GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
Not sure what you expect him to do, he's getting his face crushed but he's currently being used to introduce Dorne. The sexual aspect of him is pretty overdone though. Maybe I'm a homo but I'd rather see scenes with him clowning lannister soldiers than being a whore house.
The build-up of Oberyn, his championing of Tyrion and his head getting smashed in is one of the major reasons why ASoS was so great. You can't not have him die after all of this, even though he isn't as good as he was in the books.

They overdo the homo shit too much. None of it was part of the books, of course, but they still could have made their "HBO lieks teh gays" point with his first appearance this season. Every time he has a scene it opens with him wearing a LOL IM A BADASS BISEXUAL sign around his neck. It's gratuitous even for a show that is loaded with gratuity.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think they cast Oberyn perfectly. The guy is fucking fantastic in the role, and that scene with him and Tywin in the whore house was one of the best pure dialogue scenes in the series so far.


Molten Core Raider
I think they cast Oberyn perfectly. The guy is fucking fantastic in the role, and that scene with him and Tywin in the whore house was one of the best pure dialogue scenes in the series so far.
Yeah, I'm not saying he's bad at it, he's great as Oberyn. I just think they've made him too one dimensional, and not as likable.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think they're going heavily into his bisexuality to show how "exotic" Dorn is compared to the fairly identical other 6 kingdoms.


Potato del Grande
They overdo the homo shit too much. None of it was part of the books, of course, but they still could have made their "HBO lieks teh gays" point with his first appearance this season. Every time he has a scene it opens with him wearing a LOL IM A BADASS BISEXUAL sign around his neck. It's gratuitous even for a show that is loaded with gratuity.
It is very much (mentioned) in the books, you just don't see his point of view.


I'll be disappointed if they introduced Oberyn Martell only to have the Mountain crush his face a few episodes later. I think they should deviate a bit from the book in that respect.
I agree. They should have cast the oberyn guy as the daario replacement, and put the daario replacement as oberyn.


Unelected Mod
not as likable.
How is he not as likable in the tv show? I think his dialogue with Tywin, both times, were awesome conversations that we didn't get in the books and have made him popular amongst tv show fans.

Him being bisexual doesn't make him unlikable unless you have a hangup on the subject. It was also very much in the books.


Molten Core Raider
How is he not as likable in the tv show? I think his dialogue with Tywin, both times, were awesome conversations that we didn't get in the books and have made him popular amongst tv show fans.

Him being bisexual doesn't make him unlikable unless you have a hangup on the subject. It was also very much in the books.
Because every scene that he's in shows him as being a sex fiend. Had Tyrion spent 100% of his time in brothels or chasing pussy it'd be the same thing. It's hard to take the character seriously when he has become a caricature of the source material.

Edit: It was in the books about as much as Renly being gay was. It was mentioned/rumored but not shown. They've taken that and made it the core of the character.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I always kind of hoped Dany would get killed off at some point, leaving Jon, Arya, Bran (or Tyrion) to do the dragon-riding, but I have a feeling GRRM is going to keep her now that she's the super-hottie on the show.
You're blaming the TV show for GRRM not fulfilling your fanfic?


Unelected Mod
Because every scene that he's in shows him as being a sex fiend.
In the first scene with him, its in a brothel, but it ends with him stabbing a lannister through the hand, so certainly that made him appear to be a badass.

Then he had the scene with Tywin at the wedding, which was very popular and had pretty much nothing to do with sex. We also saw him openly threatening and mocking Tywin, something no one else does.

Then we see Oberyn in the brothel, who just off some random comment, seems like he is about to mess someone up. Then Tywin comes in and again he holds his own at least with Tywin, something no one else does.

I think he is coming across pretty much perfect.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Oberyn is perfect, I just hope they describe more of Dorne and less about how bisexual he is.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If Dany dies it'll be after she gets to Westeros and does something epic. GRRM claims the show doesn't color his perception of the characters but I think that's bullshit. I doubt he makes any real decisions about the characters from what has happened in the show but I have to imagine that Tywin is the character played by Charles Dance now in everyone's mind.


Molten Core Raider
So you think the original plan was to kill off Dany, but now that she is hot in the tv show he will keep her around.

I mean, you are joking right?
Yes. Why would I have any idea what GRRM is going to do? I said it would be a nice twist, not that I expected it to happen. Y'all need to adjust your panties... I wasn't suggesting Ned get killed off or anything.


Molten Core Raider
Oberyn is perfect, I just hope they describe more of Dorne and less about how bisexual he is.
I'm hoping they eventually (next season) include that early scene with his older brother watching the kids playing in the paradise pool. It's a brilliant scene showing all they stand to lose and really shows the innocent beauty and culture of Dorne before the bleakness and the horror of it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dany will either die or be marginalized/treated like a typical Westeros female (ie, like a baby factory). I wouldn't be half surprised if Varys had a hand in it, either.


Unelected Mod
Dany will either die or be marginalized/treated like a typical Westeros female (ie, like a baby factory).
Pretty sure this guy might have something to say about that


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dany will either die or be marginalized/treated like a typical Westeros female (ie, like a baby factory). I wouldn't be half surprised if Varys had a hand in it, either.
Not so sure I agree with that. Remember our Lord of Death George R. R. Martin likes his characters to have grey areas and Dany's hell area was basically her entire life before this point. Lost her family and birthright. Physically and sexually abused by her brother. Used as property to be sold by her brother and supposed friends. Fell in love with her rapist then bore his children only to watch him AND her unborn child die.

Then she gets dragons who are being fought over, stolen, bought and killed for. I'd say she probably has a bit of a long lifespan left if for no other reason then to serve as the Iron Bank of Bravos tool to get their money bank (whether she knows shes the tool or not). Or as far as plot goes she serves as a way to start up a whole new fucked up war right as the wall has fallen the barbarians are raiding, the walkers are coming behind them and the undead and newly power enhanced starks come hunting for blood.


privileged excrementlord
Then he had the scene with Tywin at the wedding, which was very popular and had pretty much nothing to do with sex. We also saw him openly threatening and mocking Tywin, something no one else does.
Still, even at the wedding they made a point to have his gaydar go off and eyefuck Loras. The guy they have playing Oberyn is perfect, but I don't need a remindereveryepisode that he likes to bang dudes. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to piss off the Mountain by offering to cornhole him.