GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Lord Nagafen Raider
So whats to go in the final episode

Stannis to the rescue
Arya abandoning the Hound
Tyrion makes Tywin shit some gold and chokes a whore
Drogon the dragon enjoys some baby meat
Bran gets to trip out with the last Greenseer

Should be all doable in the finale, feel like the Arya and Bran plots going to get brushed over the quickest tho.
hey man don't hate on Stannis not being at the wall yet, the last we saw him he was at the Bank ofAmericaBraavos to get a loan processed and you know how much fucking time it takes to get all your income statements together, especially without internet


Buzzfeed Editor
With Stannis being moved to next episode, that makes me even more certain that Lady Stoneheart will not appear in the finale, making me sadpants.
With Stannis being moved to next episode, that makes me even more certain that Lady Stoneheart will not appear in the finale, making me sadpants.
probably unless they cut out all the people that Brienne (and Podrick) is about to meet and skip straight to her being captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners, bring her in front of a hooded figure, reveal it to be Zombie-Catelyn, cut to credits


probably unless they cut out all the people that Brienne (and Podrick) is about to meet and skip straight to her being captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners, bring her in front of a hooded figure, reveal it to be Zombie-Catelyn, cut to credits
LSH is revealed in the books long before Brienne ever makes it to her. I don't know why Brienne would have to be involved at all next week- they just need to show LSH pointing/having some random Freys hanged.

With the "hints" dropped by the actors being so heavy handed, I think the possibility of her not making an appearance is minute.


Murder Apologist
They have to do tyrion-tywin, bran and wrap up the wall next episode... Throwing stoneheart into the mix will just diminish the impact of the other huge reveals. Plus they need something for briennes to do next season anyway.


<Bronze Donator>
In the books Stannis is screaming treason for Davo's freeing edric storm. Mel wants him for his king's blood to awaken the "dragons from the stone" since stannis just got news that the 3rd named king from the leeches has died (Joffrey). Davos retorts with a letter he'd received by a raven. That chapter is about 3/4 through the book. The Davos chapter previous to that (about 2/3 through the book) you learned that it was the letter from the Night's Watch which Aemon sent to all 5 kings pleading for help, that Lord Mormont was dead and mance rayder was leading a vast host to attack the wall. Davo's says "only a starving man would beg bread from a beggar" which is when he realizes how urgent their cause is.

The next we see Stannis is when his Calvary is riding to the rescue at the wall, so it's somewhat of a wtf surprise moment. Not quite as big as the Littlefinger or LS reveal but a wtf moment nonetheless.

In the show the same scene plays out earlier this season but they explain it in detail, and Melisandre flat out stats that stannis must travel north to the wall because that is where the true battle must be fought, completely spoiling any surprise element. There's a few more scenes of Stannis and co, mel and his wife, etc. They obviously traveled north to Braavos where we last saw them, which is like directly across the narrow sea from Eastwatch by the Sea which is where they landed in the books.

Of course TV show viewers are likely to have forgotten all of this which happened this season, and it's unlikely they've looked at the map and know where stannis was last seen. But there is no foreshadowing needed, they flat out stated Stannis is headed to the Wall.


Life's a Dream
I really enjoyed this episode. But this season broke a bit from their mentality of "episode 9 is the big one". Season 1, ep 9 Ned gets decapitated. Season 2, ep 9 is Battle of Blackwater. Season 3, ep 9 is the Red Wedding. But then this season has quite a few "big" moments. Joffery dieing in ep 2, the huge Viper/Mountain fight in ep 8, now the Wall in ep 9.

I really wonder what ep 10 has in store for us. Will Tyrion die, or will he be spared for whatever reason? This season really seemed to break the mold of how this show has progressed until this point, so I'm clueless.


A Mod Real Quick
I really enjoyed that episode.. maybe I'm the loner I guess.

Favorite scene was definitely the giant's bow, hilarious.
I'm more worried about what's going to be left unresolved than what they're going to show next week. There's so much going on that could potentially be put on hold until next season.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
GRRM doesn't have a dislike for the middle ages. He loves them, he is obsessed with the war of the roses if anything. What he has a dislike for is the silly romanticism of it.
His presentation is just as silly and is as removed from reality as the fluffy romanticism was back in its own heyday.

Exactly and the general lawlessness shown thus far is during civil war(s) where frankly, even today, very, very horrendous things happen.
And yet his beloved War of the Roses had little in common with what's taking place in his universe because everyone involved in that civil war was fully aware of the fact that there'd be no winner if everyone left England a burnt cinder. It's why they went out of their way to avoid the infamous chevauchee of the 100 Years' War - it's a difference to ruin someone elses land, it's another to ruin your own backyard.

And as much as it's a huge thematic element in these works, all these fools squabbling and squandering and failing to prepare for a winter everyone knows is going to very very bad, I find it too huge a leap for a society which has the odd changing of their seasons as much in their blood as we do our own regular ones. I find it incredible that no one's raised a big fuss over this fact and that everyone set aside the spat until the next summer, or at least double down and resort to more pragmatic methods instead of ruining everything they're counting on to keep their living through the winter.


A Mod Real Quick
My only complaint is they went a little heavy-handed on the foreshadowing of the kid killing Ygritte. It was all good when he gave Jon the nod though. The nod heard round the world.


<Bronze Donator>
Ok so from the promo we see:

Bran and Co traveling, seems like they get to the cave maybe.
Tyrion with Crossbow walking to the shitter
Jon meets with Mance
Stannis's knight's arriving and routing the wildling army
some kind of scene with Arya and Hound, and I swear it almost looks like it's motherfucking Brienne of Tarth. (just noticed a split second of a tall person with blonde hair. Ok not really, only her shoulder but I swear that's her)
Dany chaining up 2 of her dragons

And from the Lena spoiler, we know LS makes her appearance.

That's atleast 3 major WTF moments for the tv only viewers.


god damnit

I wonder how they're going to do this scene without any of the characters involved dying.



Lord Nagafen Raider
I swear there one house that was quite concerned about the coming winter....damned if I can remember their name! I thought I knew where they were located but all I can see now is a big smoldering pile of rubble ><