Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


My biggest concern is the ability to update the game as time progresses. I really do get tired of hearing "sorry but the spaghetti coding can"t do that." In WOW, for example, they made a great feature called Battlegrounds, but apparently they can"t easily create random new map variants. At least I am assuming that since they simply haven"t made any. Hopefully this won"t be the case with Studio38"s game.


Twobit Whore said:
Gandalf is also a demi-god, not your average tankmage scrub.
Gandalf used a staff, but he used it "correctly". The Tolkien "mage" staff is a symbol of the position among the five Maiar which is why Gandalf breaks Saruman"s. It is derived from scandinavian tradition, where the population was completely illiterate, and priests used staves engraved with their prayers in runic. Thus, the general idea that a staff is magic, which Tolkien recycled

But yes, even in older times, when you had a bit more than the last Maiar using magic, the users had no problem using other weapons. Gandalf merely had more time to train than most


Ukerric said:
Gandalf used a staff, but he used it "correctly". The Tolkien "mage" staff is a symbol of the position among the five Maiar which is why Gandalf breaks Saruman"s. It is derived from scandinavian tradition, where the population was completely illiterate, and priests used staves engraved with their prayers in runic. Thus, the general idea that a staff is magic, which Tolkien recycled

But yes, even in older times, when you had a bit more than the last Maiar using magic, the users had no problem using other weapons. Gandalf merely had more time to train than most
+5 nerd points


OneofOne said:
As much as I like and prefer named mobs dropping unique items to that mob, the reality is the RMT market is bigger now than it ever has been. Putting those mobs in the game wouldn"t matter to most of us if the only way you could get their items was buying it from farmers. I don"t want this to veer into thoughts and ideas about RMT, but I do think you have to have a robust loot system thatdoesfactor this in.
If you let your "system" control your loot, I think you have lost already.

Yes, iLeveled loot is easy, arguably "fair" and works fine. It"s bland though and I think WoW has proven that inarguably.

I personally think that it is in your interest as a developer to want certain things to be wanted. Wanted a lot! I mean, things like VT clickies were nice. They even at one point in progression were semi-needed. That is not a bad thing. Things like ToC, SoG, WBs, whatever... they are desired but not much needed.

Warblades are the most contentious. We"ve only five illi kills and by sunwell we"ll have all of what? ten or so? We won"t have a set most likely and probably won"t even have one. Sucks for us, that"s life and so on and so on. We could really use our 100% attendance rogue with them though heading into Brute and we won"t have that.

I think that"s kinda stupid. In EQ as a Rogue I remember vividly waiting and waiting on daggers to drop. It sucked but it was a "waiting onmydagger to drop. Each week our raid got loot that made it better, it was a question of when I got the loot that made my small slice better. Yeah, there was rot and yeah, it wasn"t perfect but hey.

In contrast, for a guild that has only been farming MH/BT for four or five months (archi/illi for less of course and with one recruitment blitz in there) we still have massive demand for wands, offhands, trinkets, Illi loot that isn"t X, and so on. We still do a two-night clear and shard almost everything unless we get lucky. Those "lucky" slots though are hard to cover. Everyone with 4p bonuses and yet many still using kara/SSC crap sucks. This includes many people that raided from day one through when Gruul was near impossible.


Kharza-kzad said:
Most middleware and engine licenses come with source code. In many cases, this is a necessity for making a finished product.

I can think of two middleware packages off the top of my head that aren"t really practical for a real game because of crazy amounts of small memory allocations.
I would be willing to bet a tall cold adult beverage that Unreal (possibly Bigworld also) doesn"t provide their source code. In fact the only companies that I can think of that do provide source code are run by a bunch of scrubs and not pro"s or are based in the Gnu world.


You"d lose that bet.

Unreal Technology
Unreal said:
We license the Unreal Engine to experienced professional game developers. Licensees receive full source code for our engine, tools and most recent games.
BigWorld Technology - Frequently Asked Questions
Bigworld said:
Is source code supplied?

* Yes, to all components (except core patentable routines in the server).

Can I customize your code?

* Sure can.

Can I use my own 3D engine or write my own client?

