Gun control


Bronze Baron of the Realm
It seems Michigan is going hard with the crazy train this week.

They have passed a law that only has to be signed in by our cunt Gov. that will allow concealed carry in all of those places that were Gun free zones before such as: schools, churches, bars, etc.

I am a teacher, and I cannot for any reason ever understand why it would be acceptable to allow adults to walk into our school with loaded weapons. Absolutely blows my mind.

I am not a loon on the gun issue either, I don't own guns, but I am not trying to take them away from people, I just believe that there are certain venues that should simply not allow guns. Schools are number one on the list of no gun zone in my book.

I mean, really, even you guys that want unlimited gun this-and-that, is any sane rational adult in favor of allowing guns in schools? Serious question.
Ever notice how many mass shootings take place in gun free zones like schools, movie theaters that had the .30-60 sign out front (no guns allowed) even tho there were theaters in the area that didn't have the sign out front? I'm not saying you have to arm teachers or whoever else but you don't have to make it so easy that any idiot can tell where they are likely to encounter little to no armed resistance.

It's amazing how things have changed in 25 years. I went to high school in a pretty non rural area - our state capital and carried guns to school all the time. You either had to leave them in your car or check them in at the office and pick them up on the way home and that was when I was in high school. Lots of people did it, drop them off in the morning and pick them up on the way home so you could use them on the way home.

While in college 15 years ago I had a gunsafe in my office. I walked across campus at least 3 times a week with several soft gun cases and sometimes uncased rifles to get from my office to the school truck I drove and not once did anyone run in fear etc...


<Gold Donor>
Do some of you really want no guns at all in America?

Think of poor Tarrant ...




Karazhan Raider
I've been saying this to everyone I know for a long time. Stop giving these assholes the attention that they desperately seek. The media blowing up about these incidents is exactly what these psychos want.



Lord Nagafen Raider
It seems Michigan is going hard with the crazy train this week.

They have passed a law that only has to be signed in by our cunt Gov. that will allow concealed carry in all of those places that were Gun free zones before such as: schools, churches, bars, etc.

I am a teacher, and I cannot for any reason ever understand why it would be acceptable to allow adults to walk into our school with loaded weapons. Absolutely blows my mind.

I am not a loon on the gun issue either, I don't own guns, but I am not trying to take them away from people, I just believe that there are certain venues that should simply not allow guns. Schools are number one on the list of no gun zone in my book.

I mean, really, even you guys that want unlimited gun this-and-that, is any sane rational adult in favor of allowing guns in schools? Serious question.


Trakanon Raider
One thing I'd like to request: could anyone lecturing people on the difference between magazines and clips kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP? I don't give a flying fuck if it's not 100% correct terminology. Everyone knows what is meant when someone says clip. No one wants to hear your dissertation on the differences of magazines and clips, okay?

"There was a lot of ammo, a lot of clips," said state police Lt. Paul Vance. "Certainly a lot of lives were potentially saved."

Quick, someone go tune Lt. Vance in on the details!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
One thing I'd like to request: could anyone lecturing people on the difference between magazines and clips kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP? I don't give a flying fuck if it's not 100% correct terminology. Everyone knows what is meant when someone says clip. No one wants to hear your dissertation on the differences of magazines and clips, okay?


Quick, someone go tune Lt. Vance in on the details!
Except it makes people look like they learned all their information about firearms from movies, which is a great reason to listen to people.

Most policeman aren't "gun people". Just because they carry one everyday doesn't make them a "gun person". Stop and talk to a cop you know and ask them about their gun or any gun. Sure they receive training on the proper use and safety but that doesn't make them a "gun person". Two of the local ranges I shoot at have had seriuous safety incidents where the range had to be shut down till it could be rectified, all of them involved law enforcement. Maybe they get compaicent carrying a firearm everyday.

While watching the shop for a local gun store (in front of the range) I had to assist a female ATF agent in how to open the action on a Mossberg 500 action (to assure it was unloaded and the bolt action remained open) so she could check the serial number on it in her review of paperwork on site. I could see it if it had been some off the wall firearm, but it was possibly the best selling shotgun in the US and she didn't have a clue. I wanted to ask and push her on the issue but the gunstore owner told me to drop it since his business was at stake.


Molten Core Raider
Wtf? Please dont speak ever again. Sleeping with a pistol under your pillow is about one of the dumbest fucking things you can do. Your post, very very bad.
as I said in the post pertaining to that, it would only be a case of if i needed to protect myself from someone in my own care. As far as sleeping with a gun specifically either it being under a pillow or in the mattress or a shotgun between the mattress and wall...I'm here to tell you it's done and has been done throughout history fairly commonly. Maybe your not sure how a gun works but if you have one in the pipe and the safety off then your probably more afraid of whatever it is you need to protect yourself from than a gun going off under your head. Most normal people dont see themselves racking a slide and disengaging a safety, or rotating a cylider off the empty hole and disengaging a safety, then manipulating a DA trigger...even during the most rigorous dreams. Now most gun owners are very intimate with their protection piece. bedding down with it isnt a fear, its a comfort. If your not intimately comfortable with your gun, yes...I'd suggest you put it back in the safe...and possibly giving the key to someone else. but mainly my statement was a exaggeration of the lengths i'd go to keep a gun out of the hands of an unstable person IF i absolutely had to keep one accessable to protect myself from said person. I'm sorry your comprehension skills only allowed you to read me recommending that everyone with a gun keep one ready to go off under their faces at night. I apologize for offending your sensitive sensibilities with a statement about something that, infact happens all over this planet every day and night.


