Gravy's Cooking Thread


<WoW Guild Officer>
There is definitely a lot of shit with food that is just being pretentious, particularly when white people start telling you about "authentic" ethnic food. Now maybe you are angry about cottage cheese in lasagna because it's different than what you're used to and maybe it's because you're a pretentious twat but it certainly isn't because it tastes bad. I think people probably started putting it in there because supermarkets used to be a lot less diverse and you couldn't necessarily just walk down to the store and get ricotta in all parts of the country but the two things are not dissimilar enough to warrant the amount of angst people have over it unless there is some level of condescension getting added in there.
I agree unless it's their ethnic food. My Italian step-grandmother would have beat me with her wooden spoon if I suggested cottage cheese in her lasagna.


<Bronze Donator>
i was just kidding about the colby jack

but i did grow up with my mom putting cheddar in her lasagna, and i still love it that way to this day. especially if its extra sharp -- i like a bit of a bite to my pasta tho.

btw the secret for super dank pasta sauce is to add a teaspoon or two of marmite (or vegemite if you're a heathen)



Molten Core Raider
i was just kidding about the colby jack

but i did grow up with my mom putting cheddar in her lasagna, and i still love it that way to this day. especially if its extra sharp -- i like a bit of a bite to my pasta tho.

btw the secret for super dank pasta sauce is to add a teaspoon or two of marmite (or vegemite if you're a heathen)

My grandparents, back in the 80s (they were probably in their 70s at the time) attempted to make home made pizza for me and a couple other grandkids that were spending the weekend with them. Obviously, they had never eaten pizza in their entire lives but somehow knew it was something that kids liked, so they smothered that bitch in cheddar cheese and american cheese slices(rather than any mozzarella). Worst goddamn thing I've eaten in my life.

Cheddar cheese has no place in Italian food.


<Bronze Donator>
the american cheese slices fucked that pizza up way more than the cheddar did.

can't be straight cheddar btw -- needs to be mixed with mozzarella and/or provolone to be ideal. then topped with parmesan and romano after cooking.


<Gold Donor>
I put slices of kielbasa in my lasagna. Its what my grandma did and it tasted fucking awesome. But were a bunch of fucking polacks so....


A Mod Real Quick
When my stepfather married my mother he moved in, before that he always just stayed at his house. One day I was working and he told me he was making his world famous pizza for everyone. I came home and ate some leftovers and I was absolutely disgusted, everyone was sitting around waiting for me to try it and laughing their asses off. The only cheese he used was kraft slices.....

Worst. Pizza. Ever.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I replaced sour cream for greek yogurt in the tacos we make at home. Tastes the same and you get a bit more protein (i pack it on).


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ya same difference? 'For' works doesnt it?

Replaced x for y... Hmm
The way you wrote it sounded like you were swappinginsour cream for greek yogurt, instead of swapping the sour cream out. I was just trying to clarify. Maybe I'm just reading it all fucky.


A Mod Real Quick
I don't' particularly like Kraft cheese on burgers.. it has a weird tangy taste that I can't get passed. I usually just buy fresh slices from the deil. It's only slightly more expensive and you can get real cheese


<Bronze Donator>
kraft singles can't even be legally called "cheese" in the US. they've got to call it a "Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product" in order to get around the FDA.

Please find whatever god is necessary for you to make good posts.
p.s. this is the Grown-Up Stuff section, lets not let this thread turn into rehashed bullshit from elsewhere, k?


<Prior Amod>
Wow holy shit, you google american cheese on youtube...

first, here's vid on what it's made out of, i checked and kraft lists 17 ingredients

and there are tons of videos of ppl just putting a cheese slice up to a lighter and having it burn like plastic, here's the least offensive one, at least these ppl look like chefs.


Got something right about marriage
You know whyAmericanCheese burns like plastic? Because it'sFREEto do whatever it wants you son of a bitch