Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

Ngruk said:
Still working on getting comfortable with the format. Doesn"t seem to want me to double space atm.

I promise I"ll get to some 38 Studios stuff! Btw anyone check out the shirts/hats? Thoughts?
I bought a shirt the minute I discovered they were on sale <3 Munch ! A few people at work who I talk sports with actually knew what it was and what 38 Studios was the day I wore it into work last week. That supprised me because most of them look at me funny when I mention anything involving games, and look at me even funnier when I say that someday I"m determined to work writing code in the game industry. Guess most of the storage hardware geeks down at EMC dont play too many games =(

I dont wear caps that often so had to pass on the hat however. Shipping was wicked fast, albiet it only had to go about 20 miles =)

Great blog btw. As a diehard Red Sox fan, having been Boston born and raised, it"s great hearing your comments and observations. My only suggestion however is, dont do what many people I know have done with their blogs when they start them... post TOO much and get burnt out on them. I"d rather less frequent posts if it means they"ll keep comming than a great flurry for the first months and then once every 4 months after =)

Thanks !


I bought one of the tshirts and I just got it in the mail and haven"t even opened it yet. I"m excited to wear it, even though I"m sure no one will have any idea what it is.


I know this is going to sound like something it"s not intended to be. Danuser might shoot me as well, but anyone that is perusing the blog that wants to ask an intelligent industry question please feel free. You guys know I can"t get into the detail you might want right now but opening up industry dialogue is something I am hoping to see come out of this as well.


Not really a question, more of a suggestion: Take a long look at some of the discussion that"s gone on here in regards to the FFXI Job system. It"s almost universally praised as one of the best class systems in MMO"s to date, and really lends a sense of attachment to your character as opposed to today"s games where everyone has 5 alts.

Not that you guys should copy it directly, but a system where you can level up multiple classes with one character is something that really needs to be used in other MMO"s.


Kaxmax said:
Not really a question, more of a suggestion: Take a long look at some of the discussion that"s gone on here in regards to the FFXI Job system. It"s almost universally praised as one of the best class systems in MMO"s to date, and really lends a sense of attachment to your character as opposed to today"s games where everyone has 5 alts.

Not that you guys should copy it directly, but a system where you can level up multiple classes with one character is something that really needs to be used in other MMO"s.


Eve does and it doesn"t, Kaxmax. There"s not any strict definitions like you might find in D&D derivative RPGs. However there"s very much different gear selection and abilities. Ship loadouts sort of become classes of a sort. The close-range MWDing blaster ship might be analogous to a rogue in a fantasy RPG. But Eve doesn"t restrict your abilities (damage type and delivery, Ewar, armor tank, shields) by your definitions at character creation, only by what your current skills allow.

Which is where the versatility comes in. The longer you play, the more your skills go up. Eventually, your gear options broaden. If you don"t like one option for whatever reason you can just start training for another, AND still retain the same character, with all the emotional investment that it has.


There are effective classes in the sense that when you are flying a ship, you are playing a fairly well-defined "role" that you need to switch ships/fitting to change.

For example, when I"m in an interceptor, I adopt the role of a fast tackling ship and scout; my navigation and fitting and cap skills are very valuable. If I level up those skills, I"ll perform better in my role.

When I"m in a covops, there"s a very different set of important skills which affect my performance. I need a bunch of good probe skills (and a lot of player skill too) to do my job well, and those skills, for the most part, are very different from the skills I would need to do a good job in a different ship.

When I"m in a station producing or trading, there are a whole different set of important skills; DPS battleship, some overlap, but mostly a whole bunch more skills; and so on. And when I switch from one role to the other, which I can do freely, I retain all the skills that I trained for my previous role for the next time I put myself in that position.

So to me it seems extremely similar to FFXI"s system. Just replace "class" with "ship/gear" and "levelup" with "skillup" and it"s the same thing.


Q-What kind of audience are you seeking to grab with GMG"s game? The casual (5-10 hrs/wk playtime), the moderate (11-20 hrs/wk), the hardcore (21+ hrs/wk), and/or are you focusing more on play styles (soloers vs. small groups vs. raiders) and/or the type of play (PvE vs. PvP)?