* Yes, we provide full source to our client, which you can use to ensure compatibility with our server.
gnomad said:
I would be willing to bet a tall cold adult beverage that Unreal (possibly Bigworld also) doesn"t provide their source code. In fact the only companies that I can think of that do provide source code are run by a bunch of scrubs and not pro"s or are based in the Gnu world.
At one point, I saw a link for all of the Gears source on UDN, although the amount of maps was limited. Never got it myself (was right before I was leaving SoE and didn"t want to raise a flag) so am not sure what was in it but I definately saw the link there, as well as links to another Epic game or two.


I"m sure there might be some non enginey stuff out there that might offer a no source license, but I can"t think of any off hand. If you read the latest game developer mag, it"s like half middleware ads.

I was thinking that you could just buy all that and really all you"d have left is the game part, then I realized how many years it would take to make them all work together.


A really good interview with Curt popped upherea few days ago. While it doesn"t reveal much of anything new, Curt does expand on some previously-known info. Some choice snippets:

Curt Schilling said:
The only way we can fail is if we find a way to screw this up in an epic way internally.
Curt Schilling said:
We have been told a lot of times that if you're smart, you do something a whole lot smaller for a whole lot less money and a whole lot faster. I'm not smart. If I was smart, I'd be trying to win the World Series.
Curt Schilling said:
[T]here will be product out before we launch this game. It will be other products than the game.
Curt Schilling said:
One of the prerequisites for bringing people in is you need to be a gamer. Someone made the point that if you are going to make a Batman movie, you have a choice. One team will say OK. The other will come in with a stack of comic books. You know who will make a better movie.
Curt Schilling said:
There is a certain point where you lock down and stop the feature creep. We are not at that date yet. We are very close to it. Those new things are not just on the periphery. [...] If you give a gamer five hours of sleep, there are 19 hours in the day. Why are they going to play our game? That comes back to basics. That first 30-minute experience with us, buying a game, opening the box, creating an account - if you don't say Holy Shit at least three or four times in the first 30 minutes, you're going to play something else.


The only way we can fail is if we find a way to screw this up in an epic way internally.
I trust him because he said "epic way" but what he was thinking was "man we better not get an epic fail..."


I think I"m looking forward to the novels as much as the game now.

Curt had some pretty quotable lines in there as well, good stuff.


Curt is talking big words. This is going to be interesting to see how this plays out. There is alot of confidence in his posts. Almost cocky.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
kcxiv said:
Curt is talking big words. This is going to be interesting to see how this plays out. There is alot of confidence in his posts. Almost cocky.
I do the same exact thing. It pushes yourself to be better because you are forced to with what words you are throwing around. Even though it gets you into trouble it makes you strive to be the best.

That"s my take on it at least.

Gnome Eater_foh

Tyen said:
I do the same exact thing. It pushes yourself to be better because you are forced to with what words you are throwing around. Even though it gets you into trouble it makes you strive to be the best.

That"s my take on it at least.
Haha well, we saw that hyping things up too much can backfire spectacularly. Pardo never ever hyped WoW - I wish he did talk more though, expecially about his philosophy of design.


Curt Schilling said:
The only way we can fail is if we find a way to screw this up in an epic way internally.
This board"s favorite whipping boy was an epic tale of how to "screw this up in an epic way internally". Actually, is there an MMO that failed due to external reasons? No, being "forced to release early" doesn"t count without a very good explanation.


2 Minutes Hate
Best quote from the article:

Q: Did you like Tabula Rasa?
A: I did. I'm not a sci-fi guy but I really like the things they did. I met with Richard Garriott. He's a nice guy. It's one of those things. I frigging played with Cal Ripken. Who's Richard Garriott?


Gnome Eater said:
Haha well, we saw that hyping things up too much can backfire spectacularly. Pardo never ever hyped WoW - I wish he did talk more though, expecially about his philosophy of design.
At the end of the day it does not matter in the slightest though how cocky or not cocky you are. What matters is the product you put out there. You can be cocky as hell and if you produce a great product then people will play it. You can be totally un-cocky and produce a crap product and really who cares whether you were totally humble, the game still sucks and noone will play it.

At the end of the day what matters is the product. Pardo"s humbleness means diddly squat, what matters is the game ended up being really good.

The only reason cockyness backfires is some people in this industry get all cocky and then produce a crap product. The important determining factor in that is not the cockyness, it is the crap product.


Tropics said:
The only reason cockyness backfires is some people in this industry get all cocky and then produce a crap product. The important determining factor in that is not the cockyness, it is the crap product.
Who the hell would ever do something like that ?