Molten Core Raider
I mean, really, even you guys that want unlimited gun this-and-that, is any sane rational adult in favor of allowing guns in schools? Serious question.
not even that long ago, our grandparents or great grandparents could carry a gun to school themselves. Always stories about draggin their 22 or 410 to school so a youngin could go shoot after, or even get dinner on the way home. anyway...whats the fear? Not having guns carried around or in schools has stopped what?

when i was younger i always miss interpreted what a gun free school zone was. I kinda thought it was like seeing construction ahead signs on the road. If you break a law with a gun or with a gun on you in that area the penalties would be much stiffer. and too be honest thats probably all it should be. I mean seriously, did they actually expect people who live close to a school to forgo their own rights to keep and bear arms? you earned the right to conceal carry, yet that right is null and void if you gotta go pick up your child? off duty officers had to drive a wide berth around a school? god forbid the brinks truck need to come around?


Trakanon Raider
Except it makes people look like they learned all their information about firearms from movies, which is a great reason to listen to people.

Most policeman aren't "gun people". Just because they carry one everyday doesn't make them a "gun person". Stop and talk to a cop you know and ask them about their gun or any gun. Sure they receive training on the proper use and safety but that doesn't make them a "gun person". Two of the local ranges I shoot at have had seriuous safety incidents where the range had to be shut down till it could be rectified, all of them involved law enforcement. Maybe they get compaicent carrying a firearm everyday.

While watching the shop for a local gun store (in front of the range) I had to assist a female ATF agent in how to open the action on a Mossberg 500 action (to assure it was unloaded and the bolt action remained open) so she could check the serial number on it in her review of paperwork on site. I could see it if it had been some off the wall firearm, but it was possibly the best selling shotgun in the US and she didn't have a clue. I wanted to ask and push her on the issue but the gunstore owner told me to drop it since his business was at stake.
Thank you for proving my point. The issue I have is that every asshole who talks about the clip vs. magazine thing, is doing it because they think they're the Stephen Fucking Hawking of firearms.

No one gives a shit. For 99% of people, clip and magazine are synonymous for all intents and purposes in this discussion.


Elisha Dushku
Still lower than violent crime rates in America, tosser!
We have more crimes but per capita you guys are higher.

Anyway, I missed the speech but I gather Obama wants to use the tragedy to overthrow our constitutional right to bear arms. I guess that means time to buy a gun as I presume the initial Obama solution will be to impose a $100 transfer tax or some other nonsense.

Got to give him credit, never let a crisis go to waste when you can use it to impose leftist ideology.


We have more crimes but per capita you guys are higher.

Anyway, I missed the speech but I gather Obama wants to use the tragedy to overthrow our constitutional right to bear arms. I guess that means time to buy a gun as I presume the initial Obama solution will be to impose a $100 transfer
tax or some other nonsense.

Got to give him credit, never let a crisis go to waste when you can use it to impose leftist ideology.
So somehow you missed the speech and you think Obama talked about taking away gun rights?

How do you even process information...

Why don't you listen to the speech the first time then give us your thoughts. Be a good little republican.


The gist of it was basically that something needs to be done, and that the complexity of the situation should not bar us from action, and that he would be using his power over the next few weeks to determine what course of action to take. Also said we can't accept these events.

Nothing wrong with what he said, and I don't disagree with him. We'll see how his words turn into action, but overall I think what he said was right.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Obama did not mention gun control. He was close and I could tell he wanted to, but he didn't. In fact I stopped what I was doing to listen when he got really close to saying it.
There doesn't seem to be much gun control discussion going on between the president and politicians from what I've seen.

The news mostly consists of people mourning the dead and a few commentators calling for a "discussion". They got this chance to actually talk about gun control but instead they just do nothing.

Quite pitiful really.


I honestly don't think gun control is on Obama's internal list of priorities and if it is it's most likely far below everything else. Now there are always going to be Democrats who want to either remove guns or limit them in some fashion.

Personally my wife and I own 2 handguns, 2 hunting rifles and 2 shotguns, which we made use of when we lived in Alaska. Neither of us are members of the NRA and we support the right to bear arms but I also believe people have a right to try and contest that. I'd have no problems with have stricter background checks, more gun training, etc.


Registered Hutt
You don't read shit. You just imagine things and look for some opinion piece that aligns with your paranoia. Obama isn't interested in an expansion of anti-gun policy.