GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Bran needed Ash instead of Hodor to fight those skeletons

And btw, for people bitching about no LSH....don't forget that next season is going to be light on shocker moments. Why blow your proverbial load this season, when some can be saved for next?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm not surprised that they cut the stuff about Tysha. 90% of show watchers probably don't remember that story from S1 anyway and rather than try to remind everyone who she was, it was easier to just have him kill Tywin for the many other reasons he has to do it.

I thought the finale was great FWIW.


Musty Nester
My main complaint is that they needed to give Arya a few lines as she was leaving The Hound to die. I know they were trying to go for the she's a freeballing badass now vibe, but that's not the vibe that they got. And I know they don't want to show The Hound dead, because they probably will re-use him or at the very least they want to tease that they will reuse him.

That was the weakest, imho. Sometimes you can leave it hanging in the air like that and it's effective and sometimes you can't. It's not the actors fault, they both sold the shit out of that scene. It's the writers themselves. Sheneededa few lines. That scene came at the cost of her character.

She did put his name on her "list". No matter what they're trying to insinuate she's thinking, she's betraying something. Sloppily. All she needs is a few lines it changes from betrayal to decision. Which, I think, is what that scene was intended to be about -- Arya's decision. But the way they wrote it it was just about Arya's indecision.

Edit: Hell, they could have done it with a word. "Suffer", after she takes the coinpouch and starts walking away. Two words if they wanted to be ninja, "Vala Mhorgulis". Three words if they wanted to get SUPER fancy, "Suffer and Die".

But then Arya gets really and truly dark, not cute-campy Little Girl Against the Unfair World dark. Can't have that, I guess.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
You've got to assume that since they didn't go through the gate, they sailed around the wall. That's possible. It ends at the shore, and there's a manned fort there.
That was my assumption, especially with them coming from each side the way they did. Was just really brief asking the question because I was on my phone at the time. Thanks!

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Plus Stannis does know that he is there to do something about the white walkers. Right?

Not just the wildings north of the wall, who he's just attacked. They're doing what they're doing to get away from the white walkers ( mostly, I figure those cannibal fuckers are just in it to cause chaos ).

So Stannis knows the difference between the two forces, right?


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not surprised that they cut the stuff about Tysha. 90% of show watchers probably don't remember that story from S1 anyway and rather than try to remind everyone who she was, it was easier to just have him kill Tywin for the many other reasons he has to do it.

I thought the finale was great FWIW.
I think they softed it with the don't use the word whore thing instead of just coming out and using her name. It was a lot more implied than direct.


Registered Hutt
Yea, a lot of significance was lost in the translation, but that's been a consistent thing. The Song of Ice and Fire deserves like 2-3x the screen time it's getting. I'm frustrated with the reduction regarding Jaime/Tyrion/Cersei in these few moments. It was supposed to be a significant move toward Jaime's redemption.


Registered Hutt
Considering the behavior of the wildlings that went south of the wall in the days beforehand, which I'm sure he'll be made aware of, what relevance is the difference to him?


Buzzfeed Editor
I think it pretty much puts an end to the Varys manipulation of Tyrion theory but keep in mind Varys is a mummer. My main complaint about the Hound Brienne fight besides it being dumb as hell is they make Podrick out to be a complete retard.
Hmm, looks like my theory is alive!

Oh, I think Tywin knew about Shae. He probably figured out she was the same camp-follower that he expressly said "you will not bring that whore to court," and that Tyrion defied him again and did bring that whore to court.As to precisely what happened here, that's something I don't really want to talk about because there's still aspects of it I haven't revealed that will be revealed in later books. But the role of Varys in all of this is also something to be considered.

It's also worth mentioning Shae is one of the characters that really has changed significantly from the books to the TV show. I think that [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] wrote Shae very differently, and a symbol to Sibel Kekilli - the incredible girl playing her. Shae is much more sincere in her affections for Tyrion. This is almost contradictory, but with the Shae in the TV series, you can tell she actually has real feelings for Tyrion - she challenges him, she defies him. The Shae in the books is a manipulative camp-follower prostitute who doesn't give a s-t about Tyrion any more than she would any other john

Kind of excited to see that point, because I brought it up in the book thread but everyone pointed out it was a huge gamble on Varys' part. (Which is correct). The only reason I considered him being the puppet master behind Tyrion's murder spree is because it seems like Varys constantly takes gambles with his assets based on what hebelievesthey will do (Like Jorah); he's kind of a student of human nature and that's why he watches everyone so closely...So I figured with Tyrion, he planted Shae hoping Tyrion would want to confront his father, so it would push him over the edge (And burn all his old bridges, to make him a true adviser/confident of Dany--this way, if he returns to the 7 Kingdoms with her, he won't be tempted by old allegiances.)

Anyway, it looks like they rolled Shae and Tysha's character together, that's why they left out Tysha. They made Shae's feelings for Tyrion legitimate, and then had Tywin use her like a whore until she wasn't Tyrion's anymore--which is essentially what happened to Tysha, just in a much more violent way.


Registered Hodor
Great episode, I guess my only complaint is that they skipped over the part about all the hidden passages in King's Landing. Jaime says "do the secret knock and Varys will let you in" and then we cut to Tyrion climbing out of a trap door in Tywins pad. I'll be watching it again tomorrow with some pals who haven't read the books and I know they're going to say "wtf how did he get there". They should have included a tiny scene with Varys saying "hey, there's these hidden passages that go all over King's Landing, this is how I spider".

I don't think they've actually talked about the hidden passages in the show at all and they're kind of important if they're going to stick with Varys popping a cap in Kevan Lannister's ass later.


Life's a Dream
Reading BurnemWizfyre's post, I remembered something from the episode that I glossed over. When Bran was in the cave and the Raven guy told him something like I'll give you something back. Bran responds "I'll be able to walk again?!" and the guy's like "No" My wife and I laughed as I said "Oh man..."

Yeah, it's really hilarious here on the boards, but it was amusing IRL when it happened.


Molten Core Raider
did Alliser Thorne end up dying?
Looked like he was just wounded after the battle, albeit badly.


A Mod Real Quick
With so many book readers being at least a little bit upset that they didn't show LSH, I wonder if it came down to not being able to cast her this season due to work conflicts - she's working on another show right? That would be a shame. That ending was perfectly written for this show and they truly missed out on it.

The extended blackness before the credits was a true troll on their parts too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've come to the conclusion that people will defend this show no matter how average it is. The episode wasn't great. The Tywin scene loses impact because there is real context behind it (Tysha) other than Tyrion is pissed that his dad put him on trial. Tyrion and Jaime leave on 'good' terms. Brienne fights the Hound which I would think effectively kills the scene when she goes to that island and sees the Hound shoveling dirt. Magic fireballs in the Bran scene? Since when?

I could give a shit about LSH, I assume that's just coming next season.