Gun control


Buzzfeed Editor
Tell me more about your treatise on wisdom. You are interesting and unique, and I value the things you post.


Unelected Mod
Earlier in this thread we had people laughing at the idea that civilians with guns could in any way stand up against the government (in the context of the 2nd amendment being the last guarantee of our rights).

I just find that funny now given how essentially one "civilian" (not much training at all) has managed to flummox the entire LA PD. If the examples of insurgents around the globe wasn't enough of one, now you have one right at home. The only thign the heavily armed police forces have managed to do is shoot up civilians and make it even harder to find people. Now imagine all this happening largescale in a much more hostile environment to police forces and the government.


Unelected Mod
Let me also add I don't have any sympathy for this guy. I hope he gets killed and doesn't take down any more innocent lives. I just think its an interesting counterpoint to the "civilians with guns couldn't stop the government".


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not much training at all? He was a naval reservist and a police officer. He may not be a former member of Seal Team 10, but it's a bit of a stretch to call him an ordinary civilian. He's hardly a good counterpoint to that argument, even if that argument is profoundly ignorant.


Unelected Mod
Yeah, I was in the navy too. The amount of training you get in regards to shooting and military operations in the navy is a complete joke.

As for being a police officer, we have already discussed plenty of times in this thread how little training the average policeman gets. If you go to the range a few times a year you have more training than they do.

Beef Supreme_sl

Not much training at all? He was a naval reservist and a police officer. He may not be a former member of Seal Team 10, but it's a bit of a stretch to call him an ordinary civilian. He's hardly a good counterpoint to that argument, even if that argument is profoundly ignorant.
Naval Reservist + LAPD = Terminator
Earlier in this thread we had people laughing at the idea that civilians with guns could in any way stand up against the government (in the context of the 2nd amendment being the last guarantee of our rights).

I just find that funny now given how essentially one "civilian" (not much training at all) has managed to flummox the entire LA PD. If the examples of insurgents around the globe wasn't enough of one, now you have one right at home. The only thign the heavily armed police forces have managed to do is shoot up civilians and make it even harder to find people. Now imagine all this happening largescale in a much more hostile environment to police forces and the government.
Killing a few cops with an ambush and then going into hiding is hardly standing up to the government.


Unelected Mod
Killing a few cops with an ambush and then going into hiding is hardly standing up to the government.
Guerrilla warfare is exactly that. No one thinks abunch of civilians armed are going to resist the government by lining up and shooting at cops/military like they are redcoats.
Guerrilla warfare is exactly that. No one thinks abunch of civilians armed are going to resist the government by lining up and shooting at cops/military like they are redcoats.
Guerrilla warfare usually only works against outsiders. I don't know any modern day examples of the people overthrowing their government with guerrilla warfare, especially a government with a military as technologically advanced as the U.S., absent outside help. You seem to have some perverse admiration of this guy, but make no mistake, he'll end up in a body bag in a few days.


Unelected Mod
You seem to have some perverse admiration of this guy, but make no mistake, he'll end up in a body bag in a few days.
I hope he does end up in a bodybag. Especially before the LA PD manages to shoot up any more civilians hunting for him.

I also don't have any perserve admiration for him, well, at least only in the "holy shit can the LA PD be any more incompetent?" vein.
I hope he does end up in a bodybag. Especially before the LA PD manages to shoot up any more civilians hunting for him.

I also don't have any perserve admiration for him, well, at least only in the "holy shit can the LA PD be any more incompetent?" vein.
You probably didn't mean to, but your post heavily implied that he was "standing up" to the government. I'm not sure how, but you twisted the fact that a murderous lunatic was killing cops with guns into a support of having more guns. Kudos.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Guerrilla warfare usually only works against outsiders. I don't know any modern day examples of the people overthrowing their government with guerrilla warfare, especially a government with a military as technologically advanced as the U.S., absent outside help. You seem to have some perverse admiration of this guy, but make no mistake, he'll end up in a body bag in a few days.
Only works against outsiders? That's because you only resort to guerrilla warfare when you're attacked by a superior force. And you don't try and win the whole war with guerrilla warfare, the point is to keep your forces intact and operational while you rally more supporters to your cause. You're also causing a conflict of interest for the rank and file of the military, who are comprised of ordinary men and women just like the guerrillas.

Maybe the reason why it seems so ridiculous or unthinkable to you is because the US is still a LONG way away from the point of having a serious uprising against the government that consisted of ordinary citizens and not just militia whackjobs. A lot can change in 10-20 years.

Only works against outsiders? That's because you only resort to guerrilla warfare when you're attacked by a superior force. And you don't try and win the whole war with guerrilla warfare, the point is to keep your forces intact and operational while you rally more supporters to your cause. You're also causing a conflict of interest for the rank and file of the military, who are comprised of ordinary men and women just like the guerrillas.

Maybe the reason why it seems so ridiculous or unthinkable to you is because the US is still a LONG way away from the point of having a serious uprising against the government that consisted of ordinary citizens and not just militia whackjobs. A lot can change in 10-20 years.
No, it only works against outsiders, because it only works against outsiders. All the examples of effective guerrilla warfare, from the revolution, to vietnam, to Iraq, consisted of a guerrilla force that fought against a foreign invader. The guerrillas had a substantial home field advantage, including a superior understanding of the terrain, native cultural norms, and language, and thise allowed them to resist against a supperior force. But none of those advantages would be all that useful when the force they are resisting is their own government.

I mean, in your example, how easy would it be to stall and gather support from your fellow citizens to join in armed rebellion and shoot against their neighbors ? It's much easier to curry support against an outside invader. You'll have a much harder time getting people to join a rebellion to kill fellow Americans.


Unelected Mod
I'm not sure how, but you twisted the fact that a murderous lunatic was killing cops with guns into a support of having more guns. Kudos.
This guy is a ex-cop murderous lunatic. So the one thing we can be fairly sure of is that any sort of gun control would have had zero effect on this particular killing. He would have had access to guns regardless.


Unelected Mod
No, it only works against outsiders, because it only works against outsiders.
Thank you for validating me bringing this guy up as an example.

You are really, right on this board, saying that guerilla forces have never overthrown their own governments? Read some fucking history, not just US history.

edit: Also of course, in a situation in 10-20 years where the government turned tyrannical, the odds are at that point that some outside forces would be supporting anyone fighting against such a government.
Thank you for validating me bringing this guy up as an example.

You are really, right on this board, saying that guerilla forces have never overthrown their own governments? Read some fucking history, not just US history.

edit: Also of course, in a situation in 10-20 years where the government turned tyrannical, the odds are at that point that some outside forces would be supporting anyone fighting against such a government.
Re-read my statement. Read it, think about what I'm saying, then, if you still think I'm wrong and you want to prove that I am wrong, feel free to give me examples that discount my statement. Right now I don't think I said what you think I said.

And by the way, you would be only validated in bringing this guy up as an example if he was actually, you know, successful. Though I do doubt your intelligence at times, I don't think you're seriously suggesting that the end of America is coming because of 1 crazed lunatic.