Q-Any word on the type of setting for the game yet? (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Western, Historical, Steampunk, Modern, a combination of any of those, something else)

Q-Do you have any idea yet about what kind of customer service department you"ll have? (veteran players ala EQ"s Guide system,paid "professionals" ala Game Masters, outsourced macro punchers, a combination of any of those, something else)

Q-Have you decided whether 38 Studios will license an engine for its flagship title, or will you develop your own? If the former: can you give us a hint as to which engine it is? If the latter: are improved graphics a big focus point for you, or will the more "behind the curtains" properties be put first (physics, AI, scripting, etc.)?

Q-While you are a player of MMOs you have limited experience developing one. Yet, oftentimes players can see issues and devise interesting designs that professional developers may not have thought of or lack the support of the team leaders to implement. Will/Do you propose any ideas to the professionals that you or other gamers (such as those on this board) think up?

Q-Are you/Will you be investing your own money to (even in part) finance the creation of 38 Studios" first game, or is it/will it be coming from other investors/loans/a publisher?

Q-Will your flagship title be based off of an original IP, an IP from McFarlane/Salvatore, or an IP from another source?

Q-Please remember: More polygons does not automatically make a game pretty!


I really appreciate the answers, Curt. I"m especially grateful for how you responded to the question about the structure of the CS department.

I think you misunderstood what I was asking when I talked about the number of polygons in a game. I was insinuating that just because a game needs a high-end graphics card to run doesn"t mean the art is pretty. A great deal of people preferred WoW"s graphics over EQII"s original because WoW had an appealing style, whereas EQII looked very bland/muddy in a lot of places.

After wracking my brain, here are a few more questions for your next Q&A:

Q-You have set incredibly ambitious goals for 38 Studios and its role in the gaming industry. Are you worried at all about losing sight of your goals, or the company being passed down into incapable/corrupt hands? If so, what measures have you put in place (or wish to put in place) to prevent that from happening?

Q-What game mechanic concept has really psyched you up in the past that you have yet to see in an MMORPG?

Q-Which upcoming MMORPG are you most looking forward to, if any? Is there a particular reason to why this particular game grabbed your interest? If you"re not looking forward to any MMORPG "soon" why not?

Q-World of WarCraft did an incredible job widening the MMO market with its 8.5 million account mark, however Blizzard had a huge fan base built long before WoW"s release. How do you expect a fledgling company like 38 Studios to compete in the vicious and highly-scrutinized arena of MMORPGs?

Q-There are a lot of developers that try to put too much "stuff" (content, world, complex mechanics, etc.) into their games and the title suffers as a result; some get pushed back, others get pushed out early, and some get canned completely. Do you foresee any of these issues afflicting 38 Studios" games? If so, are you prepared to handle them? If not, what have you done to prevent them from occurring?

Q-Some developers release far too much information on games way too early. How many years do youestimateit will be before it"s prudent to toss gamers a morsel on 38 Studios" first endeavor?


Kaxmax said:
Not really a question, more of a suggestion: Take a long look at some of the discussion that"s gone on here in regards to the FFXI Job system. It"s almost universally praised as one of the best class systems in MMO"s to date, and really lends a sense of attachment to your character as opposed to today"s games where everyone has 5 alts.

Not that you guys should copy it directly, but a system where you can level up multiple classes with one character is something that really needs to be used in other MMO"s.
Also can take a look at how well the Druid class works in WoW. Granted in that game it ends up stepping on a lot of toes but players really like 1 character that can change roles.


Cad, questions noted for the next Q&A. Thanks. When I can"t go into detail, which will be often right now, I won"t. Otherwise I will give it my best shot.


Here are some questions:

Q: What extra measures/steps (if any) do you plan to take to ensure your game caters to people who roleplay?

Q: What sort of graphic style do you intend to have? Realistic or stylized or both?

Q: What is your take on instancing?

Q: Given that you are an Everquest 2 player, what elements of gameplay/design do you really enjoy from EQ2 that you may or may not incorporate into your game?

