Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Twobit Whore said:
Meh, I liked Matrix 3. 2 was okay.. but it was one of those middle movies with no clear beginning and end that some trilogies have.

The latest Matrix game was good though, The Path of Neo. It was one of the few that was actually like the damn first movie.
This thread got so derailed as to venture deep into Matrix talk? Ugh!
First post in this thread, just read a lot of it (skipped seemingly pages of nonsense and baseball talk) and after that and flicking through the list of people hired and what"s been said by the dev"s, 38 really are aiming damn high!

I also had no idea who Cal Ripken was (Then again I hadn"t heard of Mr Schilling either ) but I guess having the Atlantic ocean between us gives me somewhat of an excuse. You chaps still mostly think everyone is from the US of A but there are people on this board who think the Bostonians still owe us for a shipload of tea

I guess the UK equivalent would be someone like David James opening a games studio, I had to struggle to think of appropriate names and he seems the most likely i can think of at short notice. Most of the bigger names in sports over here who are towards the end of their careers seem to spend most of their money on birds and booze or failing that, just waste it

So anyways, just wondering if you chaps had any thoughts yet on whether you were aiming for mostly NAmerican market penetration or do you think your IP will be robust enough to attract euro"s and korea etc?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That seems like a valid concern. Names like Schilling, Todd McFarlane, and R.A. Salvadore hit some nerd/sports vibe in America, but probably less so in overseas markets.

I think regardless as to the IP, if the game is solid it might be picked up. Although the Asian market can be hard to crack and the style (from what"s been told) might fit better with the traditional Euro-offered MMOs.


Cybsled said:
That seems like a valid concern. Names like Schilling, Todd McFarlane, and R.A. Salvadore hit some nerd/sports vibe in America, but probably less so in overseas markets.

I think regardless as to the IP, if the game is solid it might be picked up. Although the Asian market can be hard to crack and the style (from what"s been told) might fit better with the traditional Euro-offered MMOs.
R.A. is bigger in Europe than he is here, Todd"s audience is pop-culture"ish, and huge in Asia.

Regardless, we are targeting a world wide audience, have been since day 1. You can"t expect to be the best in the world at something if you only operate on one part of the globe!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

We got rocked in the classic ;( I think Korea surprised everyone, though...they almost made the final.


Ngruk said:
This thread got so derailed as to venture deep into Matrix talk? Ugh!
Could be worse, they could be talking about Matrix Online. It"s their third anniversary this week, which shocked the hell out of me that they"re still alive and kicking.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It"s their third anniversary this week, which shocked the hell out of me that they"re still alive and kicking
More like undead and twitching. If it wasn"t for the all access pass, IMO it would have been buried long ago.


Ikia said:
Could be worse, they could be talking about Matrix Online. It"s their third anniversary this week, which shocked the hell out of me that they"re still alive and kicking.
We already did talk about The Matrix Online

/me raises hand as a former player of MxO


To be fair, one of the guys in Curt"s team worked on a Matrix game.
Perhaps we shall have some Neo easter eggs, or a cameo from Mr Fishburne!!!

Role on bullet time combat systems.


I"m pretty eager to see how sexy the female avatars and humanoid NPC"s will be. Because to me, that"s what MMO"s are all about. Females. Virtual ones. Ones that I can stare at in all my isolated lustful glory, lulled into a trance with half-closed eyes and slightly parted mouth, fiercely whispering "yeah." Not. That"s you guys.


Monsoon said:
I"m pretty eager to see how badass the male avatars and humanoid NPC"s will be. Because to me, that"s what MMO"s are all about. Males who look nothing like me, and my Diesel Legs. Virtual ones. Ones that I can stare at in all my isolated lustful glory, lulled into a trance with half-closed eyes and slightly parted mouth, fiercely whispering "yeah." Yeah. That"s me, guys.
Fixed that for ya, chief.