GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Golden Knight of the Realm
Love the episode. The scene where Dany locks up the two dragons bothered me though, lol. I guess it's the animal lover in me.


Life's a Dream
That episode was beyond awesome! I made 1 fuck up though, and it was pretty big.

Back when the 6th episode happened, I hated that Shae did that shit to Tyrion during his trial. So I googled "Does Shae die?" and it linked me a page that said Tyrion kills both her and Tywin after the trial. I was like "Fuuuu!" Oh well, that episode was so great, that knowing this little bit didn't really spoil that much for me.

I can't wait for Arya to become a badass faceless ninja assassin type.


A Mod Real Quick
The asoiaf subreddit is exploding over this and rightly so. Show watchers will get this spoiled because people are going to bring up them leaving it out.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was pretty disappointed in most of the episode and I'm not sure if it's just because so damn much was changed from the book. Like, waaaay more than most episodes.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I thought the changes were fine. Brienne killing the Hound was better and his last scene was aces, Tyrion cracking jokes about feces was better, Stannosaurus Rekkt's scene was perfect. Jojen dying was fine.

The LSH omission is glaring but who cares, it'll be in next season and kick things off.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I loved the scene and some justice finally being done, but why did Tyrion turn around and go to Tywin's chamber? He walked in unarmed. What was his plan, a civil chat with daddy? Luckily Shae was there and that bitch be dead now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Stannis pincer attack on the wildlings was pretty badass looking. In the book it always came across to me as Gandalf charging over the hill in Two Towers, but on screen you kinda got a Roman Legion vibe.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure Varys disapeared in the books, too, right? No one could find him after Tywin's death, or am I remembering that incorrectly? He sneaks in during AFFC through the hidden passages to kill Kevan. But he is gone in the books, we just never knew he was "gone" gone; everyone said he was hiding in the catacombs. (Again, not sure if I'm remembering it right.)

I thought the fight between the Hound and Brienne was done really well; but christ, they are making Brienne out to be a fucking terminator in the series--Loras, Jaime and now The Hound. Seems kind of annoying given how they humanize most of the other "warriors" in the show by showing that in real combat, you win some, and you get your ass kicked,a lot(And end up someone's prisoner, or on your ass surrendering or fucked up if not out right killed).

Also, I guess that kills the theory of Jojen becoming Warg food for Bran. Episode also killed my theory Varys kind of coerced Tyrion's hit on Tywin; very obvious in the show he was shocked as hell.

Overall though, really good episode, enjoyed it a lot.
I think it pretty much puts an end to the Varys manipulation of Tyrion theory but keep in mind Varys is a mummer. My main complaint about the Hound Brienne fight besides it being dumb as hell is they make Podrick out to be a complete retard.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Stannis stuff was good. Hound stuff was all good, especially with Arya(of course).

Tyrion's entire character being changed was less so, now his life isn't a lie and him and Jaime are still bros and killing Shae was sort of self-defense. Though on the bright side for some of you he won't have the "wherever whores go" question in his head next season.

Jaime getting his dick wet in the Lord Commanders chamber, which he refused to do in the books because it was disrespectful, was weak. That scene is supposed to be another sign of him turning in to a good dude and knight.

Extended Jason and the Argonauts scene was neat but totally unnecessary, I'd have preferred Stoneheart to end the season rather than have that time wasted.

Ygritte solo pyre was gaytarded waste of time(and by extension so was the Tormund scene). Dany stuff was OK, though the dragons seemed way too small to me.

And not closing the season on Stoneheart was fucking stupid. It's a PERFECT season closer, it won't have the impact as just an episode closer(if they even do it).