Noye eats it in the tunnel killing the giant.


Blackwing Lair Raider
In season 2 Tyrion says she's to marry Trystane Martell when she comes of age.

"I'm brokering an alliance with House Martell of Dorne. Princess Myrcella will wed their youngest son when she comes of age."


Rasterizing . . .
What about Cersei getting married off to Loras? Pretty soon she isn't going to have the power to do shit. Tywin will rule King's Landing until Tommen comes of age.
Isn't Tommen illegitimate? If so, wouldn't Gendry be the next in line?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Isn't Tommen illegitimate? If so, wouldn't Gendry be the next in line?
Tommen, Myercella, and Joffery were all "illegitimate" according to Ned Stark. Regardless of all of that, Bastard children usually aren't seen as part of their family in this time. Like Ramsay Snow and Jon Snow.


Unelected Mod
Just out of curiosity, does anyone watch these except for astro?
I do.


Millie's Staff Member
Just out of curiosity, does anyone watch these except for astro?
would you rather i link the review from the gay guy i usually do in the TWD MAOS and Arrow threads? cuz i totally can if thats what you prefer. i like comicbookgirl13s videos and she is such a little cutie.


Molten Core Raider
The conversation after Jaime frees Tyrion is one of the worst moments in the books for me. Just such a clunky plot device on so many levels. Really hope they change it in the show since it's not like Martin has gone anywhere with it yet either.


Unelected Mod
The conversation after Jaime frees Tyrion is one of the worst moments in the books for me. Just such a clunky plot device on so many levels. Really hope they change it in the show since it's not like Martin has gone anywhere with it yet either.
I thought it was really good. Why do you find it so clunky?


Molten Core Raider
The fact that Tyrion confesses to Jaime about killing Joffrey. Seems to serve purely as a reason for Jaime to no longer love his brother and sow bad blood between them which will presumably come back to bite Tyrion at some point. Didn't ring true for Tyrion to go that route, even though he rationalises it at the time as wanting to hurt Jaime. Been a few years since I read it, but it stood out at the time as bring bad foreshadowing, and it's stuck with me since then.


Molten Core Raider
The fact that Tyrion confesses to Jaime about killing Joffrey. Seems to serve purely as a reason for Jaime to no longer love his brother and sow bad blood between them which will presumably come back to bite Tyrion at some point. Didn't ring true for Tyrion to go that route, even though he rationalises it at the time as wanting to hurt Jaime. Been a few years since I read it, but it stood out at the time as bring bad foreshadowing, and it's stuck with me since then.
I bought it for what it was

I'm never going to see him again and I love my brother and the guilt has been eating me up. Plus it's part of Jaimes face turn.


Vyemm Raider
um this is the no spoiler thread right? so why did someone post the link that spoils who and how they killed Joffrey?

and why are you guys still debating it for 3 more pages when the answer has already been spoiled? you guys are that hardcore?
I don't think images that we all saw when we watched the episode, and have full access to if we recorded/torrented it necessarily qualifies as a spoiler. It's essentially the same thing as someone posting "I noticed that Sansa's necklace is missing a gem, looks like the Tyrell crone took it while talking to her, probably contained poison."


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I did not realize they have cameras in Westeros. How are they going to know the poison was on Sansa's necklace? Why take the risk of doing that when you can sneak the poison in yourself? Also what House Stark?
Right, because crimes were never solved until the advent of cameras.

Well, as far as anybody else knows, Sansa is pretty much the last living Stark at this point. It isn't about specifically targeting House Stark, but deflecting from house Tyrell. If the last living Stark gets caught in the crossfire? Oh, well, another house out of the picture.