Gun control

Big Derg_sl

I don't get it. You put words in my mouth and then tell ME to work on my reading comprehension. I've repeated my point time and time again. If it took you imagining words I did NOT use to finally understand the words that I DID use, perhaps I should stop engaging you, since it seems like a lost cause.
Let's be clear, do you or do you not agree that schools should have the right to allow its faculty to conceal carry or choose to be gun free?
So basically you are trying to tie a correlation about gun suicides to a potentially mentally ill teacher going on a killing spree?

I've thought really really hard about it, and I think better mental health care would manage that risk. People committing suicide in classrooms has nothing to do with gun violence.

If you are going to continue grasping at straws and bringing up anything your erratic mind can latch onto to try and prove guns are evil I don't see the point of discussing guns with you.

You obviously can't challenge the way you think and see that gun's don't cause the violence.
Here is a little life-line for you. On the same day that that little dipshit killed 27 kids at Sandy-hook, there was also another crazy dipshit that went on a rampage in a school in China . . . with a knife. He stabbed over 20 kids, yet none of them died. You are right, violence is everywhere, but I sure wish that kid had a knife instead of a riffle. And if you can't say the same, then you're a liar.
Here is a little life-line for you. On the same day that that little dipshit killed 27 kids at Sandy-hook, there was also another crazy dipshit that went on a rampage in a school in China . . . with a knife. He stabbed over 20 kids, yet none of them died. You are right, violence is everywhere, but I sure wish that kid had a knife instead of a riffle. And if you can't say the same, then you're a liar.
A shame none of the teachers had a gun.
A shame none of the teachers had a gun.
Teachers have guns here in some places, like Utah. So point me to where a teacher with a gun has stopped a school shooter. I'm waiting.

I mean, I've already showed you an article in which a member of the University of Colorado staff being stupid with her gun which resulted in an accidental discharge and injury of another, you should return the courtesy.
Teachers have guns here in some places, like Utah. So point me to where a teacher with a gun has stopped a school shooter. I'm waiting.

I mean, I've already showed you an article in which a member of the University of Colorado staff being stupid with her gun which resulted in an accidental discharge and injury of another, you should return the courtesy.
I figured a little common sense regulation would work here. How about a regulation, no cleaning guns on campus?
Point to where a teacher with a gun had the opportunity.
I won't point to a teacher with a gun that had the opportunity, but how about police with a gun that had the opportunity ?

There was a police presence at virginia tech, like there is at any large campus. One of those killed was a police officer. If your argument that guns in the hands of teachers would work as a deterrent, I can't imagine a shooter overlooking the deterrent of a police force yet being scared of armed teachers.

And your statement proves my other point -- a teacher has never had the chance to stop a shooter because school shootings are fucking insanely rare. Arming teachers is an overreaction.
Teachers accidentally shooting students is also insanely rare, even before the Gun Free Schools Act.

Why is it important to maintain that law?

Communities deciding whether they want teachers to have guns is fine by me. Trying to say armed teachers is more dangerous than the rare school shooting has no basis whatsoever.
I'm sure when a teacher does eventually stop a shooter, people will just say "You can't have known if the gunmen wouldn't have had a change of heart and stopped!!11"
I'll boil down the argument for you, so you can really understand what I'm saying. I'm NOT saying that a teacher CAN'T stop an armed shooter, not at all. But here is the argument:

YOU: an armed teacher can help stop a school shooter.
ME: that may be, but an armed shooter in schools is extremely unlikely, and an armed teacher would be MORE LIKELY to harm himself or others, than stop an armed shooter. Therefore, arming teachers is a disproportionate response to a minuscule risk.

The fact that I've already shown you people who are licensed and yet were still irresponsible and harming others in a fucking university, but no armed teachers have stopped a school shooter, suggests that my scenario (someone armed in a school hurting by-standers) is more likely to happen than your scenario (someone armed in a school preventing another armed shooter).

Big Derg_sl

I won't point to a teacher with a gun that had the opportunity, but how about police with a gun that had the opportunity ?

