GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Musty Nester
Westeros doesn't really strike me as a place where caucus beli matters that much.

The only reason Dorne would need to attack Lannister would be "because we think we'll win". It's just feudal. If you win, you did the honorable thing. If you lost, you did the dishonorable thing.

Question: Are the Kingdom names the House names? There are 7 Kingdoms, but they're broken into ruling Houses. And it's "The North" not "Stark". So I dunno how that works.


Life's a Dream
I think it's the area they occupy.

IE - The Vale was where John Arryn was from. That's the previous hand of the king before Ned.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Westeros doesn't really strike me as a place where caucus beli matters that much.

The only reason Dorne would need to attack Lannister would be "because we think we'll win".

Question: Are the Kingdom names the House names? There are 7 Kingdoms, but they're broken into ruling Houses. And it's "The North" not "Stark". So I dunno how that works.
The 7 kingdoms were 7 different independent kingdoms before Aegon the Conqueror conquered Westeros (Note that Dorne never bent the knee. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken). There's some geographic reasoning behind the separation (same as how Europe and many countries are separated). The Starks have just historically been the most powerful house in the North and they were given the title of Warden of the North, which means they're responsible for protecting the area. I don't think that confers any land rights over other houses though. Right now the Boltons are the wardens of the north.

It's easy to think of the North and other areas under the kings rule as being states ruled by a governor (the warden), but there are somewhat complex politics at play. We only really see the politics of the north where you see how the Starks had some semblance of power but still had to answer to the Boltons, Karstarks etc in a way the king does not.


Westeros doesn't really strike me as a place where caucus beli matters that much.

The only reason Dorne would need to attack Lannister would be "because we think we'll win". It's just feudal. If you win, you did the honorable thing. If you lost, you did the dishonorable thing.

Question: Are the Kingdom names the House names? There are 7 Kingdoms, but they're broken into ruling Houses. And it's "The North" not "Stark". So I dunno how that works.
It's areas, they are predecessor houses that ruled all of them. Originally they are Stormlands, Riverlands, Rock, Dorne, North, Vale, and the Reach. Also, De bellis justis originates from the feudal age, so cassus beli does matter and there were clear causes for all the wars thus far depicted.


Trump's Staff
Prior to the kingdoms being united by Aegon the Conquerer, the Starks were actually Kings of the North. That's why when Robb was in open rebellion they were all calling him the King; not because they thought he would kill Joffrey (they did hope that), but because he was kind of taking back what was rightfully theirs.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I can't see why people think there's nothing good going on with the show. Littlefinger gained a fortress with a cosplaying teenage girl to hang out with; Ramsey is a straight-up Bolton now; the Hound got his chickens and a hickey; Theon is useful; Joffrey is dead; Stannis and Lefty got the gold from the Iron Bank; Cersei got raped; Jorah can move on with his life; and Bronn got a pro deal.

Its been a very positive season.


FPS noob
can you guess who this is


rest at
The Cast As Normal Humans - Imgur

also oberyn already has his next show ready to roll, will play a mexican DEA agent in a cartel-themed TV show that will be a netflix exclusive
Pedro Pascal To Star In Netflix Drama Series
"I regret nothing" or "Ah. Wine makes everything better."
good ones.

"Killing me won't prove you're right, it'll prove you're afraid" directed to Cersei.

Then she'll respond with something snappy like, "I'll live in fear to see you die in pain"


Avatar of War Slayer
He ain't going to get eddar'ed I just don't see it... viewership or whatever aside I just do not see tyrion getting offed right now.

Oberyn I knew was a gonner for sure once he started spinning around and smiling, if the stuff he said before was not nuff foreshadow.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Arya and Bran in common clothes:

Which one is Arya?

Do the younger generation of men these days even know what the fuck it means to be a man. This shits depressing.


Musty Nester
I think he's probably doin' just fine for himself considering the young women don't know either.

But maybe that's sexist, that assumption. I'm Not sure which way he swings but I doubt he's got to look very hard for a catcher.