Q: What is your opinion on NDAs? Do you think your game will have one?

Q: What do you feel about "Station-Exchange" type elements of games? Do you have any intention in facilitating sales of gear, currency and characters for RL cash?


<Bronze Donator>
There are effective classes in the sense that when you are flying a ship, you are playing a fairly well-defined "role" that you need to switch ships/fitting to change.

For example, when I"m in an interceptor, I adopt the role of a fast tackling ship and scout; my navigation and fitting and cap skills are very valuable. If I level up those skills, I"ll perform better in my role.

When I"m in a covops, there"s a very different set of important skills which affect my performance. I need a bunch of good probe skills (and a lot of player skill too) to do my job well, and those skills, for the most part, are very different from the skills I would need to do a good job in a different ship.

When I"m in a station producing or trading, there are a whole different set of important skills; DPS battleship, some overlap, but mostly a whole bunch more skills; and so on. And when I switch from one role to the other, which I can do freely, I retain all the skills that I trained for my previous role for the next time I put myself in that position.

So to me it seems extremely similar to FFXI"s system. Just replace "class" with "ship/gear" and "levelup" with "skillup" and it"s the same thing.
I"d go a step further and call eve"s system superior to FFXI"s. With a skill based system there"s no need for artificial delimiters called "levels" and when you are "leveling up" a different ship class there"s no need to go back and grind out on level 5 newbie mobs again. Nevermind the fact that the skill system itself removes grinding entirely and what you do while logged in is "insert whatever it is you want to do" since there"s no mechanic that forces you to go out and grind mobs or grind quests or exp in anyway. It breaks down play sessions to their most basic necessities. You dosomethingin order to earn ISK to buy ships with so you can go pew pew other dudes or so you can build better mousetraps or so you can suck on more veld. It"s such a beautiful freeform system it almost brings a tear to my eye. There"s no need to grind out 60 levels or run around doing quests for 60 levels or whatever just to get to the part of the game where you are free to do whatever it is you want to do, you start doing what you want to do on day 1 while you skill up so you get better at doing it and more options open up on how you do it.


I am, literally, asleep right now, so sorry for typos/lack of questions.

Q-Most MMORPGs only focus on combat on foot, largely ignoring mounted, aerial, and seafaring battle mechanics. Have you discussed the viability of such additions to the game?

Q-Is there any interest in bringing 38 Studios" first title to consoles as well as PCs? If so, will PC players and console players be on the same servers, or separate ones?

Q-What kind of ESRB rating will you be shooting for with your premier title?

Q-Any word on whom is doing the musical scores? Will you be using digital music software, or going the route of having a live orchestra?

Q-What is your opinion on user-generated content in an MMO? Do you think it"s feasible, or would it be more costly (time, resources, and money) than just getting your in-house crew to develop new content?

Q-You"ve done an awesome job keeping in touch with your early fans. Sure, you can"t comment a lot on the game yet, but you"ve kept the discussions going. Will this fount of information and idea sharing dry up as the production of your game goes into full production?

Q-March is almost over. When will the new 38 Studios site be up and running? Can we expect anything new on it that wasn"t on the old GMG site?

Q-Your time in professional sports has helped you build a charisma and aptitude for teamwork and bringing folks together under a united cause. Since you seek to bring that expertise to bear in helping 38 Studios succeed, how will you go about fostering such camaraderie with the dev team? Will your physical presence be used, or will a less personal approach (guidelines, forms, etc.) be taken?

Q-Appealing to players around the world can be a very difficult task, where everything from graphical nit-picks to server locations takes time and effort to implement and perfect. Do you feel 38 Studios is, honestly, ready to dive in, head-first, with such hurdles in its way? Or will you focus primarily on the North American market first, then extend your influence abroad further on in 38 Studios" lifetime?

Q-Your contact with the community has been not only appreciated but staggeringly consistent. Do you anticipate a need to, personally, cut back on your PR outings once things ramp up at 38 Studios? Are Moorgard and/or Blackguard jealous you won"t let them handle the ravenous fans yet?

(Edited, twice, for added questions)