Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Kaxmax said:
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know where Kendrick ended up when he left Sigil?

Complete speculation, but maybe he"s some of the talent Curt is referring to.
I thought he had posted here since then or am I imagining that?


I know there"s a Kendricke (with an "e") who I"ve seen post lately, but it"s not the same guy. I don"t recall anything from the developer Kendrick, though it"s certainly possible I missed it.


I don"t know who he is if that answers your question. And someone a bit farther up posted about bringing in a 4th who has experience or we"d be in trouble. Check back and read this thread if you can, I think you"ll get alot more questions answered that way.


I was talking about John "Kendrick" Capozzi. He was responsible for a lot of EQ"s most well-liked zones, and was employed by Sigil until earlier this year. If he"s not on your team, try to get him


Ngruk said:
And someone a bit farther up posted about bringing in a 4th who has experience or we"d be in trouble. Check back and read this thread if you can, I think you"ll get alot more questions answered that way.
bah one out of 23 pages slips by... =P

This is one of the few threads I actually read (aka not about Vanguard or WoW).


jonaku said:
I actually laughed as well. Saying any one person has a handle on an industry of 14+ million customers is laughable. To try and please 14 million people at once is also a goal that can get you in trouble at times because taking certain creative paths, with that as a goal, can put you at the end with nothing more than a mish mash of ideas that hit portions of many demographics but have no way of coming together to be an awesome game.

I think I have a very different view on it. I certainly know what is and isn"t out there as it relates to a lot of what we intend to do.

I also know that at its core this isn"t me putting a company together to create what I think is a great game. One guys greatness is another guys coaster.

At the heart of all this is the belief that what we are putting together creatively will work in an epic way really, and then marrying that to a business that can see that creative vision come to life.

I think we have that and more, but it will take time for sure.

And to top it off you are also talking about having a handle on an industry that truly is in it"s formative years.

We can certainly work with an eye towards what we think and see happening in the future but we also cannot rely on technology to make our IP good, it has to stand on its own merits apart from technology.

Technology has to be an enhancement to a great game, an enabler IMO.


Ngruk said:
I actually laughed as well. Saying any one person has a handle on an industry of 14+ million customers is laughable. To try and please 14 million people at once is also a goal that can get you in trouble at times because taking certain creative paths, with that as a goal, can put you at the end with nothing more than a mish mash of ideas that hit portions of many demographics but have no way of coming together to be an awesome game.

I think I have a very different view on it. I certainly know what is and isn"t out there as it relates to a lot of what we intend to do.

I also know that at its core this isn"t me putting a company together to create what I think is a great game. One guys greatness is another guys coaster.

At the heart of all this is the belief that what we are putting together creatively will work in an epic way really, and then marrying that to a business that can see that creative vision come to life.

I think we have that and more, but it will take time for sure.

And to top it off you are also talking about having a handle on an industry that truly is in it"s formative years.

We can certainly work with an eye towards what we think and see happening in the future but we also cannot rely on technology to make our IP good, it has to stand on its own merits apart from technology.

Technology has to be an enhancement to a great game, an enabler IMO.
Cue the armchair devs and note-takers reminding you that WoW"s success is due in large part to itsaccessibility! Those textures are blurry for a very good reason!

Anyhow, I"m sure you"ve figured out long before coming here that you"d be told precisely vaguely what to do to fail and how to not be successful. And other really important semantic differentiations regarding what is technically "new-blood" and what the requirements of swaying the cognoscenti are, who "sucks balls" and who is "totally radicool"... because we know how important that is towards making a globally-reaching piece of software that makes millions of people happy.



hehe, I came here to get, for the most part, what I am getting. Interesting conversation about a topic I am passionate about, and a topic that a company I own will be producing product for.

I didn"t come here expecting a post to reveal to me the secret behind it all. (Though some of them actually do believe they"ve offered that up:p

As far as a website goes,www.greenmonstergames.netis it for now. Until we are ready to put something out there that represents us in a manner we want to project and commit to, it"ll remain as is.

I am assuming you were asking 2008 for the website right? The answer to that would be yes, there will be a website up and running before that

If you for some odd reason meant game??? No chance, not even close.


Ngruk said:
I am assuming you were asking 2008 for the website right? The answer to that would be yes, there will be a website up and running before that
Yes, I was asking about the website"s unveiling. If you guys managed to release a well-polishedgamebefore 2010 I"d be very impressed.

Thanks for the linkage.


Does your wife think you are a nerd?

Mine does

First post awesomeness. Seriously, this thread delivers, and good to see the passion from all sides for my favorite hobby.


Blackulaa said:
Does your wife think you are a nerd?

Mine does

First post awesomeness. Seriously, this thread delivers, and good to see the passion from all sides for my favorite hobby.
I was a keynote speaker at MIT last night, at an "MMO and the future" type roundtable. One of the initial comments introducing me was to the effect that my presence alone reduced the nerd quotient by a factor unimaginable.

I immediately retorted that alls one had to do was ask my wife, who"s used the term "nerd", and "your nerd friends" more than she"s used my name in the last 15 years.

Angry Amadeus_sl

With your passion for gaming and your current team, would a Forgotten Realms MMO be out of the question?

I would gladly pay $1,000 USD / year, for access to a one-server only Forgotten Realms based MMO where I can kill rats in the name of Bruenor Battlehammer.

Just a thought.


Molten Core Raider
Personally, I think the long term success of an MMO is less about the quality of the game, and more with the people you play it with. How many of us kept playing EQ long after it become boring, simply to hang out with the friends we made in it?

Obviously, the game has to have some appeal to keep some of the people logging in, but I can easily imagine companies introducing features, that on paper sound good, but in practice is going to hurt this concept. Things like limiting guild sizes, restricting chat, etc, may make for a more realistic game, but only serve to drive people apart.

I can"t really offer any fantastic suggestion on how to achieve it, but as long as you, and any other designers, ask themselves the question, will this bring people together or push them apart, whenever they want to implement something, I think they are going to make a better MMO.


Faille said:
Obviously, the game has to have some appeal to keep some of the people logging in, but I can easily imagine companies introducing features, that on paper sound good, but in practice is going to hurt this concept. Things like limiting guild sizes, restricting chat, etc, may make for a more realistic game, but only serve to drive people apart.
I think you can get away with restricting these things mentioned as long as you later allow players access to them via personal or guild abilities or what have you.

It could mean more farming of coin, faction, guildexp or whatever, but it would be more goal oriented farming and perhaps more palatable to those that need to stretch their epeen. "Well my guild is soooo uber because it has [xclass] channel and [yglobal] channel plus our roster allows for [zmembers] plus we have guild teleport etc. Etc.

Lord Thanos_foh

Hmm, I hadn"t checked on this thread since I started it and was wondering how the hell it was still alive and it had 358 replies, turns out Mr Curt Schilling is actually posting here, wow

Good luck with Green Monster Games, I can"t wait to see what you"ve got up your sleeve

Oh and Curt, as a Yankees fan, I know that was ketchup on your sock ;-)