Grand Theft Auto V


Thank you everyone for continuing to bear with us since yesterday?s initial roll out of Grand Theft Auto Online ? we?re aware that a variety of technical difficulties have made it difficult to get access and that the experience has been a bit less than smooth for many of you who jumped in straight away, so here are a few updates as of this afternoon to keep you all apprised.

At the Rockstar Games Support site, there is a dedicated article listing out the most common technical issues being reported. Things are changing and developing frequently but here are some latest updates as of this afternoon:
For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved.
There is an issue that is preventing some players from getting through the first tutorial mission across both platforms. Many players have been able to get through this with repeated retries, and we are working on unblocking this for everyone as soon as possible.
This morning, we experienced some instability across the GTA Online services which is affecting even people who have progressed beyond the tutorial mission. We are identifying these issues now and are working to restore stability for users as soon as possible.
For the time being and until we have been able to get everybody access to GTA Online and things are running smoothly, we have disabled the option of purchasable GTA$ cash packs. Players can however keep on earning GTA$ by pulling off Jobs and other profitable gameplay activities rather than purchasing cash packs.

You can keep updated on these and other common issues by subscribing to the GTA Online Launch Status Rockstar Support article at Subscribers will be sent an automatic notification as updates happen.

All of these initial technical issues will be ironed out as soon as we can. Please know that the entire team here at Rockstar and all of our relevant partners are and will continue to be working around the clock to get the experience to be as smooth as possible, as soon as possible.

In the meantime, for anyone experiencing technical problems, we encourage you to report them to our dedicated Support Team at and at This is the best place to get direct technical help and we are constantly looking at the most commonly reported issues there to resolve.

For those of you who have been getting into and playing GTA Online, we also encourage you to please share your gameplay experience feedback with us at[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */so that we may know what aspects you?re liking and disliking to help guide how the game will grow and evolve past this initial period.

Thanks again everyone for your patience and your support ? we will continue to keep you updated.


Trakanon Raider
100% on Rockstar's side, PSN hasn't been down at all. The game can't connect toRockstar's cloud serversat all and are probably under a lot more load on the PS3 side due to not having the Multiplayer Paywall.
From Rockstar's update page:

For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved.
Totally nothing to do with PSN. All Rockstar's fault.


95% of the errors I have gotten are "cannot connect to Rockstar's cloud" and "Lulz Rockstar servers are down". 100% of the errors after this morning have been "lulz Rockstar". There's still tons of errors.


Just lost my third character. What the fuck, Rockstar? I'm done with this game.

And I agree with Sean. The GTA:O world feels so barren and lifeless compared to the single player. Quite disappointing.


Just lost my third character. What the fuck, Rockstar? I'm done with this game.

And I agree with Sean. The GTA:O world feels so barren and lifeless compared to the single player. Quite disappointing.
If your character isn't showing up then the cloud server is down. Characters aren't deleted unless you make one while disconnected from the cloud server but it gives you a warning message to that effect.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
All this talk about races in GTAO... I just load up and im free roaming with nothing to do but kill others, run from cops, rinse/repeat. ZERO missions of any kind, races or otherwise.


All this talk about races in GTAO... I just load up and im free roaming with nothing to do but kill others, run from cops, rinse/repeat. ZERO missions of any kind, races or otherwise.
It's buggy. The servers just plain don't load shit in properly a lot. If it's working right you should see like 18 land and 18 sea races even at low rank, iirc.


10/2/13 Note: Some players have reported being able to get into the Tutorial race by re-downloading the Title Update, which can be deleted from Xbox Home or the PS3 XMB (Game Data Utility, NOT save data). Others reported having luck by selecting "Swap Character" from the Online tab within the pause menu, deleting the character that was unable to get into the tutorial, and then creating a new character. Some who were experience this issue have been able to get in just by trying again later.
[Updated 4:30 PM ET 10/2/13] GTA Online Launch Status -- Latest Updates Rockstar Support

Unfortunately this didn't work for me BUT i did get to a new part where i am standing around with a bunch of dudes while launching session spins in the lower right so thats progress i guess.