There was a police presence at virginia tech, like there is at any large campus. One of those killed was a police officer. If your argument that guns in the hands of teachers would work as a deterrent, I can't imagine a shooter overlooking the deterrent of a police force yet being scared of armed teachers.

And your statement proves my other point -- a teacher has never had the chance to stop a shooter because school shootings are fucking insanely rare. Arming teachers is an overreaction.
I can point to more cases where more school shooters committed suicide when faced with a gun.

Who's arming teachers?

Big Derg_sl

I'll boil down the argument for you, so you can really understand what I'm saying. I'm NOT saying that a teacher CAN'T stop an armed shooter, not at all. But here is the argument:

YOU: an armed teacher can help stop a school shooter.
ME: that may be, but an armed shooter in schools is extremely unlikely, and an armed teacher would be MORE LIKELY to harm himself or others, than stop an armed shooter. Therefore, arming teachers is a disproportionate response to a minuscule risk.

The fact that I've already shown you people who are licensed and yet were still irresponsible and harming others in a fucking university, but no armed teachers have stopped a school shooter, suggests that my scenario (someone armed in a school hurting by-standers) is more likely to happen than your scenario (someone armed in a school preventing another armed shooter).
How many shootings have happened in gun free zones vs those that have guns?


Trakanon Raider
that's why sports stadiums black out and cut away from broadcasting streakers and people who run onto the field, it prevents them from getting even more of the attention they crave.
Yea exactly. most of the crazy people that shoot up places have a message they want to get across. It doesn't matter if their message makes no sense or is completely crazy because real people end up getting hurt. The problem overall though is that people in this country are fanatical about owning guns and that sense of entitlement to owning guns is fueled by gun manufacturers and their lobbies. Unless there is a systematic change in the way lobbying is done in this country I don't see a change in this mentality. Now the gun lobbies and NRA are trying to deflect the blame on to entertainment and video games. Which is just plain stupid. If they end up getting their way America will turn into the world of Demolition Man

Big Derg_sl

So do the research and get back to me. Better yet, what is the ratio of gun free zone schools to those that are not ?
"I googled but couldn't find anything". Since you seem to be pulling likelihoods out of your ass, we both know there have been more school shootings in gun free zones. But your 'more likely' scenarios don't account for prevention for simply having the weapons in the first place. You're argument is exhausting. You argue in favor of having guns on campus because they stop bad guys, but apparently guns only work when a man with a badge is holding one. You then bring up suicide, which cops have one of the highest suicide rates, as a reason not to allow conceal carry. You're arguing just to argue at this point.

Back to two other questions. Who's arming teachers? Do you believe schools and teachers should have the right to allow conceal carry?
"I googled but couldn't find anything". Since you seem to be pulling likelihoods out of your ass, we both know there have been more school shootings in gun free zones. But your 'more likely' scenarios don't account for prevention for simply having the weapons in the first place. You're argument is exhausting. You argue in favor of having guns on campus because they stop bad guys, but apparently guns only work when a man with a badge is holding one. You then bring up suicide, which cops have one of the highest suicide rates, as a reason not to allow conceal carry. You're arguing just to argue at this point.

Back to two other questions. Who's arming teachers? Do you believe schools and teachers should have the right to allow conceal carry?
You know why I'm exhausting ? Because you're used to arguing with caricatures of your opponents. That's why you slip up and put shit in my mouth that I never said, because you simply assumed I said it. My assertion is that school shootings are low. I don't think you will challenge this assertion, because I think this is something that EVERYONE agrees on. Yet the probability of a CHL holder accidentally harming either himself or another is not low at all. You have google just like I do, so go google it and see how many results you get. It isn't wrong for me to say that it is more likely that someone with a CHL harms himself or another, than it is that a school shooting takes place. And even then, you have NO evidence that a teacher with a CHL will actually stop an armed shooter, because armed shootings are so fucking rare that there has never been an armed shooter in a school with a teacher with a gun. My assertion is further backed up by the fact that a CHL holder with a gun in a school hurting himself or another has already occurred -- my point isn't theoretical, your point IS.

As to your questions: No one is arming the teachers, but plenty of states are already allowing or are thinking of allowing the teachers to arm themselves. I do not believe teachers should have the right to arm themselves in schools.