If your character isn't showing up then the cloud server is down. Characters aren't deleted unless you make one while disconnected from the cloud server but it gives you a warning message to that effect.
Well, it didn't give me an 'unable to connect to the cloud' error or anything. It just loaded up the character select and my characters was gone. And I was definitely playing online yesterday because there were other people in my game.


I just sold my copy. Demand for this game is insane, in the UK at least. I paid ?32 for my copy and just sold it for ?35. Never had that happen before.


Trakanon Raider
I keep having to recreate my character, but I always name it the same, and the money just keeps piling up. First character I made had 0 dollars and 0 in the bank.

Now I am up to 10k it says (8k in bank 2.5k in cash), but still have not progressed past the first racing mission. I have no idea why I have money. Once I even got a negative 8k hit when I loaded into the game to do the race (race never activated due to my car never showing up), but still have money now. This game is very bugged. Also, voice chat enabled by default is a no-no. I do not want to listen to all the children playing this game. I don't even use voice chat in mmos, no way in hells I want to keep it on for a game like this.

EDIT: Just reloaded. Pressed X at startup, so went straight into Online mode. It loaded last character, and I am now once again stuck at Launching session. However, there is now 1k less in my bank account, only 7.2k now. Is money in this game utterly random? I have done nothing to earn money, and certainly nothing to lose it, yet the amount I have keeps changing.


<Prior Amod>
I'm not really concerned about how the online looks or plays right now. I figure I'll give it a few months and decide from there. -shrug-


I'm not really concerned about how the online looks or plays right now. I figure I'll give it a few months and decide from there. -shrug-
A few months isn't going to change anything about how it looks. It's always going to be a dead, lifeless city on the PS3/X360 unfortunately. Maybe the upcoming more in-depth heist missions will be what people primarily focus on when playing it and won't care about much else, but roaming around in Online mode is just always going to feelbad.


Molten Core Raider
Is it possible that the world feels dead because 90% of the people that want to play can't connect to the servers reliably?


Is it possible that the world feels dead because 90% of the people that want to play can't connect to the servers reliably?
No, I've been in servers with full 16 people. It just feels dead due to there being like no fucking population density at all. The cities are just god damned empty and it totally ruins it. I've ran through streets with literally 0 cars spawning and 1-2 pedestrians.

This thing badly needed a PC version that could actually handle this crap and not this shit that takes extreme voodoo to run on the PS3/X360.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
GTA4 online wasn't this empty, right? It's been a long time since I played it but I recall there being some traffic and pedestrians. I don't see why it would have gotten worse but that's disappointing news.


Seems a very big world to only have a max of 16 people.
It is, especially with how low the npc/object spawn rate is set. I hope that whatever next-gen/PC versions they do are totally retooled. Honestly, GTAO feels like a really bad beta right now and I hope they take whatever they're learning from this and really hit it out of the park with the PS4/PC/Xbone versions and offer some sort of reasonably priced upgrade for the people who bought the current gen ones (like people are doing with cross-gen launch titles right now).

DT - It wasn't exactly packed, but you're right, I definitely do not think that GTA4 was this barren.


Oh, one note. The outer highways do have a bit more traffic, but still not even remotely close to the SP density. Inside the city is the worst and I think stuff just plain stops spawning when other people are around a lot of the time.

I'm sure it doesn't help that (I'm pretty sure) this is a P2P game and runs off a host PS3/X360. I bet the city would be a hell of a lot more populated if Rockstar used real dedicated servers and had more involvement in running shit than just forcing you to connect to their Cloud while playing for saving online character data and updating all that crap.


<Prior Amod>
They could easily add NPC population filler later, like I said I'll wait a few months before I decide to care. If others don't want to thats fine.